I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 503: 7 love

Seeing this introduction, Chen Mo raised his brows.

  Could it be that this skill will have seven effects, right?

   Seven Emotions-Xi\'s next movement speed increases by 1000, consumes 100 mana per second, can be turned on at any time, and turned off at any time, a total of one hour per day.

Seven emotions-anger then doubles the attack power, cancels the half damage effect on the opposite **** unit, the damage caused must be a critical strike, consumes 100 mana per second, can be turned on at any time, and turned off at any time, a total of one hour per day .

   Seven Emotions——Sorry to choose a target, ignoring the level, ignoring the rank, consume 50 maximum mana of oneself, reduce all attributes except health by 50, and last for up to one hour. Can be released once a day.

Seven emotions-fear of choosing a target, ignoring the level, ignoring the grade, so that it will have a deep sense of fear for you, and it will never cause an attack on you. The rest of the chain effect position produced lasts up to an hour and consumes mana The value is 10000. Can be released once a day.

   Seven Emotions-Love chooses a target (except for yourself), raises the target\'s all attributes by 100, lasts up to one hour, consumes 10000 mana, and can be released once a day.

   Seven Emotions-Evil choose a target, ignore the level, ignore the grade, forcibly deprive the target of 10 maximum health, consume 10,000 mana, and can be released once a day.

  Qiqing——After the desire is activated, the effect of the next Qiqing skill is doubled. Consumes all current mana points and can be released once a day.

  Chen Mo "……"

  When Chen Mo finished watching these seven emotion skills, he was completely shocked!


   Isn’t the power of the interlocutor under Shura?

  Chen Mo always feels that this love saint is better than his Shura at the moment! But it’s hard to say, after all, Shura is indeed more powerful in killing, and there are still two skills in the Shura career that have not been activated. It may even be possible that Chen Mo if he is lucky enough to get the second or third rank, he can still obtain other Shura skills. .

  However, the seven emotions of this love saint\'s career have surprised Chen Mo!

  This is really a skill with seven effects, no, it is actually seven skills!

  Speed ​​bonus, attack bonus, the target\'s extremely weakened attribute, the fear of the soul, the increase of teammate attribute, the deprivation of the percentage of maximum health...

   is really incomparably against the sky, and the most terrifying thing is that it ignores grade and level! With these seven emotions-the deprivation of the 10 maximum health value of evil, plus the deprivation of Chen Mo\'s 10 deprivation of the law of withering, a forbidden-level monster beast can be directly seconded as long as its blood volume is less than 80! And there is a Seven Emotions-Desire, the effect of the next Seven Emotions skills doubled! Is this horrible?

You might think that the seven emotions-evil is not too strong, it\'s just that the attack power is doubled, and the critical strike is already available, which is useless. It is really useful to halve the damage to the opposite **** character, but it is added. Cheng is too low to compare with Shura! But one thing...

  This skill is turned on for one hour a day, and can be turned on and off at any time! The idea of ​​Shura is powerful, but every time you turn it on, you can only count in seconds. If you really need it, you will be in the period of increase in an hour!

  In short, these seven skills made Chen Mo\'s horror soar again.

   "Thank you seniors!"

  Chen Mo gave a fist to the place where the love saint disappeared, but he found that there was a ring in that place. Chen Mo frowned and walked over, holding the ring floating in the air in his hand.

  When Chen Mo held the ring, the voice of the love saint came from the void.

  "If you take this ring away, all the heaven and earth spiritual objects in the ruins will be stored here, which can be used for the resources of your sect, but remember, you must not use any of them personally, otherwise you will put it down!"

  Chen Mo showed a surprised expression again.

  How many heaven and earth spiritual things are in this entire love saint ruins?

Chen Mo couldn’t imagine. The love saint didn’t know when he learned of Chen Mo’s thoughts. He really agreed, but Chen Mo personally could not use any of them. Of course, Chen Mo felt that it didn’t matter, probably because of love. The holy hopes that Chen Mo will improve himself through himself, not through the countless treasures gained in vain. It is also with good intentions!

   "Thank you seniors, seniors don\'t worry, I will not use a single cent for all the heaven and earth spiritual objects here, and more seniors will complete it!"

   Then Chen Mo put the ring away. It is estimated that after he leaves, everything inside will enter the ring.

  The harvest of this trip for Chen Mo is far beyond his imagination. The time and energy spent are extremely worthwhile.

  Although he could not use these treasures, Chen Mo could give Lin Kexin and the others some. After all, until now, Lin Kexin had hardly obtained anything.

  Swipe it----

  Several lights flickered, and three little girls and Lin Kexin appeared beside Chen Mo.

"Big brother……"

  They came to Chen Mo one after another.

   "Brother Chen Mo, how is it?"

  Chen Mo shook the ring in his hand, "All the things in this entire ruins of Love Saint are mine."


  Lin Kexin exclaimed excitedly.

so amazing.

  "If you have anything you want when you go back later, take everything that can help you with attributes!"

   "Can you?" Lin Kexin was a little embarrassed.

"of course can."

  Chen Mo nodded ~www.novelhall.com~Thank you Brother Chen Mo. "Lin Kexin smiled happily.

"Big brother……"

  Xiao Yuan saw something with big eyes, then ran to take it and handed it to Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo took it suspiciously.

This is a parchment scroll. It is a map, but only half of it. It looks extremely old. As for the places marked inside, Chen Mo can\'t even understand it, because the time is too long, and it may need professional people to appraise it. .

  Chen Mo secretly stroked his forehead, how could he not find out earlier, and then ask the lover earlier? It is not that Monk Zhang Er is confused now.

  But this is something of the love saint, obviously it is very precious! Chen Mo put it away, maybe there is some treasure hidden on it, but only half of it...

and many more……

Chen Mo frowned. He suddenly remembered something. In the ethereal auction room, a parchment roll with hidden laws was auctioned. The parchment roll was only half of it. Look at this again, it seems that these two are out of one. Zhang! These two seem to be put together to form a complete map! It seems to be one! But the impression is not too deep, he is not sure, but that half was auctioned off by Ye Yuhan, if it is one, then...

  Chen Mo showed a surprised expression.