I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 58: The little loli is so hanging now?

In those movies and anime, the sword of heaven and earth splits a mountain that feels very hanging, and Chen Mo also feels very hanging, but after seeing this scene, he realizes, what is that?

Even if you split Mount Everest, it is completely incomparable to this scene. This scene is as if the ground is split apart, and it is not simply a few hundred meters away, except that it does not involve Chen. On Mo\'s side, in front of him, everything in his line of sight was split apart by Xiaoyuan\'s dark power like a sword of heaven and earth!

   An abyss that is hundreds of meters wide, bottomless, and endless. Who can imagine that this is released by a cute little loli who looks harmless to humans and animals?

   Chen Mo raised his head and looked at the two figures in the distance. The force that was split between the world and the earth did not cause harm to the other little girl? Or is it...hidden?

   Above the void, another terrifying power burst out, still that kind of power!

   "Little bell, I am a little bear!"

The little girl stood in the void and looked at Xiao Yuan anxiously. It was not the first time that she saw this kind of power, so she understood what Xiao Yuan\'s state was like now. The reason why she didn\'t do anything, she kept dodge and talked, just hope Can awaken Xiaoyuan\'s consciousness!

   "The light of God!"

   Chen Mo sees that the situation is not good, but Xiao Yuan\'s power cannot be allowed to explode again. Although there are indeed no innocent people here, will this burst of power cause harm to Xiao Yuan?

   Chen Mo thinks so!

  In the chain of calamity, a pure white and flawless light rushed to the sky, and then rushed to Xiaoyuan. Xiaoyuan\'s figure was wrapped in that power!

   "Ding...The light of the gods is successfully released, and the goal will be to restore the clearness in an uncertain time!"


   Chen Mo frowned! Uncertain time?

   He thought about it, and he probably understood what it meant. After all, Xiaoyuan is an NPC. For the player, it may take effect instantly due to the system, but for their NPC, it is a process! A real process, just like an injury, the NPC\'s blood bar is low to a certain level, which proves that it has suffered a very high injury. It will be a very short time. But the player is different. As long as your health bar is full, the player is in full bloom!

   But, uncertain time, what if this time is long?

   At this moment, Xiao Yuan stood in the void and swayed, the dark power around her body seemed a little disordered, and she looked very painful holding her head.

   The little girl sees Xiao Yuan’s state, and from her realm, she can feel clearly that this **** is suppressing Xiao Yuan’s violent power!

   She cast her gaze to the place where the light came from, and saw Chen Mo below.

   "It\'s him! Little Bell ran away because I attacked him, and he has the ability to suppress Little Bell\'s power!"

   Thinking of this, she rushed directly to Chen Mo, not to kill him, she was very smart, she knew she was wrong just now, but maybe that big brother could help Xiaoling.

   At the moment the little girl moved, Xiao Yuan\'s movement of holding her small head stopped, and the deep and dark pupils appeared again, because Xiao Yuan saw the dangerous force and rushed towards Chen Mo!

   She is not conscious now, but the subconscious in her heart makes her do it!


   Behind, Xiao Yuan followed closely, and their speed was so fast. The distance of several kilometers had been reached in an instant, and in such a short period of time, Xiao Yuan had once again condensed that terrifying power in the rear!

   The little girl looked back and showed a shocked expression!


   The overwhelming power was cut down again!

   Chen Mo looked up at the scene of the end of the world.

   How big is this range, a few hundred meters, his infinite jump is only ten meters, what to hide?

   Suddenly, Xiao Yuan\'s figure saw Chen Mo\'s figure under the force she released. Her pupils became clear in an instant, then she subconsciously gritted her teeth and waved her right arm.


A mouthful of blood spurted out due to the power countercurrent. At this moment, the white brilliance completely enveloped it. At the same time, the power released by Xiaoyuan was abruptly torn apart by her, and the power collapsed in mid-air, rushing in all directions. !

   There is nothing around that can be destroyed, so this force will destroy the air...

   "Little bell!"

   The little girl who had just landed saw Xiao Yuan\'s figure falling from the sky, and then jumped to catch him and fell down.

   Chen Mo ran over.

   He only heard the girl who was exactly like Xiaoyuan said that this power was terrifying, and he believed it when he saw it today!

   "Is Xiao Yuan okay?"

   Chen Mo asked, seeing the blood at the corner of Xiao Yuan\'s mouth.

   He probably understood that it was a misunderstanding just now. This little girl and Xiao Yuan should be good friends, because Chen Mo had seen her worry and tears came out of her eyes.

   She shook her head, then ate a green leaf for Xiao Yuan, and then laid Xiao Yuan flat on the ground, saying: "Little Bell is okay, the strength is reversed, it will be fine in a while!"

   After that, she turned her head to look at Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief~www.novelhall.com~It\'s just...Is the little loli so scary these years? My uncle felt like a smelly brother in front of them.

   Seeing the little girl\'s face clearly, Chen Mo was also slightly surprised.

   She is about the same age as Xiaoyuan, and she is also a little loli. At least her appearance is average, but if she is really only a teenager, Chen Mo doesn\'t believe it! Can teens shake the world? No matter how talented people are, right?

She wore a white princess dress, really like a little princess, her hair was a bit messy, because of the battle, her delicate features were perfect as the stars in the sky inlaid on her immature and white face, just like Xiaoyuan. Those big eyes are particularly aura. What she reminded Chen Mo is that she has a pair of cute little tiger teeth. There is a bear card on her hair, but her words and deeds are more mature than Xiaoyuan, and she is probably worried about her. For sake of it.

  【? ? ? 】:grade:? ? ? ,grade:? ? ? ,life value:? ? ? , Introduction:? ? ?

   Sure enough, they were all question marks. Chen Mo found out that he was really stupid. Why did he investigate? Expect a miracle?

   "Why do you call her Xiaoyuan?"

   she asked.

   "Why did you call her little bell?"

   Chen Mo also asked.

   "I called her little bell very early."

   Chen Mo looked at it, and on Xiao Yuan’s ankles, there were a pair of beautiful-looking little bells without too many magical bells!

   "Are you a bear?"

   Chen Mo suddenly looked at her and asked.


   The little girl was taken aback, then nodded: "I call her Little Bell, and she calls me Little Bear! But I named myself Shui Shui."

   Shui Shui glanced at Xiao Yuan and then looked at Chen Mo and said quietly.