I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 56: The Law of Soul

Chen Mo frowned while reading the big secret that Zhang Qiu said.

"I can see the strength very clearly at that time. It was two girls fighting each other. They destroyed the unimaginable place in the back mountain. It seemed that the world could be destroyed with their gestures. In the end I saw that they were both injured and one fell to the northern forest. In the direction, the other person was in a coma for three days and followed the cave into the Wangxian Forest. It is very likely that they are in the village. They are very strong, and they are not dead, and the girl I saw has something terrible in her If you see Master Chenmo, please be careful. This is one of the secrets that the little girl wants to tell Master Chenmo, and there is another..."

"There is another...in the back mountain, there is a giant beast of 10,000 meters, a white tiger as large as 10,000 meters. It has a pair of sky wings, soaring into the air, the world can be blocked by it, but it also participates in that. After the battle between the two people, I paid attention to the back mountain for many days. Although I didn’t see it again, I didn’t find it left, nor did I find it went to the village. It is very likely that he was still seriously injured in the back mountain. Please Chenmo You must be careful when you go to the back mountain, they are all from the existence of Tianlin Continent, and they are very strong... very strong!"

   These are all the secrets left by Zhang Qiu.

   Chen Mo frowned!

   There is too much information in this sentence!

   The two girls fought and were seriously injured. One flew to the northern forest, and the other went from the cave to the Wangxian Forest outside, maybe to the village...

   Two girls...

   There is a sea of ​​death in the northern forest, so the two of them are probably the same girl in Xiaoyuan and the sea of ​​death! They are opponents!

   Two identical twin sisters fought so hard that they even got seriously injured? This is a bit unreasonable!

   Chen Mo didn\'t think about this anymore, because he couldn\'t figure it out either!

   Another piece of news is the 10,000-meter monster!

   For the monster, the level reached a certain level, it can become bigger, it is not impossible for kilometers or 10,000 meters! At least it is certain that that huge two-winged white tiger has a very high level. Is it now behind?

   Is this monster beast the little bear that Xiaoyuan said?

   Chen Mo thinks it\'s possible! Because the three of them can be linked together!

   Chen Mo took a deep breath. What kind of identity this Xiao Yuan was really puzzled him, and then Chen Mo led Xiao Yuan to walk back!

   About ten minutes later, Chen Mo saw the light ahead. When he walked over, Chen Mo could see that this place was rushed away by force, that is, the force released by the two of them fighting!

   When Chen Mo walked out, he was secretly speechless!

   finally understood what Zhang Qiu meant, how far the two men fought!

In front of   , there was an empty space, and everything in the sight range was messy. There was no life. Perhaps there was life before, but you have seen an atomic bomb fall in a place and explode, where there is still green grass?

   Yes, it feels like being flattened by an atomic bomb. There are even many deep pits as large as hundreds of meters. It is conceivable how much power can cause such an effect.

   "Look, big brother."

   Xiao Yuan points to the distance, her big eyes are full of small stars, very beautiful.

   Chen Mo looked over!

   In the distance, a purple beam of light rose up from the sky, connected to the sky, and an unexplainable force rushed toward the face. This scene was quite surprising!

   And that purple beam of light is exactly what Chen Mo is looking for!

   "What kind of treasure can connect the world with the earth!"

   Chen Mo then took Xiaoyuan and hurried to go there.

   About twenty minutes later, the purple beam of light was in front of Chen Mo. It didn\'t feel great from a distance. When he got closer, he realized that the purple light could be as thick as a dozen meters! He approached and turned around, but he still did not see what the purple beam of light was releasing!

There was a strong hurricane around   , blowing Chen Mo\'s clothes and hair, Xiaoyuan\'s double ponytails were blown away, and she was dancing wildly.

   "This seems to be just a simple force connecting heaven and earth!"

   Chen Mo frowned, he tentatively stretched out his hand to the purple light.

   When Chen Mo\'s hand reached into the purple light, a shocking scene happened!

   The purple beam of light that connects the sky and the earth, the light is pouring into the catastrophe chain on Chen Mo\'s wrist at an unimaginable speed!

   Chen Mo was shocked, and then hurriedly pulled his hand out, but the purple light could not be restrained at all, and it all poured into the chain of disaster!

   "This power is actually related to the chain of calamity? What the chain of calamity lacks is the twelve original laws, wait... Is this one of the original laws?"

   Chen Mo showed a shocked expression!

   About a minute later, the purple brilliance that connected heaven and earth was completely absorbed by the chain of calamity.

   "Ding...you have obtained the law of soul."

   "Ding...The Chain of Calamity gains the Law of Soul and its attributes are improved."

   Chen Mo was at the same place.

  The Law of Soul? This connecting heaven and earth turned out to be the law of the soul!

  If it is the law of the soul... Chen Mo suddenly understood why Zhang Qiu and the others could survive. Although Chen Mo didn\'t know what the law of the soul meant, there must be a certain connection between the soul and their spirit body! It is precisely because of this soul rule that they can be saved!

Then Chen Mo took a look at the soul law he had obtained~www.novelhall.com~the soul law]: There are twelve laws between heaven and earth. These twelve laws constitute the heaven and the earth, constitute life, and constitute everything in the world. The twelve laws are indispensable. It is rumored that if someone can control the twelve laws, they are in control of the world. The twelve laws are complementary to each other. Simply obtaining one of them may not have much effect. The soul law is the third mysterious law among the twelve laws. The law, control the soul and everything, take the initiative: the player can be resurrected within one minute after death, and can be triggered once a day (note: currently only the player can be resurrected), the degree of the mastery of the law is related to their own strength, when the strength is achieved, the soul law can give orders Thousands of souls.

   Passive: Any form of weapon, any form of attack caused by it has a 1% chance to strip its soul directly, after stripping, it can be controlled by the law of soul without cooling.

   Chen Mo: "……"

  The Law of Soul, resurrected once a day! This is only for now, and its effect will increase as his level increases, and it may be possible to resurrect NPC in the future!

No, it’s not enough to resurrect NPCs by the law of soul alone. There is also the law of life. These two laws complement each other and should be able to do it. This law of life is what Chen Mo needs to find. The girl said that this law can heal his eyes, Chen Mozhen There is a glimmer of anticipation!

   Twelve rules, one of them!

   And there is also a passive, 1% soul stripping, and even control... is it similar to the effect of mind control? If the soul is stripped, does it mean that his body is dead?

   Then Chen Mo glanced at the attributes of the Chain of Calamity!

   Now the law of soul is in the chain of calamity, but as the master of the chain of calamity, Chen Mo can control its power! The chain of disaster must also be improved.