I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 54: Goodbye... Mr. Chen Mo

Thousands of monsters swarmed directly into the village. Gods block and kill the gods, and Buddhas block and kill the Buddhas. They ignore players outside the village, but they kill people when they enter the village. Moreover, such a turbulent and large number of monsters is completely Can\'t stand it, unless you can gather tens of thousands of players instantly, but this is impossible because there is no defense at all!

   And there is another point, it is useless for players to be there, because player levels are generally at level five or six, and these monsters are generally at level more than ten. They only need two strikes to kill these players, and the skills may be solved in one shot.

However, the player wants to block this beast tide, in fact, it is very simple, that is, to prepare in advance and block it with absolute numbers, but now they can’t. These monsters rushed directly into the village like wild horses. ! Go directly to the villagers’ houses, or kill all the NPCs and players you can see on the streets of the village!

   For a while, the players and villagers scattered and fled. Some players fantasized to block them, but they were instantly melted!

   Despair, crying, collapse, screaming drifting across the village.

   "Don\'t... don\'t kill me!"

   A middle-aged woman fell to the ground, her face full of tears and despair, looking at a terrestrial war bear in front of her.


   The Earth War Bear roared, and then she fell into a pool of blood.

At this moment, Chen Mo took Xiaoyuan to a high cliff next to Xinshou Village and sat there. Xiaoyuan clung to Chen Mo\'s arms obediently. Chen Mo hugged her, and the two of them looked condescendingly at the village below. What happened here!

   The players tried to rush into the village, and they rushed in too, but they couldn\'t stop it! They can unite several players to kill one monster, but they cannot kill all monsters in a short time.

   Chen Mo\'s eyes shone coldly.

   To be honest, poor is pathetic, even he can\'t bear it, but when he thinks of everything before, he becomes cold!

   "Big Brother... Why... Big Brother doesn\'t help them?"

   Xiaoyuan raised his head in Chen Mo\'s arms and looked at Chen Mo suspiciously.

   "Because I caused all this, so why should I help them?"

   Chen Mo rubbed her hair.

   "But... why are they dying?"

  Chen Mo lightly smiled: "Because they bullied Xiaoyuan, and because they did a lot of things that people and gods are angry with, and they fight with their lives. This is the punishment they deserve."

   "The big brother is the one who punished them..."

   Chen Mo said: "If I don\'t punish them, maybe no one will be able to punish them."

   "Big brother is a good person."

   Xiao Yuan\'s head was nestled in Chen Mo\'s arms again.

   "No... I am not a good person either."

   Chen Mo looked down and said with piercing eyes.

The village below    fell directly in a very short period of time. I don’t know how many villagers died under the big mouth and sharp claws!

   Many players came to help, but when they saw the blood on the floor, or even the broken limbs on the floor, they collapsed!

   These are ordinary players, they are all ordinary people, let alone stumps and broken arms, no dead people have been seen, who can stand it?

   I don’t know how many people vomited and ran away, or they chose to go offline! Too terrifying, this will definitely create a huge shadow for them!

   This is what many of them did not expect!

   The previous virtual online games, not to mention the broken limbs, even if the NPC is killed, there will be no blood, but now, everything is so real as if a real person died! The smell of blood is so strong!

   But for players, this will not happen, only for NPC!

   things like this can actually cause social panic, but who would have thought that there would be such a picture?

   originally wanted to rush over together and get rid of all the monsters in the village. As soon as I entered the village and saw the scenes, one by one spit out and ran away! Some people even dare not go in after hearing the desperate screams of the NPCs in the village!

Chen Mo watched this scene with Xiao Yuan all the way, Xiao Yuan didn\'t look at it much, more of it was nestled in Chen Mo\'s arms. Chen Mo could only see the scene inside, but he couldn\'t see the scene with the broken arm. clear! He saw villagers running desperately one after another, and then they were blocked by monsters, biting, tearing, and finally dying...

   Maybe some of them hid and didn\'t die, but there are probably not many left. In short, even if they survived, they would leave this place! Your whole life will be spent in despair, right?

   This kind of desperate voice spread far and lasted for a long time. Really, just listening to this kind of voice can make people collapse and have nightmares.

   Behind, Chen Mo felt some aura, he turned his head and frowned!

   Zhang Qiu brought the two dozen girls over, walked to Chen Mo\'s side, stood on the edge of the cliff, and looked at the village below.

   ticking ticking——

   Zhang Qiu and their tears slipped silently, falling to the ground and turning into nothingness.


   Some young people broke down and burst into tears.

   This kind of crying is a kind of relief of revenge, and it is also a kind of pain.

   Seeing the despair of the villagers who used to live together, I remembered that they used to call Uncle Wang, Uncle Zhang, and Grandma Li sweetly, but they killed each of their family members. It is sad to think of these...

   Behind, they hugged each other and cried, their figures are getting lighter...

   Zhang Qiu wiped his tears and then turned to look at Chen Mo~www.novelhall.com~ and saluted him.

   "Thank you, Mr. Chenmo..."

   Chen Mo pulled Xiaoyuan to his feet.

   Zhang Qiu did not control his emotions, tears were still falling.

   "The treasure goes out from the end of the cave, and Master Chen Mo can see it. As for the secret, I have carved it on the wall inside the cave..."

   Chen Mo nodded slightly.

   "We... should also leave..."

   Zhang Qiu glanced at the village, his eyes were relieved, and at the same time reluctant to give up, then he looked at Chen Mo, his figure becoming weaker and weaker and weaker.

   "Thank you, Master Chenmo..." Her tears kept falling.

   "Is it worth it? In order to see this scene with my own eyes, the ashes disappeared..."

   Chen Mo looked at her and said in a deep voice.

If they do not choose to leave Wangxianlin, they can choose to enter the underworld with their souls and start a new life in the underworld, but if they leave there, without the protection of that power, they will be wiped out, and maybe even the so-called reincarnation. No more, completely dissipated.

"worth it……"

   A smile of relief appeared at the corner of Qiu\'s mouth.

   "I really miss everyone who used to live carefree in this small isolated village..."

   She closed her eyes slowly.

   "Goodbye... Mr. Chenmo, goodbye... this world."


   All the tearful silhouettes turned into stars, turned into nothingness and drifted away with the wind...

   At the moment she was about to dissipate, she saw Xiao Yuan turned her head, her pupils suddenly shrank, she wanted to say something but couldn\'t say it anymore.