I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 60: I once had a wish

Chen Mo smiled slightly, and an idea emerged in his mind. He wants to become stronger and has important things to do. It is indeed very fate with Xiaoyuan, but he can\'t really go anywhere anytime. Stay with her. It is not convenient for you, and she may also be in danger. What if the power does not burst out? Without that power, Xiao Yuan is really just like an ordinary little girl.

   And now, Xiao Yuan has found Xiao Xiong, she is very powerful, and their relationship is so good, she can protect Xiao Yuan, better than her own protection, she should let go.

To be honest, there are some who are reluctant to play virtual online games for so many years. This day is too real. Every character here has emotions and independent thinking. Xiaoyuan is one of his few friends. , He really has no friends, especially after the eye accident, Xiaoyuan is the first one Chen Mo has seen in recent years! From the moment he entered Tianlin, the fate of the two people was destined.

   If he doesn\'t have hatred, he definitely wants to bring a little fate.

   "Ding...Congratulations on completing the task [Finding Little Bear]."

The task reminder sounded, but the embarrassing part of this task is that the task penalty is exaggerated and the level is cleared. Chen Mo is not worried about this, but the task reward is unknown. Now it is completed. But what is the reward? Chen Mo doesn\'t know yet.

   The mission reward for the previous mission is also unknown, but he has obtained the law of soul, which is the mission reward. The unknown reward for this mission may need to be seen later!

   "By the way, Shui Shui, do you know Xiao Yuan\'s curse ability?"

   Shui Shui pulled Xiao Yuan and nodded: "I know, it\'s very powerful, but Xiao Yuan can\'t control this power."

"You are not afraid?"

   Chen Mo looked at them holding hands!

   Shui Shui shook his head: "Don\'t be afraid! Because Shui Shui is also very powerful, and I have been with Xiao Yuan for a long time, and I am immune to Xiao Yuan\'s cursing power."

   Chen Mo is secretly speechless, can he still be so?

"Then I ask you, she can\'t control this power, but her hand always has this cursing power, that is to say, as long as she touches any person, it is equivalent to releasing the cursing power. ?"

   Shui Shui nodded his head.

"That\'s good!"

   If this is the case, Chen Siniang’s mission should be completed!

   Chen Mo opened the ranking list and took a look.

   I was still the first place. As the level increased, the player\'s level was getting slower and slower. Chen Mo didn\'t have much level, but he was still the first!

   The second place is Qingcheng, and it is also the ninth level, the third is the king, the fourth is the son Mo, and the fifth is Tiandiyijian all nine levels!

As for the previous shadow dream on the leaderboard, it may be that other players have caught up with her very strongly, or there may be a very important point. Novice Village is destroyed. Their 99999 Novice Village spawning places will be more than a dozen. A kilometer away, a lot of time has been lost. Perhaps she was also one of the players who was destroyed by Xiaoyuan\'s power and died.

   Now Chen Mo has only two things, complete Chen Siniang\'s task, then raise his level to tenth, go to the Sea of ​​Death and then leave Novice Village to go to the wider Tianlin Continent.

   As for how to increase this level, it is embarrassing! He also had to go to a map ten kilometers away to clean up the monsters, because the ten kilometers around him were all destroyed by Xiaoyuan\'s power just now.

   "Go, Xiaoyuan, do me a favor!"


   Xiao Yuan nodded his head again and again.

   "But, are you okay?"

   After all, Xiao Yuan vomited blood just now.

   Shui Shui said: "Don\'t worry about the big brother, the damage of the power countercurrent is not too great, plus the leaves just now, the little bell will be fine."

   Chen Mo nodded, and then led the two girls towards Xinshou Village!

   At the location of Xinshou Village, that village is completely gone, the houses and everything are gone, and it has become a clearing! Only the player\'s resurrection point is lit there!

   There are too many unknown players around, chatting with each other and discussing the next countermeasures!

   "Chen Si Niang!"

   Chen Mo suddenly saw a figure not far in front sitting in an area with few people meditating.


   Chen Siniang opened her beautiful eyes and stood up. Chen Mo brought them to her.

   "Are you all right?"

   Chen Siniang looked at them in surprise, then his eyes fell on Xiao Yuan and Shui Shui.

   "It\'s okay!"

   Chen Siniang didn\'t see where Chen Mo came from. If you saw it, you would be more suspicious, because they came from the direction of the battle between the two figures just now.

   She was injured by that terrifying force, but it didn\'t matter.

   "I really envy you adventurers who come from different worlds. They have such abilities against the sky. They can be blessed by light when they receive fatal damage, and even such strong power can stop them without falling!"

   Chen Siniang exclaimed!

  In the eyes of their NPCs, they think that players are resurrected just because everyone has a light that can block fatal damage for them~www.novelhall.com~ But it is resurrection for players!

   can be considered reasonable! There is no need to explain this kind of thing to the NPC, because you can\'t explain it at all. Tell them, you are just a character in the game? Nonsense.

   Many people saw Chen Mo.

   "Look! It\'s Chenmo!"

   "I\'m going! What the hell? The two little loli around him are so pretty!"

   "Wait! Is that the little beggar from the previous village? Nima! It turned out to be such a beautiful little beauty! This dusty beast!"

   "It\'s so scheming. The little beggars you meet will be so beautiful after they are cleaned and dressed. Who can stand it!"

"I once had a wish, that was to find a beggar on the side of the road and take it home. When she finished taking a shower, she was actually a super beautiful woman. Chen Mo realized my wish! Fuck! I\'m not alive anymore! The power just killed me!"


   The players talked a lot, but they are no longer interested in Chen Mo, because of their mentality! The village is gone, the people are dead again, there is no need to clean the place where the monsters are cleaned! Playing with wool? Moreover, the task of hunting down Chen Mo is meaningless. The village chief is dead!

Of course, there can still be Qin Heyu’s half a million, but Chen Mo’s methods are not unheard of. Everyone can’t agree for the time being, and Qin Heyu has been so miserable, and the gods’ dusk is even worse. They are also afraid that if they rush up and then What if I kowtow to Chen Mo?

   This 99999 novice village, including Chen Mo’s humiliation of the gods at dusk, has become the hottest topic now! Click on the top two topics in the forum.

   "Si Niang, is the fairy grass still there? Has it been destroyed?"

   Chen Mo asked.