I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 355: Lingjian Pavilion: Why is he here again?

"Brother Chen Mo, what are we going to do? It seems that no matter how big or small Tianlin is, any guild has to go through this kind of guard mission. If you don’t go, the guild will be forcibly disbanded, but we only have a few people. Can you beat it?"

  Lin Kexin said with some worry.

  And this kind of task is a player\'s task, you can\'t bring nc in, even Xiaoyuan can not enter, so Lin Xuan can not rely on the help of nc\'s strong, only the player.

  Hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions of members, they... only single-digit members, how can this be best?

  "The difficulty of the major guilds is definitely different. Do you have any questions about the difficulty?"

   "There is no belch."

   "Let’s talk about it then."

   "Hmm, then tomorrow."

   Then they walked for more than half an hour before returning home.


   "Ding...Welcome to Tianlin."

  The next morning, Chen Mo and Lin Kexin went online early after eating.

  Now Fengshenzong recruits people? Obviously it won’t work, and no matter how big or small guilds are, you only need to know one thing. Since you can form a trade union, it must not be a few people. After all, you need to build a gang token. Except for Fengshen Sect, it’s impossible for Chen Mo to recruit people. Yes, how can we cope with the guarding link that may not be too weak?


  Yes, it\'s skills!

  The strong point of their guild lies in the large number of people. The disadvantage of Shenzong Chen Mofeng is the small number of people, but who said that a small number of people cannot be compared with a large number of people? What if one person can support tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands?

  After Chen Mo walked out of the room, the girl Xiao Ruhan was still asleep, probably drinking too much, and then he went out.

  The elders of Weiyang Palace, the strong are having a meeting in the main hall. It happened that Chen Mo saw this scene, and then leaned forward.

  Normal disciples are definitely not allowed to enter, but this Weiyunhai waved after seeing Chen Mo.

   "Chen Mo, come here."

  Chen Mo is of course happy to go in, because...

   "Ding...you get the ultimate three thousand sword swords."

   "Ding...you get a big move, Fuxiangtian."



  Yes, if Chen Mo has countless big moves, can one person be able to top hundreds of thousands of people?

   And the big move is unlimited, can last a day, then this problem will be solved.

   Then Chen Mo stole all the ultimatums of all the strong men. He didn\'t know what it was, just knowing that it was the ultimatum of the strong men.

   "Chenmo, you can be regarded as saving Weiyang Palace with one hand. We old guys have not come yet and thank you. If you have anything you want, just say."

  Chen Mo shook his head; "No, this is something you should do as a disciple of Weiyang Palace."

  This Weiyunhai, the more they looked at Chen Mo, the more pleasing the eyes, the former four elders, five elders, etc. were "poisoned" by Xiaoyuan and others, and the strong people full of resentment are not too blame.

   "Hahaha, okay, my Weiyang Palace is lucky to have a disciple like you."

  Wei Yunhai said with a smile.

   "Then I will leave first, there is something else."

   "Go, just ask old guys like us if you have anything in the future."

  Chen Mo nodded and walked away. He walked in just to steal a big move.

Then Chen Mo wandered around the entire Weiyang Palace and stole all the ultimatums of the Heavenly Peer-level and Shenhuang-level strong masters that he could see. So far, he has no less than a hundred ultimatums. But to be honest, Tian Jue\'s ultimatum accounted for the vast majority, and Tian Jue\'s ultimatum was far from those strong.

   is not enough, Chen Mo is not sure what kind of battle he will go through, so he feels that these big moves are not enough! A lot more! But, where are there many strong points?

  Lingjian Pavilion!

  Chen Mo raised his brows, and then left Weiyang Palace.

   "Report! Chen Mo is back at Lingjian Pavilion!"

  That Wei Wunian and others were discussing future countermeasures in the Lingjian Pavilion hall, and then ran into a disciple and said in a hurry.

   "What! What is he doing again!?"

  Wei Wunian and they couldn\'t help standing up.

  Who can stand this t? Why is this here again? They haven\'t looked for anything yet, but he has come by himself!

  Many of them are still wondering whether to go to Weiyang Palace to admit their mistakes, and ask Chen Mo to return what they have lost, but they still haven\'t decided yet.

   "Quick, go!"

Wei Yunhai and the others went out in a hurry. God knows what the goddess is here for. Anyway, they are afraid, but they want to kill him, but they can\'t kill him now, even if he doesn\'t have that invincible power. Kill, because he is dead, the strength and even the life span of the powerful people in Lingjian Pavilion will not return. Even if the Lingjian Pavilion is repaired, they will be kicked out of the ranks of super powers, because there is no such level. The strong man sat down.

  No one in this spirit sword pavilion really dared to stop Chen Mo, one by one, as Chen Mo approached, they subconsciously stepped aside, watching him vigilantly one after another.

  The spirit sword pavilion players are also drunk, is this too exaggerated? A group of mentors is like a mouse meeting a cat. You know, this is just a junior, just a low-powered person!

  Chen Mo came along and stole the big moves of the strong, but the most important people have not yet stole it.

  The cooldown of these ultimatums is very long, but these powerhouses are not just a ultimatum. Chen Mo can steal other ultimatums. It is a day for the infinite ultimatum to steal the cooldown of the same person, and now he can steal it again.

   "Chenmo, what are you doing again!"

  Wei Wunian hurried over with a group of elders.

   "Ding...you got the ultimate nine-day thunder and tribulation."

   "Ding...you get a big move...


  This Chen Mo is so cool~www.novelhall.com~ It’s okay, but it suddenly occurred to me that I didn’t drink your Lingjian Pavilion tea last time, right? I think day and night, no, I just came here for a cup of tea. "

  Wei Wunian "……"

  "Don\'t deceive people too much!"

  Chen Mo said, "I really came here for a cup of tea."

  Wei Wunian thought for a while, if he hadn\'t come to attack Lingjian Pavilion, it would be fine.

  Anyway, the face of Lingjian Pavilion is gone, so their first task now is to restore those strong men who have lost a lot of strength under the power of Chen Mo\'s unknown laws.

   "Since you want to drink tea, move to the lobby."

   Then Chen Mo was taken into the hall by them. A group of elders and the strong sat with Chen Mo, and they really gave Chen Mo a cup of good tea.

  The eyes of Wei Wunian and others have been on Chen Mo.

  Hate! Obviously I wanted to kill him, but I still wanted to give him tea and grass!

"Chen Mo, I admit that there was a contradiction between Lingjian Pavilion and you before, but now that Lingjian Pavilion is like this, the hatred in your heart should also be resolved? Then I hope you can return the cultivation base of those strong in our Lingjian Pavilion. ."

  Wei Wunian looked at Chen Mo and said.