I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 357: Borrow a Taixu starry sky map to use

Chen Mo\'s mouth twitched when he heard Xiao Ruhan\'s words.


  It\'s noon right away, and their players\' dungeon quest will begin.


  Chen Mo is asking for someone after all, so he has to cater to it.

   "Well, I went to wash, and I don’t know where to go to get something to eat."

   Then Xiao Ruhan shook the jug, which was empty, and threw it backhand.

  Chen Mo put all the food on the table while she was washing, and took out several pots of drunk fairies, and put them in the place where Xiao Ruhan usually sits while eating.

  After washing, Xiao Ruhan is considered beautiful. If she really dresses up, she is definitely the top goddess in the mainland, but she is lazy.

  When Xiao Ruhan walked over, his beautiful eyes looked at the table, and then suddenly lit up and ran over quickly.

   "Xiao Momo, you prepared it."

  After she asked, she ate it.

  Chen Mo nodded; "I went out and bought something for the most beautiful fairy in the world by the way."

   "Yes, this fairy doesn\'t usually hurt you for nothing."

  Xiao Ruhan rubbed Chen Mo\'s hair just like Chen Mo usually rubs Xiaoyuan and the others.

  Chen Mo; "..."

  She took a sip of wine after kneading, and suddenly felt that things were not that simple.

   "That\'s right... Something is going on?"

  Xiao Ruhan hugged a roast chicken that was charred on the outside and tender on the inside and took a bite to look at Chen Mo.

  It’s okay for this little Momo to buy her something to eat, but...what did he say?

  The most beautiful fairy in the world?

  Although she admitted that this sentence was correct, it was wrong from Xiao Momo\'s mouth.



  Chen Mo coughed dryly.

   "I want to ask for a little thing."

"I knew it."

  Xiao Ruhan put down the roast chicken and took a sip of fairy drunk.

   "Let\'s talk about it, what\'s the trivial matter? After all, this fairy is also the most fairy in your mind. After all, it is also your master. If you can help, this fairy will still do it."

  Chen Mo scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

   "borrow something to use."

   "Borrow something? You borrow something from me? This fairy is poor and white. If you don\'t have money yet, what can I lend you?"

  Xiao Ruhan asked her perfect eyes to look at a bowl of soup, and then brought her tentatively and took a sip, her beautiful eyes lit up, and then she threw the spoon directly, holding the bowl and drinking.

  "Tai Xu starry sky map."


  Xiao Ruhan sprayed out the soup directly, then turned to look at Chen Mo.

This is someone’s treasure, even if you are a master and apprentice, it is really embarrassing to borrow this kind of thing, but it’s too ridiculous. Chen Mo has so many big tricks that he feels unsafe. If he can use this too imaginary starry sky map. , That\'s even more bottom.

  He has the Heavenly Jade of Heaven and Earth, but it’s useless. It just changes the weather but can’t be used to attack. Even if it’s a thunderstorm, there must be a chance that the thunder will come down.

   "What are you doing?"

  Xiao Ruhan asked quickly.

  What is this little Momo doing? This thing is precious, but Xiao Ruhan is more at ease if it is lent to him, it is impossible to be swept away, right? But what to do?

   You know, this is too imaginary starry sky map is powerful, then must be doing very abnormal and dangerous things?

   "There is something, it\'s not easy to say."

   "Would you go to another sect to attack others, right? I tell you, if this is the case, I won\'t lend it to you."

  Xiao Ruhan said.

  Chen Mo shook his head; “No, I’m sure I’m not going to attack people, and I don’t have any danger, I just have some needs, if it’s not convenient, then I don’t need it.”

"and many more."

  Xiao Ruhan then took out the too virtual starry sky map and threw it to Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo reached out and caught it.

  This too virtual starry sky map is like a painting, but it is rolled up and very luxurious. When it is pulled apart, it seems to be able to release its power.

   "If I find that you lie to me, that fairy will punish you."

  Chen Mo nodded, "Don\'t worry, I didn\'t lie to you."

   "Also, don\'t use it in front of those strong, can you guarantee it?"

   "I can guarantee that I will never use it in front of anyone in the mainland."

"That\'s good."

   There is nothing wrong with Chen Mo\'s words. He is using it in front of players, and players probably don\'t recognize this thing either.

"Remember, the too-virtual starry sky map is extremely powerful, but you can\'t use your power to exert the power of the too-virtual starry sky map. The effect is thoughtful. I will teach you how to use it. I only hope you don\'t do bad things. what."

  Chen Mo nodded.

  Xiao Ruhan also trusted Chen Mo to give it to him. Chen Mo was really touched. What is the equivalent of this starry sky map?

   is equivalent to the most important thing of a person, equivalent to the shares held by that person in a large company, and it is really touching to give such a thing to others.

   Then Xiao Ruhan pointed towards Chen Mo\'s forehead, and the dark blue light burst out slightly.

   "Ding...you can use the starry sky map of the emptiness."

   "Okay, don\'t make trouble for this fairy, I\'m going to eat."

  Chen Mo said, "Eat slowly, I\'ll leave first, and I will bring you delicious food when I come back."

  With this imaginary starry sky map, Chen Mo feels quite confident.

  Xiao Ruhan watched Chen Mo leave.

  "Oh, this fairy is really the number one beautiful master in the world.

On the way to   , Chen Mo took out the starry sky map of Taixu and looked at the attributes.

Taixu starry sky map grade Tianni, the use requirements are unknown~www.novelhall.com~ On the Tianlin continent, there are several top-level spiritual tools, and the Taixu starry sky map is one of them. There are rumors, Taixu What is contained in the starry sky map is the night sky that people can see. How powerful this night sky can be, and how much power and space does the starry sky map have, release the power of the starry sky map, and place it Above the sky, there will be countless stars in the sky, and the stars are power, which can attract all things in the sky and the power below the stars into the starry sky map. There are more effects that cannot be used.

  Chen Mo "……"

  I don’t know how strong it is, let alone how much power he can exert and what effect he can achieve. It seems ambiguous anyway, but it must be useful, but Chen Mo cares about one thing!

  Sky Reverse!

  Yes, the grade of the starry sky map is Tian Ni! Tian Ni-level? Chen Mo Xiuluo has an unactivated skill called Tianni, of course it should not mean the same thing, but this is the first time Chen Mo has seen the grade on equipment, Tianni? Could it be above the sky forbidden level?

  Is there a level above the ban level? What about the realm of warriors?

It should be there too. The so-called Sky Forbidden Level is for what players know. If there is a higher level, it is actually not a particularly surprising thing. For example, the three ancestors of Lingjian Pavilion, will they be heaven? Inverse level? Chen Mo didn\'t understand either, but he knew now that there was still this level of existence!

   Then Chen Mo found Xiaoyuan and the others.