I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 396: Qin Hao's discomfort

She was right there, and then felt the red enchantment power to defend the spirit crystals, so she rushed over quickly, but when she came over, she saw Xiaoyuan, she felt something was wrong, and Xiaoyuan said that the big brother was the villain Bullied...

  Bad guy? Not a monster?

Correct! !

  There are almost no monsters that can hurt Chenmo in this forest, right? Even a fairy-level monster, with his ability to reduce its strength, and then with his ability, there will never be a problem.


   Han Jiangxue asked.

  Xiao Yuan continued to dot his little head, "Hmm, big badass."

"I know!"


   Then Han Jiangxue galloped in the direction Xiaoyuan had just pointed.

On the other hand, Qin Hao is still chasing Chen Mo frantically. Chen Mo has a sky shadow step, which can make him a little faster, but compared with Shen Huang, it is far behind, and he was caught up in an instant. Up!

   "The meaning of Shura!"

  The powerful force rushed towards, and Qin Hao was stunned by the momentum.

  This momentum...

  Somewhat scary!

   However, the intensity is nothing more than that.

"go to hell!"

  Qin Hao\'s speed surged, and then he slapped Chen Mo on the chest.

  This palm is enough to take the life of a strong man, let alone this dust?

  Chen Mo flew out and hit the tree.

   "Ding...you are immune to death."

  The blood bar is indeed emptied, but what is Shura\'s intention? It is immune to death!

  Chen Mo stood up from the ground.

  Qin Hao was stunned when he saw that his palm was not dead!

   Could it be that the kind of power in Lingjian Pavilion failed?

  What kind of power is this?

  Chen Mo’s eyes flashed with anger!

   Come and kill him, right? Then let you regret for life!

   "The Law of Withering!"

  The power of the law of wilting was released invisibly. It can be seen that the surrounding trees withered and decayed, and the flowers and plants lost their vitality!


  This was Qin Hao\'s first reaction, and then he showed a shocked expression.


  How did his strength fall from Shenhuang to Tianjue?

He himself has just been promoted to Shenhuang, but Shenhuang is Shenhuang, and Tianjue is Tianjue. The difference between the two is very different, just like Chen Mo who uses the booster skill and the one who does not use the booster skill. Chen Mo is a truth, the difference is too big!

  This withering law directly caused him to fall from Shenhuang to Tianjue! This price is already something he cannot afford. What concept?

  He has fallen from the top ten in the top ten!

  Furthermore, does he have to spend a tremendous amount of experience to re-promote to Shenhuang?

  What kind of power is this!


  Qin Hao pointed at Chen Mo, with an extremely angry expression on his face.

  Chen Mo smiled.

   "Now, you really may not be able to beat me!"

  Although Chen Mo is far from this level, as long as the opponent\'s power is no longer in an absolute crushing posture, then there is no problem. Although it is also crushing now, Chen Mo is not afraid! He is afraid of Shenhuang! And under Shen Huang, even Tian Jue had the power to fight! It just said it was almost impossible to kill the other person.

  Following Chen Mo\'s eyes, a sharp light flashed.

   "Unlimited New Moon!"


  Chen Mo\'s figure turned into a light in the dark night, and then he attacked Qin Hao unlimitedly!

   Suddenly stacking paper from Shenhuang to heaven, Qin Hao was no longer used to controlling power for a while!

   Constantly attacking and tearing his clothes and scratching his skin, although the damage could not cause substantial damage to him, but he was no longer superficial!


  Qin Hao yelled, terrifying power erupted from all around, and all the trees tens of meters around were shaken out! And Chen Mo...

   "Ding...you are resurrected."

  The Law of Soul is resurrected directly.

  This is also one of the weaknesses of Crescent Infinite Link, that is, range damage. As long as the range is large enough to attack you, it can break your Crescent Infinite Link.

  At this moment, Qin Hao suddenly sensed something, and then his figure rushed directly into the sky. He had given up on Chen Mo!

  This time, the plan lost his wife and broke down again. It was totally unexpected that Chen Mo still had such power! This time, a big loss!


  Just when Qin Hao left, Han Jiangxue\'s figure fell in front of Chen Mo.

   "Dust Mo."

  She hurried to Chen Mo, and then saw that Chen Mo\'s clothes were all rotten, subconsciously thinking that he was seriously injured, and went to support him.

   "I\'m fine."

  Chen Mo shook his head and pushed Han Jiangxue\'s hand away.

   Hanjiang Xuexue let out a sigh of relief.

   "What\'s the matter? What about people?"

  Chen Mo said, "Run away, I guess you can\'t catch up, forget it."

  Han Jiangxue\'s face was angry, "I didn\'t expect that there are people in Weiyang Palace who are harmful to you. I will report this to the Sect Master, and they will definitely work hard to investigate this matter."

  Han Jiangxue is very smart, she knew the general things directly, such as the one who came to the assassination must be one of the people who came in with Weiyang Palace this time.

  Chen Mo nodded slightly.

  Han Jiangxue looked at Chen Mo, wondering why, how could he remain so calm after such a thing?

   Indeed, his state of mind is admirable.

  "Can you have any clues?"

   "Shenhuang\'s strength, but now it is absolutely heavenly, it should be enough for this!"

  Han Jiangxue; "..."

   "Is that your kind of power again?"

Han Jiangxue was really surprised. The last time Lord Wang Ruo died under such power. This time, the person who assassinated him was also conspired by the power. Fortunately, otherwise, Chen Mo should not resist. living.

  The assassination of the gods...

   "You just need to gather all the people who have reached the Shenhuang level before in Weiyang Palace~www.novelhall.com~ and then if anyone\'s power is suddenly only Tianjie level, then it is basically this person!"

   Han Jiangxue said.

   "Then trouble Senior Sister Han Jiangxue."

   "No, this is the entire Weiyang Palace, but..."

  Han Jiangxue hesitated and said, “Xiao Yuan released the defensive spirit crystal. According to the regulations, I still have to take her back first.”

  Chen Mo nodded, "Trouble."

  "Be careful, he failed. He should not dare to act rashly, but be careful."

"it is good!"

  Then they returned to the place where Xiao Yuan was, where Zhao Yingmeng had already returned. She was completely dazed, and only understood the general things in the dialogue with Xiao Yuan.

  This is too bad, why everyone is targeting Brother Chenmo! Now even in his own sect, someone is targeting him.

"Big brother!"

   Seeing Chen Mo, Xiao Yuan hurriedly shouted.

  Han Jiangxue waved her hand, the red enchantment disappeared, Xiao Yuan hugged Chen Mo\'s waist, and her small head was buried in Chen Mo\'s arms. She was really super worried.