I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 353: He hates it!

Han Jiangxue bit her lip.

  If you don’t grow up, you will be sprayed?

  Yes, because she is the seventh elder of Weiyang Palace, she is not doing business, and she has a genius apprentice. If the genius apprentice does not grow up much, she will indeed be sprayed to death, but...

  This Chenmo has done something against the sky, is it not enough?

  I always feel that these seven elders are also uneasy about "kindness".

  "I don’t care, I’m just worried that if there is an emergency, I may not be able to protect his safety."

  She admires Chen Mo, but she also knows that he must have used some power to ignore the attack of the Heavenly Forbidden powerhouse, but it must not last forever, so this security issue is critical.

  Xiao Ruhan smiled and said, "I said, he protects you."

  Han Jiangxue also knows Xiao Ruhan, she is not the rumored kind of unsuccessful, unreliable, since she agrees, then she does not matter, she only needs to do what she can do.

  "Then please tell him the seventh elder. As for when to leave, I\'m not sure. I will come over and talk to the seventh elder then."

   "Tell him personally, I won\'t tell, remember that if you have a chance, let Xiao Momo take a lot of action, as an experience for him." Xiao Ruhan smiled.

   Han Jiangxue groaned slightly, then nodded.


   Chen Mo on the other side came to the entrance of the hall. These powerful men had time to call Chen Mo in the future. The three little loli ran out with sharp eyes, and everyone\'s eyes focused on Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo nodded at them in a symbolic sense, and then left with the three little loli\'s. He didn\'t really want to stay with them.

  The next day, Chen Mo took them to find a place to level up, and they all reached the 31st level successfully.

The sky was not completely dark yet, and Chen Mo took them to the Nanshan area. The construction here is in full swing, and even divided into several groups. They work separately during the day and night. Anyway, as long as you have money, no matter what the time. If there is a shortage of people, so that the Fengshen Sect can be built as soon as possible, Chen Mo can\'t wait.


  Long Xiaorou saw a figure, and ran over happily.

   "Ouch, my little princess!"

  The old man who Chen Mo and the others met for the first time hugged Long Xiaorou, and kindly rubbed her little head.

   "The little princess has gained weight."

  The old man said with a smile.

   "It\'s not there." Long Xiaorou\'s mouth pursed slightly.

   "Why not? Grandpa can\'t hold him anymore."

  Chen Mo was secretly shocked. Chen Mo originally thought that this old man was a certain powerhouse of the Shengyang clan, but he did not expect that he turned out to be Long Xiaorou\'s grandfather, that is, Long Zhan\'s father! This should be the former patriarch of the Shengyang clan, right? The status and strength are a bit exaggerated.

  This is what Long Zhan promised Chen Mo, and sent several powerful men of the Shengyang clan to take care of the built sect for him temporarily.

  Chen Mo walked over with the other two girls.


  Chen Mo gave a fist.

   "Chenmo, it seems that you have become a lot stronger during this time."

  Long Xu looked at Chen Mo and nodded in satisfaction.

  Chen Mo “I didn’t expect that Senior was actually Xiaorou’s grandfather, disrespectful.”

Long Xu smiled and put Long Xiaorou down. The girl then ran to Chen Mo, holding one of Chen Mo\'s arms, seeing Long Xu a little jealous. His little princess has a relationship with this human being. Close, but it was precisely because of this that he knew that Chen Mo must be very good to Long Xiaorou.

   "It\'s all right, it\'s all right."

   "It\'s just... I didn\'t expect Xiao Rou\'s father to let you over."

  Chen Mo is a little flattered.

  "The old man suggested it by myself."

  Chen Mo was taken aback.

"I have lived for so many years, and I have experienced everything, and there is no shortage of it. The rest is my precious granddaughter. I used to take her with me. I left this time and thought of me Yeah, I can see Xiaorou more when I can come here. I am also satisfied."

   "Then trouble seniors."

   "No, it is our Shengyang clan who wants to trouble you to take care of this girl."

  Long Xu touched his beard and said slightly.

   "Not to talk about taking care of each other, helping each other and growing up."

  "You guy can talk, is there anything tonight? If nothing is wrong, I will take Xiaorou this girl out to play tonight. It just so happens that I haven\'t visited the city of your human world for many years."

  Chen Mo nodded, "Naturally, there is no problem, but can Senior take these two girls together?"


  Long smiled and nodded.

  Chen Mo then rubbed the small heads of Shui Shui and Xiao Yuan, and said, "Tonight you will play with Grandpa Long. Be obedient."

   "Hmm, isn\'t the big brother together?" Xiao Yuan asked expectantly.

  Chen Mo shook his head, “I’m not going to have fun, it’s not early, then these girls will ask Senior Long.”

  Long Xu patted Chen Mo on the shoulder.

   "Go, leave it to me, and the old man will take them to have fun tonight."

  Chen Mo smiled, and then left here and returned to Weiyang Palace.

  This Long Xu is not an outsider, but that is Long Xiaorou’s grandfather. Of course it’s okay for people\'s grandfather to think about his granddaughter, and it’s okay to let three little girls play with him. Chen Mo is also relieved.


   "Jiang Xue, I heard that you are going to continue the tracking mission of Yangshen Sect in the past two days?"

   On the edge of the square before the steps of Weiyang Palace, Han Jiangxue has been standing here for a long time, looking at the steps below, as if waiting for someone, then Qin Hao smiled and asked when he saw him.

  Han Jiangxue nodded, "Well~www.novelhall.com~Do you want me with you?"

  Han Jiangxue shook her head slightly, and said calmly, "No, brother has other things to do, I can finish it."

  Qin Hao nodded, "Then you must be careful."

   "Thank you Brother Qin for your concern."

  Han Jiangxue\'s tone is not emotional, Qin Hao is also used to it, but he just likes Han Jiangxue\'s appearance.

   "You have been standing here for a long time, I don\'t know who Junior Sister Jiang Xue is waiting for?"

  Qin Hao asked curiously.

   "Well, wait for someone, there is something."

  At this moment, Chen Mo walked up the stairs.

   "Dust Mo."

   Seeing Chen Mo, Han Jiangxue yelled slightly.

  Qin Hao frowned suddenly!

  She is waiting for Chenmo?

  Why? Why? He and Han Jiangxue have known each other for so many years, and there seems to be no picture of her waiting for him for so long! Even if it is to do a task, he has always been waiting for Han Jiangxue early, for fear that he will be a little late, but this Han Jiangxue is actually waiting for Chenmo, and he can\'t wait for an hour! He can\'t understand, he hates it! He is angry!