I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 41: How to become a fairy?

Hearing what Chen Mo said, Zhang Qiu nodded.

   "Yes, a very powerful treasure. I believe that if Mr. Chen Mo can get it, it will definitely be of great help to you, but if there is no guidance from us, you will not get it!"

   Chen Mo nodded: "Yes! Remember what you said!"

Zhang Qiu leaned slightly and said: "The reason why our sisters did not choose to leave this world forever with many people before is precisely because we want to see the end of those damned people, and want to avenge ourselves and our loved ones. , If the grievances are avenged, there is nothing in the world that we can worry about."

   "Then how can I control so many monsters outside? Don\'t tell me to use your mind control skills."

   Zhang Qiu shook his head slightly: "In the past three years, I have used the mist of Wangxianlin to create a law of power."

   Chen Mo raised his brows.

   "Are you sure it is the power of law?"

   How many levels is she, I am afraid that the power of the law must reach the fairy, and the god-huang level is qualified to touch it!

"Yes, the mist here is originally formed by powerful laws, so it doesn\'t need much strength to do it!" After saying that, she stretched out her hand, and a knot of power condensed in her palm flashed. Then she lifted her right hand slightly, and the six-pointed star-like light fell on Chen Mo\'s hand.

   "Ding...you have gained [the power of the soul and soul]."

   Chen Mo frowned slightly.

[Power of the soul and soul]: Type: Seal of power, using a certain special treasure to condense the power, which seems to be mixed with other powers to condense. There are two kinds of powers. The effect: can control 300 meters Within the range, it does not exceed all the targets of the ghost level, lasting for one day, and the second effect: it can revive a player, including itself. (Note: One of the two powers is used, and the original power of the soul disappears).

   Chen Mo suddenly realized that if he had the power of the soul\'s origin, it would indeed be possible to control all the monsters outside, and he would not use it for a day or a day! However, this is a combination of two powers. In addition to control, what shocked Chen Mo was that he still had the ability to resurrect! Similar to the priest\'s resurrection technique! But the priest\'s resurrection technique can only be learned after the second rank!

   However, only one of these two effects can be used, and it disappears after use. Of course Chen Mo uses the former!

   It’s just that, what treasure does Wangxianlin have that can have such a powerful effect!


   is definitely useless to Zhang Qiu and others! Because they are just souls, and the resurrection should be aimed at players! If the NPC dies, it will be resurrected.

   The power of the soul\'s origin made Chen Mo very curious. A treasure already has a law. It must be extremely high simply above the level. This must be a control equipment! Maybe it is resurrection equipment, very useful! Chen Mo must get it too!

   Chen Mo then put away the power, and the power sank into Chen Mo\'s palm, turning into a shallow golden mark.

"I\'ll go now!"

"and many more!"

   Zhang Qiu called to stop Chen Mo.


   "Young Master Chenmo, before you do it, you\'d better control or kill the village chief first!"


Zhang Qiu said: "I heard Xiao Nuan say that it was not those people who killed everyone on the night before March, but the village chief alone! In his hands, there was a mysterious bead, which was extremely destructive. It was this bead that killed hundreds of people directly! Since it could kill everyone, when the monster attacked the village, he could also kill all the monsters. In this way, the plan would have failed. Efforts will also be wasted."

   Chen Mo: "……"

   "Understood! I\'ll find a chance to kill him first! Come when I kill him and say goodbye! In addition, I hope Miss Zhang can remember your promise!"

   After talking, Chen Mo took a fist and left here!

   He faintly felt that this task would give him something amazing!

   Try to ask, something that can keep their souls alive, without entering the underworld, staying in the world without dissipating, and even possessing the ability to control others, what kind of treasure is this thing? unbelievable!

   "Sister Qiu, can you really believe him?"

   Xiao Nuan seemed to recall the previous scenes, wiped his eyes and asked with tears.

   Tears, not real objects, fell on the ground and turned into nothingness...

   Zhang Qiu looked at Chen Mo\'s back disappeared in the darkness of the cave and muttered to himself: "Yes! Because those people deserve to die, he is the hero sent by God to help us kill them."


   Chen Mo relieved the fire pressure in his heart. Actually, his situation is quite lucky compared to them, right?

   This village, it is time to let it disappear! Chen Mo is quite fortunate for one thing, that is, since entering the village, he has never accepted any of the NPC tasks in it, and has never received any benefits from them. The clothes and food were bought by him, and he has never Have done any task and done anything for them who are bound to be condemned! He was very lucky.

   As for Chen Siniang...

   Chen Mo feels something is wrong!

She is the only villager who Chen Mo has accepted the mission ~www.novelhall.com~ and has benefited from her, but she is a very special existence. In Chen Mo\'s view, she is a master, if she has ever If you have been involved in this matter, you don\'t need to make such a big fuss. Wait until those people find evidence and come to the door to do it. I guess they would have done it long ago! Therefore, Chen Mo felt that this matter might have nothing to do with her!

   If it matters, Chen Mo must not be able to help her complete that task. If the level is cleared, then cleared will be cleared. As long as he has a big move, he has so many equipments! Therefore, Chen Mo still needs to confirm this matter with Chen Siniang. How to confirm is actually very simple!

   Chen Mo does not comment on Chen Siniang, nor can he comment because he is not familiar with it!

   said she was okay, not necessarily. Although she helped Chen Mo, it was because Chen Mo was beneficial and valuable to her! This is invisible!

As for saying that she is bad, it is hard to say, because Chen Mo has never seen what she has done, at least not now. As for why she was cursed or something, it is not known, but Chen Mo only knows that it is absolutely impossible. Trust her completely.

   This village is already so terrible. As a member of the village, how can Chen Mo believe her?

After going out, it is already evening outside. Wangxianlin is a very beautiful place. Without these mists that can control people, it will have more vitality. It would be good to build a small house like Chen Siniang in such a place. select.

   However, the name Wangxianlin is quite interesting. Wangxian, can you see a fairy by looking up, or can you be a fairy by looking up?

   Thinking, Chen Mo actually looked up, suddenly his pupils shrank.