I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 75: Relentless Trial

This sword was known to Chen Mo and Chen Wuxin was once given to him, but Chen Mo finally stayed in Changsheng Temple, leaving this sword in front of Chen Wuxin\'s spiritual position. It is said to be a very precious weapon.

   "Drink the porridge."

   Chen Wuxin said kindly, Chen Mo picked up the bowl of porridge and drank it.

  The taste...is the same!

   "Take a rest, get up early to practice tomorrow."

   After all, Chen Wuxin wants to go away!


   Chen Mo stopped him.

   "Huh? What else?"

   "Can I... hug you again?"

   Chen Mo looked at him.

   Chen Wuxin smiled.

   "You kid is really weird today. He didn\'t cause me trouble less before. What happened today? Big man, what hug?"

   Chen Mo walked over, then took a deep breath and hugged Chen Wuxin again!

In my own impression, he is very troublesome and mischievous. He really made Chen Wuxin trouble. He was harsh but kind. Chen Mo never hugged him or had a grandson. The act of hugging grandpa... now he has achieved it.


   Chen Mo hugged Chen Wuxin and slowly said, "Thank you for letting me see him again..."


   In the next instant, the short sword in Chen Mo\'s hand pierced his heart directly from behind.


   The figure of Chen Wuxin slowly fell to the ground, Chen Mo slowly put him down and let go.

   Blood was constantly pouring out of his mouth, his muddy eyes revealed disbelief and despair, and he pointed at Chen Mo.

"you you……"

   Chen Mo looked down at his figure and muttered:

   "Thank you for letting me see my master again, but I know that you are not him."


   As Chen Wuxin closed his eyes, a change appeared directly in front of Chen Mo. He once again appeared in a desolate world!

   "Ding...Congratulations on passing the third relentless trial of the Trial of Disaster, luck +15, charisma +15, comprehension +15, health +400, mana +400, get 100 points for freely assignable attributes!"

   The system prompt came that Chen Mo had already woke up like a dream!

   He was indeed moved when he saw Chen Wuxin, but he also knew that he could not appear there inexplicably from his experience! So it\'s still experience! Changing his equipment, it\'s useless to go to a familiar space!


   Chen Mo was not sure how to pass that level. He thanked this trial for allowing him to see the master again, but the master is irreplaceable, that person is not! Chen Mo guessed that he was the key to breaking the barrier, and he was right!

   This level is difficult to say, simple but not easy. Who can kill his most important person in a familiar scene? How many people can do it? Too little, too little.

   Chen Mo is not a ruthless person, but he knows that only knowing that this is not his real master, he can kill him without blinking! Because his master passed away seven years ago.

   Will there be guilt in my heart?

   The answer is definitely there! Although he knows that this is not his real master, he is also the fake figure in that picture! It\'s just that Chen Mo kept telling himself that this is a game, a trial, and everything is not real, even if the master in front of him is an illusion!

  Of course, many people don’t have the heart to start even if they know them! They can\'t do it, so even if they encounter this level, they can\'t pass it!

   The rewards for this calamity trial can be described as extremely rich. With these three trials alone, Chen Mo\'s attack power reached 755, an increase of up to 400 points! But he is also clear that if there is no such a secret disk, he would have been eliminated within ten seconds of the first trial. If his eyes did not lose light, in the dark environment of the first stage, even if there is no environmental damage, he would Can\'t easily face three agile monsters! Perhaps this is also a blessing in disguise, a blessing in disguise.

   "Ding...The fourth stage of the Trial of Disaster is about to begin, please prepare."

   Chen Mo once again offered the sword of disaster to surround him!

   The sky is dim, exactly the same as the sky in the Sea of ​​Death. The visibility is not high, but it is not a dark sky. It is more like the feeling that the sky is instantly dark when a big thunderstorm is coming!

   The ground is barren, there is no weed, only yellow sand and gravel, endless, God knows how big this map is?

   "Ding...Please note that you can pass the level by killing 40,000 units within four hours."

  The sudden system prompt made Chen Mo\'s whole body suddenly stop! Did he hear it wrong? Or is the system reporting an error?

   How many kills in four hours? forty thousand? Kill 10,000 monsters in an hour? Is it equivalent to killing three monsters in one second?

   No... These monsters are ants all over the floor, let him trample 40,000 ants to death, right? It might be done.


   Chen Mo\'s extravagant hopes are shattered! Because he saw the battlefield ahead, countless figures climbed up from the ground, within a short ten seconds, a few hundred meters in front of Chen Mo was already densely packed with swordsmanship, swordmanship, gunmanship... etc.! That number is really tens of thousands!

   Let him kill forty thousand Bronze BOSS or Silver BOSS soldiers in four hours? He couldn\'t imagine ~www.novelhall.com~ that person once did it!

  Since he can participate in the trial, it proves that his strength is not high. Even if he is not a player and his strength is not high, then there may be some possibilities for him to ignore the cold force, the damage per second, and the darkness! But how did he kill 40,000 enemies in four hours?

   If the previous difficulty has been so abnormal that Chen Mo can\'t imagine it, then the difficulty of this fourth level is simply undesirable for people to pass!


   Chen Mo stared closely at the tens of thousands of undermined army attacking him.

   "It seems that I was born specifically for this calamity trial."

   Chen Mo is really helpless, the difficulty is indeed abnormal, but he really doesn\'t want to admit that he can do it!

[Phantom God Change]: Type: Heaven Forbidden level magic skill, one of the pinnacle skills from Shui Shui, her identity is also a mystery, but she has the top combat power of the entire Tianlin Continent, even reaching the top level degree. Effect: Release the Phantom God Transformation, transforming itself into the Phantom God body, possessing 100% Prosperity attributes of the body, and fighting for one minute. Cooling time: 30 days.

   That\'s right, this is Chen Mo\'s ability to steal water! He actually guessed that something very dangerous might be encountered, so he deliberately stole it late in order to try it out, but he didn\'t expect that it would become a skill that would ultimately save his life and pass!

   "Magic God Change!"

The disaster sword in Chen Mo\'s hand instinctively turned into a disaster chain and returned to Chen Mo\'s wrist. At the same time, an extremely terrifying force burst out of Chen Mo\'s body. The pure white sky light will control Chen Mo. Shrouded inside, then a figure appeared in Chen Mo\'s position.