I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 382: Chen Mo is angry!

I am embarrassed.

  This came out to do a task, why do you always have some physical contact with other girls?

  But the girl’s hands are really soft.

Han Jiangxue pulled Chen Mo and released her strength at the same time, so that Chen Mo could walk safely on the surface of the water, but her small face was a little red, except for her father, she seemed to be pulling hands with Chen Mo. Passed, and several times.

  For girls like her, she is cold, but their personality is more likely to be shy.

  Then they came to the island, and when they arrived, Han Jiangxue quickly let go of Chen Mo.

It can be seen that the relationship between the Yangshen Sects is not very good, and most of them are unknown, but some are relatively familiar with each other, and this time they are not small, they are all with some strength, of course not. It may be the mainstay of the Yangshen Sect, even if they are the rudder master they call this time, it is estimated that they will not have a high status in the Yangshen Sect.

  Han Jiangxue knows that the rudder master is God-Huang grade, and she won\'t necessarily lose if she fights, but she doesn\'t have to add other things, so we need to act by ear, mainly to see what they are doing together here! But these people here remember the look. Unfortunately, after remembering the look, they couldn’t find the big and big. Some of them were wearing masks. Chen Mo always felt that they should compare them. Special, at least on the mainland or somewhere famous.

  But these are not important. All Chen Mo\'s attention is now on that big man, Mad! Must kill him!

Han Jiangxue and Chen Mo are both dressed up in disguise. Needless to say, Chen Mo can\'t even see his flaws. These people are even more unlikely. As long as Chen Mo doesn\'t speak, as for Han Jiangxue, Shen Huang Grade strength, her disguise skills shouldn\'t be weak, anyway, Chen Mo wouldn\'t be able to tell if she didn\'t turn on Shura to kill pupils.

There is actually a formation on the island. All those people who stood on the formation disappeared in front of them. Chen Mo and Han Jiangxue walked at the back. There was no one in front, and no one in the back. Two people stood. On top.

   "Hope is not a teleportation array opened with the Yangshen Cult secret method."

  Han Jiangxue murmured and then released his spiritual power, and then triggered the power of the formation. The two disappeared in place, and they also breathed a sigh of relief!

The place where    appears seems to be the bottom of this lake, but why do we need to do this? Can\'t you just jump into the lake?

   Then Chen Mo got it!

  This is like an underwater world in reality. There is a force that completely isolates this place from the water. The fish and you are a glass distance, but they can\'t come in, and you can\'t get out! There is air inside, and the light is emitted from a kind of spar.

  Unexpectedly, this turned out to be the secret base of Yangshen Sect!

  Of course it\'s not a big secret base, it\'s a place where they connect.

  Not to mention, the underwater bottom is quite beautiful.

  At this moment, there are already a large circle of Yangshen sect members sitting in a large space in front. It is estimated that there are no fewer than forty or fifty, just like the company\'s meeting.

   "Tuier, Fanger, come on!"

  The burly man waved to Chen Mo and the others.

  Chen Mo; "..."

   "Hahaha, I said Bald, I know that you have a good relationship with Tweety, Tweety, when do we have fun together."

   "Come here, Tweet, sit on my lap."

  The burly bald man patted his leg.

  Chen Mo "……"

  Really, if it weren’t for Han Jiangxue to figure out her mission and the purpose of these people, Chen Mo would do it!

  Regard how many people you make, and whether you have a glamour!

  All killed! grass!

  A pity, forbearance.

  Chen Mo could not speak, and then sat on the other side with Han Jiangxue.

   "Hahaha, bald, did you not make Tweet up well? How do you feel that Tweet has opinions on you."

  "Fuck Nima\'s spiral fart, I\'m like a physique, I\'m like a physical strength, she can cry for three days, isn\'t she, Tweet?"

  Chen Mo? ? ?

  Nima coins!

   "Ahem, all right! Be quiet."

Sitting in front of Chen Mo and them was a middle-aged man who was probably in his forties. His voice was still very majestic. As soon as this sentence came out, everyone fell silent and looked at him. .

This should be the boss of these people, but not the boss of Yangshen Sect. He is far from the boss of Yangshen Sect. This Yangshen Sect has existed for hundreds of years, and even how many of the methods of Yangshen Sect are It has existed thousands of years ago, and can fight against many well-known sects, plus the fact that evil practices are already practiced extremely fast, there must be many strong people in this Yang God Sect.

   "There are three things to call you over today."

  The man glanced at the crowd and didn\'t doubt anything.

"First, our Yangshen Sect is developing more and more rapidly, and now we need to expand the sphere of influence more quickly. You can talk about the area and even the forces you are responsible for. What are the gains during this period? I can make statistics. Report it."

   "In this case, let me speak first, Lord Wang Ruo!"

A woman stood up, and then said, "In the past three months, there are 18,000 people in Changshan Town, the town I am responsible for. In the past three months, I have used various methods to make one of them A hundred and ten people have practiced my Yangshen Sect’s outer secret method~www.novelhall.com~ They also feel the shortcut to practice, they can’t stop. As for whether they can become a more elite existence of Yangshen Sect, there are about three, but they are not yet Sure, after all, they are all ordinary people, with average talent."

Lord Wang Ruo nodded, "It\'s okay. It\'s pretty good for one hundred and ten people to practice in three months. As for talent, heh, after practicing my Yangshen teaching method, talent is not important anymore, as long as they are diligent. With your hands, a lot of blood sucking, the realm can be improved by leaps and bounds."

  These are all outer disciples, that is, they simply know that this is Yangshen Sect, but they can\'t contact anyone at all. The exercises they practice are only the basic ones of Yangshen Sect. What are they going to do? They are going to increase the number of members of Yangshen Sect on the mainland! As for the value of these people, they are very few, but they add up to a lot, and if there are some very cruel characters who are eager to use more powerful Yangshen teaching methods, then they will definitely find ways to join the real Yangshen teaching. This is what they want to see, the more the better.

  Chen Mo frowned.

  This Yang Shenjiao is really thunderous!

   But this is also the temptation for those people who can’t stand the temptation of their strength. Chen Mo also knew what they were doing, but if such an evil sect is not eliminated, the longer it takes, the more people will practice Yangshen Cultivation! The more dangerous the mainland!

  Han Jiangxue has been checking this, of course, knowing what they are doing, it is not too surprised.