I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 7: Infinite is death!

The current attributes are exaggerated! Killing the Bronze BOSS for the first time in 30 minutes after the game is on, this record has been set! Chen Mo can even stop using the level today!

   Leveling is necessary, but there may be other things now, and that is the small fate behind him.

   There is a special fate between herself and Xiaoyuan, and this fate is very wonderful!

As a cursed girl, she can curse other people at the same time. When she was online, even Chen Mo didn\'t even see the whole surroundings. When she heard her voice, she pulled her clothes corner. Under normal circumstances, ordinary players were caught by her. When encountering the possibility of death, it is precisely that Chen Mo has the negative effects of the heavenly disk immunity. Isn\'t this fate still deep?

   "Big Brother, give me..."

   Xiao Yuan came over, and then timidly handed one of the fruits to Chen Mo.

She had eaten the others and looked very hungry. Chen Mo looked at her, and her vast and energetic eyes flashed with a simple look. It can be seen that she still wanted to eat, but she still gave it to Chen. street.

   Chen Mo shook his head: "You eat, I will take you to find an inn in the village to take a bath, buy you clothes, buy a pair of shoes, and then take you to find a bear."

   "New...new clothes..."

   Hearing Chen Mo\'s words, Xiao Yuan lowered his head and silently glanced at his dirty self, then nodded happily, and the little hand pulled Chen Mo subconsciously.

   Chen Mo hid his ID, and at the same time took out the player\'s mask and put it on.

   "Chen Mo" can no longer be low-key, but he must not appear in front of the world for the time being, because those people know his looks!

   Male players are masks, girls are veils, because many people don’t want to show their true face in the game, so this is something every player will have!

   "Why does Big Brother wear a mask?"

   Xiao Yuan blinked his eyes wide and looked at Chen Mo\'s puzzling question!

   "Because there are many bad guys looking for me."

"Big brother is a good person, everyone else is a bad person!" Xiao Yuan\'s voice was sweet, but very firm. At the same time, what surprised Chen Mo was that she seemed to be angry. There was a black streamer around her body, which looked a bit scary. !

   Chen Mo watched the black stream of light wind around him along his hand holding Xiao Yuan, and then frowned!

   "Ding...you are immune to the death effect."

   Chen Mo: "……"


   The most terrifying attribute of all virtual online games!

   No matter how many levels you are, even if you are a 100-level Heaven Forbidden Boss, once this effect is triggered, you will still die! This is death!

   Xiaoyuan’s black power turned out to be an instant-death effect, because he was immune, otherwise he would die! What is her identity?

   "Xiao Yuan..."

   Chen Mo gently rubbed her little head. Xiao Yuan was angry because she heard Chen Mo said that many bad guys were looking for him! When she gets angry, it will have this effect. Even the villagers hate her so much and even scold her, she is not angry...

   Chen Mo rubbed her head, Xiao Yuan seemed to calm down, the black light disappeared, but the moment Xiao Yuan looked at Chen Mo, Chen Mo saw her pupils!

   Endless darkness! Endless depth! Even the moment Chen Mo saw her pupils, his heart beat suddenly! That is a terrible death!

   This girl...

   "Xiaoyuan, do you hate those villagers?" Chen Mo asked.


   Xiaoyuan blinked her big eyes and asked innocently!

   "They won\'t give you food, they will even be hostile to you, and they will scold you..."

   Xiao Yuan blinked big eyes... She doesn\'t seem to understand these things!

   She really didn’t understand, otherwise she would not go to the village again. Even so far, she didn’t know about the fact that a dozen villagers who met Xiaoyuan died! She doesn\'t understand either! She is also at a loss. Why are the villagers afraid of her and don\'t like to talk to her, so they leave when they see her... and don\'t let her enter the village...

   Today, I was able to enter the village completely because there were too many players, and the Novice Village was full. Xiao Yuan walked in curiously, and no people who stopped her before continued to block...

   Xiao Yuan shook her head, she didn\'t know.

   Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief, she shouldn\'t hold her hate, otherwise she won\'t be where she is now!

   But Chen Mo knows that this is not to blame the villagers, because thirteen people died in the village of Xiaoyuan!

   took Xiaoyuan\'s dirty little hand and entered the village!


As soon as    entered, Chen Mo was stopped by a few villagers!

   "Gosh! He, he is still with this disaster star, even holding hands!"

   Someone was shocked!

   Several villagers held weapons and pointed at Chen Mo and Xiaoyuan. They were so vigilant that they didn\'t even dare to move forward.

   "You can\'t bring her in!"

   A burly middle-aged man looked at Chen Mo warily with a **** and said!

Many players around    gathered here curiously!

   Chen Mo wore a mask and did not attract much attention, because there are many players wearing masks and veils!

   "I will take her into the village to take a bath and buy some clothes!"

   Chen Mo said to the villagers!

   "No, she is a disaster star, whoever touches her will die! You can\'t let her enter the village!"

   Chen Mo frowned!

   "I will follow her next to my body and will not let her touch anyone!"

   "That\'s not okay! She is a taboo in the village, boy, I advise you to spend the next few days well, don\'t be with her anymore!"

   Xiaoyuan blinked big eyes and looked at the group of villagers around who were watching her warily.

   Chen Mo knelt down and rubbed Xiaoyuan\'s hair~www.novelhall.com~ and said, "I\'ll go in and buy it for you. If I take a shower, I will take you to a small river. Go there and don\'t move or touch people."

   Xiao Yuan took Chen Mo\'s big hand and nodded.

   "Can I enter now?"

   Chen Mo asked.

   "Go in!"

   Then Xiao Yuan went to stay behind a tree not far away, and Chen Mo walked into the village!

   In the village, there are so many players, the burly man followed Chen Mo!

   "Boy, you are an adventurer from another world, right?"

   Chen Mo nodded.

   "Then you are also a human being, this girl is a disaster star, 13 people in our village have touched her one after another, and all died within a month, and you too..."

   Chen Mo nodded: "Thanks for reminding!"

   "Hey, don\'t blame you. I can see that you are very close to her. If you think it is possible, you can let her come to my house at night."

   Chen Mo raised his brows.

   "Uncle, aren\'t you afraid?"

   "To be honest, although this girl is a disaster star, she is very pitiful, as long as she doesn\'t touch her."

   "Thank you! I don\'t know what the uncle is called?"

   "Just call me Uncle Wang, I\'m the blacksmith in the village! That\'s my home! I won\'t tell you more." Uncle Wang pointed to a house and walked away.

   "Thank you, Uncle Wang."

   Chen Mo walked into the clothing store in the village, but did not forget to release an infinite big move.

   "Ding...you got the big move [Sweep All Directions]."

   At this moment, a lot of players gathered next to Xiaoyuan!

   "Shao Qin, this little girl is an NPC, maybe it can trigger a hidden mission!"

   Several players looked at Xiaoyuan from a short distance and said!

   "Go, see if you can trigger the mission!"