I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 38: The Secret of the Great in Novice Village

The girl was attacked twice by Chen Mo so quickly, she knew she was not the opponent\'s opponent! And Chen Mo could also see that she would never fight at all. If she had no level and skills, she would be the kind of weak woman who had no power to restrain the chicken!

   This is not quite right.

   Seeing this, the girl turned around quickly, her hands quickly condensed a certain knot, and then a pink force shot at Chen Mo.

   The speed of this power is so fast that Chen Mo has no time to avoid it. He can react, but his body can\'t avoid it!

   "Ding...you are immune to mind control!"

   Chen Mo: "……"

   Well, I finally hit a skill, but I am still immune to a negative control skill.

   At the same time, Chen Mo also realized a little, control...this mist is also control! So is this mist caused by the girl in front of you?

   The girl thought that Chen Mo must be controlled by herself, and then stared at Chen Mo with a grim expression!

   "In that sinful village, there are people who can ignore the phantom fog. I don\'t know if there are a few other than him. If there are more, it would be bad."

   The girl groaned slightly and then looked at Chen Mo.

   "Use the sword in your hand, put it on your neck, and it will kill you! There will be no pain!"

   Chen Mo; "..."

   Does she think she is under control?

   Then the corner of Chen Mo\'s mouth twitched slightly, and the girl felt bad when she saw the arc of Chen Mo\'s mouth!

"not good!"

   In the next instant she rushed to the horizon like a gust of wind!

   Chen Mo was in place!

   Apart from anything else, the speed of this girl is really fast! It is estimated that the figure that I saw just now should be her!

   Chen Mo then continued to walk forward. Naturally, it was the direction she had escaped from. She couldn\'t catch up with it. Just begging to find something by going there!

   Just now Chen Mo heard her groaning, he could probably guess something!

This girl was probably a villager in Novice Village before she was alive. She now lives as a spirit body. She should have died, but why she can survive as a spirit body? Chen Mo doesn’t know. Maybe it has something to do with Wang Xianlin. Speaking of the sinful village, that is to say, in her eyes, this village is sinful, which means that she hates this village, which is why she chooses to kill Chen Mo without hesitation after treating Chen Mo as a villager!

   However, there is a reason for this. In such an isolated village, a girl of fifteen and six years old cannot be evil during her lifetime. Why did she die?

   Maybe there is some great secret hidden here. As a player, Chen Mo didn\'t need to care about this, but what if he could trigger a hidden mission from them?

  Chen Mo has always believed that, wherever you go, anyone you meet, and anything you see, you can get something, whether it\'s positive or negative!

   So, no matter whether she is a human or a dead person, since she met, since he is not dead, she is not dead, then perhaps it has foreshadows what will happen next!

   Looking at Xianlin, let her exist here and did not disappear, then there must be a secret here! For players, both secrets and hidden tasks are much more precious than monster spawning! This is something that can be met but not sought, why should we let it go?

   Then Chen Mo quickened his pace and galloped in the direction the girl ran!

  If there is a mission, he may be the only player who can trigger this mission, because he ignores the control effect of the phantom fog here. If it is not a mission, if there is no secret, then the girl is her own monster spawning target.

   This Wangxianlin is bigger than Chen Mo had imagined, and the range covered by this mist is also much larger than imagined!

Tianlin’s Novice Village is different from other virtual online games. For other virtual online games, Novice Village has a certain range. It is so big and you can’t go out. You can only go out through the teleportation array after reaching level 10. The spawn point will never be used again.

But Tianlin’s Novice Village has no outline, no enchantment, you can walk endlessly, and don’t know where you can go, but if you want to go to Tianlin Continent, you can only go through the sea of ​​death. .

Chen Mo continued to move forward, even he didn\'t want to go forward anymore, because it took too long, the total distance should have been more than an hour, and the goal has already disappeared. God knows she will run after she ran away. Where to go! Will you turn a corner and run in other directions!

   But the reason why Chen Mo continued to move forward was because he discovered one thing, the visibility here is decreasing!

   The reduced visibility means that the phantom fog here is getting heavier, which means that it may be closer to the thing that created the phantom fog, so Chen Mo continued to move forward!

   There are no monsters, because of this phantom fog, even if there are, they have long been lost and died! This is what Chen Siniang said!

   But five minutes later, the scene in front of Chen Mo made him look surprised.

   In front, there is still Wangxianlin. The terrain and ground structure are still the same. There are many kinds of trees and bamboo. What surprised Chen Mo is that he saw the monster!

   All kinds of strange things, Chen Mo glanced around, from the first level to the thirteenth level he could detect! Although they are all ordinary monsters, there are no bronze monsters, let alone bronze bosses and the like, but there are no less than twenty in this line of sight, and it seems that there are more monsters farther away!

   "The monsters in Wangxianlin are not dead~www.novelhall.com~ have all gathered here?"

   Chen Mo frowned!

   All these monsters are lying on the ground and sleeping, none of them wakes up, but they are not dead!

   In the dark, Chen Mo felt a conspiracy, or a plan!

   At this moment, Chen Mo even wanted to level up. All the sleeping monsters, even Chen Mo walked to one of the Demon Rats, it didn\'t bring the feeling of waking up and being slaughtered! This is an effortless leveling!

   But Chen Mo gave up, because after he walked forward, he saw a small mountain and a cave in front of him. These monsters are more like a group of guards lined up at the entrance of the cave! Inside that cave, Chen Mo felt as if something very important existed. For monster spawning and hiding tasks or some treasures, Chen Mo certainly chose the latter!

   Level up anytime! But baby is not available all the time!

   "Ding...you get the ultimate [Sonic Roar]."

   "Ding...you get the ultimate [Tearing Claw]."

   "Ding...you get the ultimate [Fire Burst]."



Chen Mo vowed that he had never been so cool before. He walked straight to the entrance of the cave and kept stealing the skills of the monsters next to him, regardless of what the skills were. Anyway, he could steal it. Of course, he only steals slightly higher level ones. , After all, low-level monster skills are really useless. When they reached the entrance of the cave, Chen Mo had no less than twenty skills on him.

   This is the power of infinite ultimate!

   What if these monsters are all bosses? What if they are all forbidden beasts? How exaggerated are these big moves? This is the true essence and coolest part of the infinite big move.

   Suddenly, a force shot out from the cave!