I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 365: Slaughter the Temples

Some people next to    looked back, am I Nima? Chen Mo arrived in front of the city? What is he doing?

   "Chen Mo is in front of the gate, he is in front of the gate!"

  The members of the temples shouted.

  Everyone chuckled.

  The corner of Chen Mo\'s mouth rose slightly.

   "Attack me, explode the dust! Burst him!"

  Although he was still not sure what he was going to do, he was so panicked that killing him seemed to be a more important thing now.

  1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 40

  Chen Mo’s head, a dense number of injuries appeared, and everyone was shocked when they saw these injuries.

  "I rely on? This Nima? Basically, it\'s a little bit of mandatory damage? How high is the defense of this great **** of dust?"

  "Now the average player\'s attack power is about eight or nine hundred, depending on this situation, the defense power of the Great God Chenmo will never be lower than nine hundred!

   "Thirty level two players, 900 defenses? Who can stand this?"

"Let’s not talk about anything else. What we have seen before is the effect of the big move of the Great God Chen Mo. There are many big moves, and the big moves are strong. His combat power is very strong, but he doesn’t know much about one of his attributes. But just the current defense power is much higher than the sky shield, which is too exaggerated."

"And look at his HP. So many players attacked him. Although most of them are a little mandatory damage, there are many ISSs, but he is attacked by so many players. He should have lost a thousand HP one after another. But his health bar is only reduced by about one-fifteenth for a thousand blood. That is to say, the blood volume of the Great God Chenmo is fifteen thousand? Nima? The blood of more than 30 levels and fifteen thousand? Three thousand and eight!"

   "But, what is Great God Chenmo doing? Even if he has a high defense, why is he standing here and being attacked by the player?"


Those who watched the live broadcast were all puzzled. He did not counterattack, did not defend, and was simply being attacked. Although the health bar was very thick, even if one person could only deal a little damage, so many attacks hit Chen Mo at the same time. The drop speed of this health bar is still quite fast.

   "Ding...Your health is below 50, and the damage done is doubled."


   "Ding...Your health is lower than 10, and the damage caused is increased by four times."

  That Qin Heyu saw Chen Mo\'s residual blood, his eyes suddenly brightened.

   "Go to death! Fulong Xiang strike!"

  He released a big move, accompanied by a dragon rushing towards Chen Mo, wanting to kill Chen Mo in seconds.

  The corners of Chen Mo\'s mouth rose slightly at this time.

  This group of people can’t do it, how can it take so long to hit his health bar below 10?


  Chen Mo rushed directly to a player, dragged him and threw it towards Qin Heyu who was rushing over, and then he was killed by Qin Heyu in seconds. At the same time...

  The meaning of Shura, the Dark Kai skills are directly activated at the same time.

  Dark Armor In the next minute, the user will enter the Shadow Mode. In the Shadow Mode, all damage received will increase by 100, but the damage caused will also increase by 100, with a cooling time of one hour.

  In the next instant, Chen Mo jumped to the gate infinitely, and the sword slashed on the gate.

   "He wants to destroy the gate of our city?"

   "Hahaha...destroy the gate? This gate has two million health, and his sword can\'t be broken even if he slashes it! What am I doing as he wants to do it, silly pen...silly..."

   However, in the next moment, they were all shocked.


  Yes, it was not a skill, or a sword slashed up, and the door dropped nearly 200,000 blood.

   And Chen Mo\'s own attack speed is very exaggerated, the gate is as weak as tofu.

   "Quick! Give me a second! Quick! The door can\'t be broken!"

  Qin Heyu exclaimed.


  Then a group of people rushed up, and the attack fell on Chen Mo.

  There is only a little blood left, but they can’t beat this little blood!

  And Chen Mo completely ignored them. In just a few seconds, the door of two million HP was directly broken! After that, Chen Mo opened the Sky Shadow Step and rushed out with a sudden increase in speed.

  Everyone is confused!

  This Chenmo came here to break this door? But this does not seem to be important, more importantly, the damage value!

  Those who watched the live broadcast looked stupid.

   "One sword has more than 170,000 damage? What the hell? Lao Tzu\'s increased skill release is two to three thousand damage, why is it 170,000?"

   "The door of two million health is vulnerable to a single blow, this Chen Mo, even without that terrifying big move, is outrageous."

   "Amplification skills, Chenmo also used the amplification skills, but his amplification skills are too abnormal?"

"But the Great God Chenmo just wanted to break the gate? It\'s useless. Even if he wants the city behind the temples to be occupied by monsters, the mission fails, but there are millions of players in front of the gate, and the monsters can\'t break through these players. Ah, so even if the gate is broken, nothing will happen."


  One sword 170,000, this is going to be a matter of discussion and talk about everyone.

   On the other side, Chen Mo recovered his blood volume, and soon returned to full. If the temples thought it was over, it would be too naive.

Yes, there are so many players before the city, they only need time to kill all the monsters to complete the task, and they must be able to do it, but unfortunately, if the number of their players is greatly reduced, they will not be able to stop the monsters. If so, isn’t that over?

   "Holy Dragon Real Body!"

Chen Mo released the sacred dragon\'s real body that he had stolen from Grandpa Long Xiaorou~www.novelhall.com~ Chen Mo jumped up and turned into a huge fiery red dragon, accompanied by Long Yin rushed to the void of the crowd in front of the temples.


  Everyone swallowed.


  There was another dragon chant, and the terrifying flame power was released, burning the earth and hundreds of thousands of players before the city!

  At that moment, everyone understood what Chen Mo was going to do!

  "Too...too crazy! This Chenmo used his ultimatum to kill the members of the temples! Then their temples were destroyed. If the mission fails, the loss of the temples is unimaginable!"

   "Is the hatred between the Great Chenmo and the Temple of Gods really so great?"

   "If Great God Chenmo only has this big move, then there is nothing wrong with the Temple of Gods, but what if he has several more?"


  Yes, Chen Mo still has more than 30 big moves. It shouldn’t be difficult to kill 1 million players in these temples, right?

  You should know that players generally have 3,000 or 4,000 HP, while monsters are 30,000 or 40,000. Killing players is much easier than monsters!

  Followed by big moves one after another slaughtering the temples.