I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 5: Bronze BOSS, Evil Eyed Demon Tiger

A little girl who seemed to be only twelve or thirteen years old came to Xinshou Village and looked for her lost bear. The villagers rejected her and did not dare to approach her. Everyone disliked her and was alone, unable to take a bath, and ragged. , Without shoes, the skin of her little feet are ripped apart, and she sleeps on the ground at night, hungry and eats everything she can find...

   I even saw a snake. It was eaten raw without grilling. Of course it didn\'t taste good, but she was still very happy because she had something to eat.

   Anyone in such a situation will make people feel distressed, let alone a twelve or three-year-old girl.

   "Usually...I still eat fruit..."

   She pointed to a fruit tree not far away, and then whispered: "But... too high to pick it."

   After speaking, she took another bite.

   "Stop eating."

   Chen Mo took the body in her hand and threw it away.

   The little girl wiped the snake blood from the corner of her mouth, and then looked at the snake on the ground with eyesight...

   Then Chen Mo walked under the fruit tree, climbed the fruit tree, and picked a few fruits.

[Gathering technique]: Type: initial skills, can collect fruits, elixir, spar, 100% of ordinary items, 50% chance of collecting bronze items, 10% chance of collecting silver items, 1% chance of collecting gold items, gold The probability of uploading is 0%. Current level: Level 1.

  Gathering technique is also the player’s initial skill.

   "Ding...you successfully collected [Wild Cedar Fruit]."


  【Wild Cedar Fruit】: A fruit with an extremely bitter taste that can only fill the stomach, and eating too much is harmful to the body. After taking it, hunger level +5, health value -10.

   Chen Mo frowned and looked at the attributes of Ye Shan Guo! Then he took a bite silently, hard to swallow.

   "Go, I will take you to find more delicious fruits!"

   Chen Mo threw Ye Shan Guo aside and took the little girl\'s hand and said!


   She looked at Ye Shanguo on the ground, reluctantly, nodded, and walked deeper with Chen Mo!

   Fifteen minutes later, Chen Mo jumped down from a tree and handed her several apples-like fruits.


   "Thank you, big brother... um... don\'t you want big brother?"

   "Not hungry."

   Then she ate happily.


   Chen Mo looked at her and asked, "Xiao Yuan, how long have you been here?"

   Xiaoyuan was named after Chen Mo. It is also a kind of fate to meet two people! In her body, Chen Mo vaguely saw who he was once! Without relatives, without everything, alone...

   "Hmm... I don\'t know..."

   Xiaoyuan shook his head and continued to devour the fruit.

   At this moment, Chen Mo\'s brows suddenly frowned, and he turned around after offering a new sword!

All players have just entered the game. Chen Mo is the first player to enter. This is a small forest, two kilometers away from Novice Village. No one dares to come here except him. They are all step by step, starting from Novice Village. The nearest monster started to brush, and few people ran directly two kilometers away like him.


   A depressed beast roar came from the front, Xiao Yuan raised his head while gnawing at the fruit, blinking with big eyes, but did not stop eating.

   Chen Mo walked a few steps forward with the novice sword in his hand.

   "Stay back!"

   Chen Mo\'s voice came, and then took a few steps forward, Xiao Yuan slowly backed away.

   "Big brother, be careful."

   She has been to this forest, but dare not go in.

A black figure walked out slowly. When Chen Mo saw it, his pupils shrank slightly. It was two to three meters long, and was black with white patterns. It looked like a tiger as a whole, but it had only one eye, located between the eyebrows. It looks very terrible, and he doesn\'t even need to release the exploration technique. This feeling, this kind of momentum, Chen Mo knows, it must not be an ordinary mob, and it also makes Chen Mo full of war spirit! This feeling... It\'s been a long time!

[Evil Eye Demon Tiger]: Grade: Bronze BOSS, Level: 10, HP: 1500, the king of the forest in the northern part of Novice Village, the abnormal demon tiger, its single eye contains powerful power, which can release far Power beyond oneself is extremely dangerous.

   Skill: [Tear]: Slam forward, swinging sharp claws, causing great damage to a target with 50% tearing effect (Tearing: drop health per second). Cooling time: ten seconds.

   [Magic Light]: Release powerful magic power from a single eye, at a distance of up to 20 meters, causing devastating damage to all units in a straight line, and petrifying the target for a minimum of five seconds!

   "Tenth-level Bronze BOSS!"

   Chen Mo\'s right hand holding the Novice Sword subconsciously tightened!

   He is level one, ten level is ninth level higher. It was an impossible battle. At the same time, this evil eyed demon tiger turned out to be a bronze BOSS! Simply put, at the same level, the bronze boss can fight more than a dozen bronze monsters!

   Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for players to break the defense at this stage, but Chen Mosheng ignored the defense in the Heavenly Secret Disk, and the ten-point assignable attribute was added to the strength, and the attack power reached 60 points! That is to say, no matter how big the gap is, one move is sixty damage!

   can fight! The premise is that you can\'t be attacked by the evil eye demon tiger, and you will be killed in a second! The first kill of the tenth-level Bronze BOSS would take a few days after other virtual online games normally took place, but I did not expect that I would encounter it within 20 minutes. That first kill...it must be his! This is his confidence!

   "Xiao Yuan, go further!"


   Evil Eye Demon Tiger saw Chen Mo, as if he had seen his prey, roared and jumped towards Chen Mo!

   "You go further!"

Chen Mo yelled, and then ducked from the side of the figure. Evil Eyed Demon Tiger rushed into the air. At the same time, the novice sword drew a sword at Evil Eye Demon Tiger sideways~www.novelhall.com~ At the same time, Chen Mo was facing Evil Eye Demon Tiger. Unleash unlimited great moves.


   "Ding... You successfully stole the skill [Magic Light]."

[Light of Magic Energy]: Status: stealing skills, from the ultimate move of the evil eye demon tiger, which is a very powerful killer move, effect: release a magic energy from the eyes, a distance of 20 meters, and cause all units hit 10* Current attack damage, and petrify for 5 seconds. Remaining storage time: 23 hours and 58 seconds.

   The skill of detecting monsters will not be introduced in detail, but when it comes to myself, the introduction will be detailed!

   "Ten times the damage!"

   Chen Mo\'s eyes lit up, and then the corner of his mouth twitched, revealing an evil smile.

   "Little guy, you are over, magic light!"

  Everything happened between the electric light and flint. The moment Chen Mo landed, he held the sword in his right hand and propped his left hand on the ground. He raised his head, and his eyes showed endless darkness!


   Two black rays of light were directed at the evil eye demon tiger!


   Unlimited big move is Chen Mo\'s most abnormal place, but in another place, ignoring defense is even more abnormal!

   The figure of the evil eyed demon tiger was petrified in place, and Chen Mo rushed over instantly!

   Five seconds, the attack speed has nothing to do with the attribute, the more you can hit, the more!

   Brush and brush——

  -60, -60, -60

  Chen Mo uses the most stupid way of slashing, basically he can slash three times a second, and ignoring his defenses, he gets 60 damage each time!

   Five seconds...When the Evil Eyed Demon Tiger had just awakened from the petrification, Chen Mo attacked for the fifteenth time. This last sword directly penetrated the Evil Eyed Demon Tiger\'s body and cut into the flesh!

   "Ding...you killed the Bronze BOSS Evil Eye Demon Tiger!"