I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 368: Fake son Mo

The other side of the phone was quickly connected, but there was no sound from there.

  Qin Heyu speaks actively.

   "Can you beat Chenmo?"

  The other side was silent for a few seconds, and then a cold voice "unsure."

   "Not sure? Is he really that strong?"

  He didn\'t say anything over there, and it seemed that nothing was said. Qin Heyu also seemed to understand what he meant.

  Both were silent. After a long time, the voice came.

   "He is Gongzi Mo."


  Qin Heyu showed a shocked expression.

   "You say it again? Who is he? Gongzimo?"


  Qin Heyu frowned and drank the red wine in front of him again.

"Are you sure?"

  Qin Heyu asked seriously.


   "Give me a reason."

   "No reason needed."

  The voice is still cold.

  Qin Heyu then asked, "Can you find his current address? I believe you can."

   "No, because he is no longer in Tiandu, and he cannot be contacted."

   "I know, you continue to strengthen yourself, I look forward to you becoming a real son Mo."

  Then Qin Heyu hung up.

  After hanging up the phone, he quickly turned on the laptop, opened the video, and began to personally observe the fighting video of Gongzimo and Chenmo, who used to use the swordsman profession, and then he made an amazing discovery!

   "Although there are deliberate changes to the fighting style, it is almost impossible for a person to completely change his fighting skills."

  Qin Heyu frowned.

"Furthermore, he is blind. It is precisely that Tianlin can restore the disabled in the game. This is the first game to have such an effect. He does have a reason to come back. Moreover, Chenmo and the temples of the Prosperity Dynasty Showing hostility, it seems that he is indeed very likely to be Gongzi Mo!"

  Qin Heyu then sneered.

   What if he is the son Mo? His current enemies are the Temples of the Gods and the Prosperous Dynasty, not his Qin Heyu. It seems that he is not necessarily an enemy for now.


Qin Heyu wants to own the Qin family, and a large part of the Qin family is the temples of the gods. A lot of the resources of the Qin family are invested in the temples of the gods. Maybe Qin Tianyun is dead, and the temples of the gods will not fall into his hands temporarily. Then if you use Chen Mo\'s powerful game power to destroy the temples of the gods and destroy his brother Qin Tianyun, wouldn\'t it kill two birds with one stone?

Because he has this hatred here, this is a place that can be used, he also believes in his own ability, because he has already deployed a few years ago, and even if Chen Mo is a real son Mo, some people will believe it. ? No! Because Gongzi Mo is now in his hands! He said this is the real son Mo, then he is real! In the future, this fake Gongzi Mo can bring him unimaginable profits. Even if the temples are gone, he can even rely solely on Gongzi Mo to build a second temple of his own, instead of Qin. home\'s!

  Gongzi Mo is a huge i. As long as he creates a guild himself, he will grow into at least the largest guild in the shortest time! Now, it was not the time, at least wait for the Qin family\'s control to fall into his hands, and wait for the real son Mo to be destroyed.

  Qin Heyu tick the corner of his mouth.

  It is impossible for him to tell anyone this news, but for him at present, it is good news! He wants to monopolize the Qin family, but he needs Chen Mo! Therefore, from now on, he will no longer take the initiative to be an enemy of Chen Mo, but will help him, because he needs him to destroy the temples and destroy Qin Tianyun.


On the other hand, Chen Mo and the others got their first victory and left the dungeon map. They have done everything they need to do and are satisfied. I believe that even if the temples are angry, they should not dare to do anything to him in a short time, because they really I was afraid that Chen Mo could destroy their temples for the second time in this way, but at this time the most correct and wise choice of the temples would deliberately increase the hatred between Chen Mo and Shengshi Dynasty. They hoped to use Chen Mo\'s hand. Also destroy the Shengshi Dynasty once in this way, otherwise it will be even more difficult for the temples to catch up with the footsteps of the Shengshi Dynasty!

I believe that they are all smart. With the lessons learned this time and even before, they will definitely not be able to do it again in a short time. After all, those are old foxes, businessmen, and everything is based on their own interests, so why did they eat before? So many losses?

   is actually very simple, because no one can think that it is impossible for a player to do these horrible things at this time! Now that they know, even if they don\'t know if they can do it again, they dare not act rashly.

"Are you hungry?"

  Chen Mo rubbed the little heads of the two little girls.

   "Hmm, hungry."

  Shui Shui spit out her tongue cutely.

   "Buy something delicious and go back to eat with Xiao Yuan."

"it is good."

  The two little Lori promised milkyly.

  One hour later, they returned to the other courtyard of the Seventh Elder of Weiyang Palace. Xiaoyuan was playing in the courtyard boringly. As for Xiao Ruhan... and fell asleep on the table, there were several empty pots of fairy drunk beside her.

"Big brother."

  Xiao Yuan saw that they had returned, and then quickly got up, happily ran over and hugged Chen Mo\'s waist.

  Chen Mo smiled and pinched her cheek.

   "Let’s eat something delicious."


   Then Chen Mo came and sat in front of Xiao Ruhan, looking at her.

  This woman, if you really look at her carefully, you will find that she is really beautiful and beautiful! To be honest, Chen Mo really has some small expectations, how beautiful she will really be after dressing herself up.

   Then he took out a pot of Fairy Drunk and opened it in front of her nose.

  Xiao Ruhan sniffed.


  She then opened her mouth~www.novelhall.com~Chen Mo; "……"

  This Xiao Ruhan fell asleep subconsciously opened his mouth to drink...

  What a weird thing.

   Then Chen Mo put the fairy drunk away. At this time, she opened her eyes, a little confused.

   "Xiao Momo, you are back."

  Xiao Ruhan yawned, then stretched.

   "Are you hungry? Eat when you are hungry, they are eating."

  Xiao Ruhan shook his head; "Stop eating, I have eaten."

   and then took out the supreme starry sky map.


   “Just remember to remember this fairy’s goodness, thank you so much.”

  Chen Mo took out a few more pots of Fairy Drunk and placed it in front of her. This wine could seduce Xiao Ruhan more than food.

  Xiao Ruhan’s beautiful eyes lit up, and he grabbed a pot and took a few mouthfuls.


  Xiao Ruhan said contentedly, then stood up and patted Chen Mo on the shoulder, "Yes, this fairy didn\'t hurt you in vain. Are you free now? When you have time, this fairy teaches you martial arts, do you still want to learn?"