I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 360: I am a girl too

Lou Xiaoqian’s live broadcast room was once again full. She became the biggest anchor of the fried fish platform just because of a few live broadcasts. Her timing was good, and the live broadcasts were all things that everyone paid attention to, but the main thing was her own efforts. Ah, she would rather follow here from the border by trekking and wading for the sake of Chen Mo. She was able to become a major anchor because of her hard work.

  There is another member of the Wind God Sect that is Qingcheng, but Chen Mo deliberately did not let her come, why? Because Qingcheng is too obvious, once she appears, once the fight is taken for a while, many people can guess that she is Qingcheng, and that\'s not what Chen Mo wants to see!

  But he is different. The styles of swordsman and assassin are too different. Qingcheng is an assassin from beginning to end. Everyone knows her too well, but Gongzi Mo has played many professions, and it is difficult to be recognized.

   On the other side, Qin Heyu took the lead. The Temples of Gods kept laughing at Chen Mo, as if they had all seen Chen Mo’s Fengshenzong being trampled to pieces.

The grievances between Chen Mo and the temples of the gods are great even if they are simply counted from Tianlin. If you support Chen Mo, then those players would have left the temples of the gods long ago, but if not, then they are the opposite of Chen Mo. Laughing, ridicule is not surprising.

  Yes, Feng Shenzong is just a few people, how many people face the five million monsters? What level of battle is that?

   is a level that Gongzimo has never reached.

  Although one person singled out a super power that they had never achieved, it may be more intuitive. In short, if Chen Mo did it, he might be a true enfeoffment in the minds of many people.

Of course, the so-called true enfeoffment needs to be held on one or a few specific occasions, such as a contest between players. It may not be as shocking as one person singles out tens of thousands of monsters, but if you can win the famous XX in the contest, then it proves You are indeed better than him, so if you step on him, you will be a god.

However, the so-called Conferred Gods are also divided into high and low points. Moreover, even if Chen Mo really did it, he did it with countless big moves. In such a situation, many people would actually be dissatisfied and use big moves because of the big moves. You can kill many monsters with many tricks. Is that really your own strength? no.

  Chen Mo was very calm when he heard what they said and laughed, because he knew it well.

   "I think the temples of the gods should be dissolved today, what do you think?"

  Chen Mo glanced at these people and said faintly.

  The surrounding area suddenly became quiet, a few seconds later...


   "Fuck! You laughed at me! Disbanded? This Chen Mo means that our temples can\'t complete the mission of guarding the meeting today?"

   "It seems that some things have made him so inflated, and it really is only suitable for short-lived existence."


   Then Qin Heyu also laughed and stopped, and looked at Chen Mo jokingly.

"Our temples are disbanded? Then I want to see if your Fengshen sect is trampled down and disbanded after failing to complete the mission. You don\'t look at the millions of temples behind me. How can you compare? ?"

  Qin Heyu\'s sarcasm.

  Chen Mo shrugged his shoulders.

   "If it wasn\'t for you to see despair with your own eyes, you would have died."

  Chen Mo finished speaking and walked away.

There was a lot of laughter in the rear, and some people even recorded their conversation, and they couldn’t wait to spread it to the Internet to laugh at Chen Mo. They also quickly received a lot of responses on the Internet, basically all supporting the temples, talking about Chen Mo. It’s a big tone, or I’m still pretending to say the words here.

   "Everyone is ready for the monsters to attack the city. By the way, pay attention to me. Take pictures of the city behind Chen Mo and the monsters being flattened by the monsters. Let the big guys have a good time!"

  Qin Heyu shouted to the group of members.

   "Hahaha, good!"


At this moment, Chen Mo went to visit other major guilds, and then went back. In front of the city, Lin Kexin, Zhao Yingmeng, Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou sat around, they were teasing Little Phoenix, giggling Laughing straight, Lou Xiaoqian, who was taking pictures not far away, was stunned. Shouldn\'t they be panicked? How can you laugh?

   was very flustered, but Chen Mo said it to him, and said it to relieve them, even if they could not think of a certain possibility, Chen Mo said they would believe it.

   "Brother Chenmo."

  Chen Mo came over, and several people quickly stood up.

   "Kexin, how far is your skill range?"

   Chen Mo asked.

  "Most of my skills are far greater than the scope of other professional skills."

  Chen Mo nodded; "Then you go to the city wall to protect us and fight, and bring Xiaohuang with her. She is also a ranged mage pet, right?"


  Because Chen Mo knows that Lin Kexin\'s profession is similar to a support, can\'t let her profession join the battle, right? And Lin Kexin\'s actual combat ability is not strong.

   "Shui Shui, you and Kexin will buff us on the wall together."

"it is good."

  Shui Shui Milky voice replied.

   "Xiaorou, so are you."

  The two little girls have a lot of long-range skills. In such a large number of monster battles, Chen Mo dare not let them be surrounded by monsters.

   "Brother Chenmo, what about me, what about me?"

  Zhao Yingmeng asked expectantly.

  Chen Mo glanced at Zhao Yingmeng and said, "Come on and live."

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"


  Everyone is on the city wall, so it might be the safest, and then she is alone, come on and live? Means to let her fight three million monsters below?

Wow! How miserable!

  Chen Mo patted her on the shoulder and said, "Come on."

   "Brother Chenmo."

  Zhao Yingmeng\'s small mouth curled under the veil, and she looked at Chen Mo with aggrieved expression.


   "I am also a girl~www.novelhall.com~Chen Mo"..."

"and then?"

   "Then Kexin and each of them are on the wall, I..."

   feels so miserable.

   "Can you attack any monsters on the wall?"

  Zhao Yingmeng shook her head.

   "But they can."

"I know."

  Zhao Yingmeng pouted her little mouth.

   "There is water and the protection of Kexin, even if the battle is!"


Zhao Yingmeng nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice. Then, taking advantage of this time, Chen Mo previewed the effect of the ultimatum he had stolen. Although he knew that they were all ultimatum, the effect could only be more effective. The efficacy.

  These monsters are all created by the system. They are not the monsters of the Tianlin Continent. Everything is set by the system, so even if they are very close, there will be no monsters attacking other guild cities and attacking them.

   Soon, the time has come, and they even felt the slight vibration of the ground without seeing the monster\'s figure.