I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 380: Han Jiangxue's masterful face

Chen Mo recovered his health and stood up and shook his head.

   "It\'s okay!"

  The two people showed surprised expressions.

   "How is it possible? This blow didn\'t die?"

  If it is nc, this blow must be dead. No, the player is also dead. This blow is six-figure damage. It\'s a pity that Chen Mo has the law of soul, which they did not expect.

   "You are not villagers, who are you?"

  Han Jiangxue saw Chen Mo nothing serious, and she was also relieved, then her beautiful eyes glared at the two people in front of her!

  Really, she had already believed that these two were just simple villagers, but she did not expect that they were not!


  The two sneered.

  "If you meet us, you will be considered bad luck. We are members of Yangshen Sect, so we laughed at the essence of the two of us."

   "Yang Shen Sect!"

  Han Jiang Xuefen clenched his fists tightly.

  They turned out to be members of Yangshen Sect!

  But it is normal to think about it again.

The members of Yangshen Sect infiltrate all parts of the mainland. They are usually ordinary people. They may be villagers in a certain village, or a certain worker. Anyway, they have very ordinary identities. These two people may really be Changhe Village. The two ordinary villagers of, of course, are normal, but they are not now. They are obviously here because the Yangshen Sect is gathering a group of people to do something. This is also found by Han Jiangxue. They should not relax their vigilance. of.

The members of these two Yangshen Sects are also very cautious. They have been looking for opportunities, because they are not sure of their strength, so they look for another opportunity to kill one of them with one blow. They found it, and Chen Mo is them. It’s a pity that they didn’t expect this blow to kill him in seconds!

  But it doesn\'t matter, because with this blow, they probably felt Chen Mo\'s strength, so the other one shouldn\'t be too strong, so it doesn\'t matter if they don\'t kill instantly.

Anyone in the Yang Shenjiao is very cautious, maybe this is one of the reasons why the evil faction is so difficult to deal with.

  Han Jiangxue\'s face was angry, and she was full of hatred for Yangshen Sect. Now Chen Mo almost died in their hands. They must die!

  The strength of these two people should be around Tian Jue, otherwise it is impossible to hit Chen Mo so much damage!

   But if Tian Jue is the case, there is no room for counterattack in the face of Han Jiangxue, who is the god-huang class! And Han Jiangxue must kill him instantaneously, otherwise they may have any means to notify other Yangshen Sect members. After all, some members of Yangshen Sect should be rushing here one after another.

   "What\'s the charge? Just kill, the blood of these two people should be good, it can improve the cultivation of you and me a lot!"

  That Wang Fang said to Wang Cui.

"it is good!"

   Then an aura broke out from the two of them, rushing to Chen Mo and Han Jiangxue.

  I am afraid they would never think that Han Jiangxue has the strength of Shenhuang!

A cold force erupted from Han Jiangxue\'s delicate body. This cold force froze all the surrounding flowers, plants and trees into ice sculptures. The two who rushed over suddenly felt this force, and they were incredulous. Expression, at the same moment, the first reaction of the two was to retreat, but they were too late!

   Click, click——

  Han Li also froze the two of them into ice sculptures.

  Chen Mo opened his mouth.

  The strength of Han Jiangxue is really strong! The gap between Shenhuang and Tianjue is really big.


  Chen Mo asked.

  Han Jiangxue shook his head, "Not yet, but they can\'t break through the ice."

  Then Han Jiangxue sealed away the surrounding ice, but the two did not relieve the parties, because they were worried that the Sun God Sect would later discover the clues here.

Then a dagger appeared in Han Jiangxue\'s hand. The dagger cut through the night sky, flashing a cold light in the night, and directly penetrated Wang Fang and the body of the ice. The blood slowly penetrated into the ice. The ice soon became It\'s blood red.

   Then she took out another dagger.

   "Wait, does this man want to save his life?"


  Han Jiangxue shot over with a sword.

"No need to."

  Chen Mo; "..."

  A woman is really a creature of grudges.

   "I mean, maybe you can ask from her mouth about where the Sun God Sect is gathered."

  Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose and said.

   "No need, you die if you die."


   Then Han Jiangxue looked at Chen Mo and took the initiative to support him. After all, she still cares about Chen Mo\'s safety.

   "Are you...injury okay?"

  Chen Mo shook his head, "No problem, even the power of the Forbidden Rank can\'t help me, let alone them?"

  Han Jiangxue let out a sigh of relief, then quickly let go of Chen Mo\'s arm, and the small face under the veil was slightly red.

  At that moment, the moment Chen Mo was attacked, she was very angry! She didn\'t care why she was so angry now.

   "Then can you still go?"

  Chen Mo nodded; "Of course, but now..."

  Chen Mo looked at them and said, "I think I have another way."


  Chen Mo\'s figure directly became that Wang Cui.

   Hanjiang Snow;? ? ?

  Have you seen a ghost this night? ?

   "Don\'t worry, I\'m just an appearance illusion that I release, no matter how strong it is, I can\'t break it. I think we can pretend to be them, what do you think?"

  Han Jiangxue secretly stroked her forehead, which is really strange.

  From the mouth of the "girl" there was a man\'s voice, some...too unreasonable.

But Han Jiangxue thought for a while, this Chen Mo\'s method is indeed feasible~www.novelhall.com~ and he was able to completely become a "woman" exactly like Wang Cui. It is really amazing. She wanted to learn it. If they both disguised themselves, they might even be able to enter the Yangshen Sect. This Yangshen Sect would be impossible to imagine, right?

   "I think it can."

  Chen Mo nodded; "On the contrary, if these two people are not present, then it may arouse the suspicion of Yang Shenjiao, then we will dress up as them."


  Chen Mo looked at Han Jiangxue.

  "Will you be able to disguise?"

  Han Jiangxue walked over, and with a wave of her hand, the ice disappeared, and then she looked at that Wang Fang.


Basically, what is going on in the world or doing tasks like this. Disguise is a must-have skill. It is easy to do tasks and also easy to hide yourself. Anyway, disguise is really useful, Han Jiang Xuehui Chen Mo is not surprised , But she was definitely not as easy as Chen Mo.

  Then Han Jiangxue took off the veil on her face. At this time, Chen Mo also saw her face clearly and opened her mouth.

  Sure enough, she is called the beauty of the mainland. This face is really amazing.

  Exquisite facial features, small red lips, exquisite nose, and aura-filled eyes, perfect for a magnificent face.