I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 35: Hidden occupation

The two rankings contain so much news, everyone is shocked!

   The first thing that shocked was the equipment ranking. The forbidden equipment was ranked first. The owner, Chenmo, is what shocked everyone the most.

   "Foggrass! Forbidden-level equipment, the highest-level equipment of the entire Tianlin is out like this? This is the second day after the service is opened! Who can stand it!"

   "Chen Mo, the luck of this player is really good. It is estimated that it was the equipment obtained by the first kill of the Heavenly Forbidden Boss, but it is very strange, why is he only eighth when he kills the Forbidden Boss for the first time?"

   "Who knows! I only care about the banned equipment this day! Hastily! People are more popular than others!"

   "Wait, why doesn\'t Chenmo have a career? Is it because they don\'t have a career?"


   I don’t know how many people were jealous when seeing the banned equipment on the equipment rankings!

how to say?

   Now, no matter what the effect of this day\'s forbidden secret plate is, just put it there and auction it, and the price is calculated in 100 million units! And still be robbed!

   What kind of "king", the son of the temples, the major chambers of commerce, the helms of the major guilds absolutely want to get it!

   hundreds of millions, one billion is really small money for them! But being able to exchange for a Sky Forbidden equipment is different, which means that he can become the overlord of Sky Lin! At least it can be established for a long time. What does it mean to establish the overlord? The forces they represent will be invincible. The major guilds and chambers of commerce are extremely competitive. Although they have more fixed members, the new game is still strong! Whoever is stronger, then whose power can be stronger!

  The Prosperous Dynasty is the strongest, but it is also afraid of being surpassed by other tens of millions of guilds! Ten million-level guilds such as the Temple of Gods want to surpass the Prosperity Dynasty and become the strongest guild! Forbidden equipment on this day can lay this foundation!

   For a time, almost all forces once again launched an operation to find Chen Mo!

   The news shocked the world, but there was another thing that immediately drove the heat down! That is, they saw a coveted name in the fourth place on the ranking list, Gongzimo!

   "Damn! Gongzimo! It\'s Gongzimo!"

   Everyone is crazy!

   "Gong Zi Mo is back! He is back!"

   "It must be him, this ID only belongs to Gongzi Mo, he really came back! Although he is fourth in the ranking list, he is also at level 7. He is Gongzi Mo, that\'s enough!"


   For a while, one was Gongzi Mo returning to virtual, and the other was Tianban-level equipment. These two news swept across the entire Skyblue Star like a torrential rain.

   But they didn\'t know that this son Mo was no longer the one before.

   Chen Mo naturally saw Gongzi Mo, who was fourth on the ranking list, and he released killing intent in his eyes.

   is ranked fourth, level seven, and it doesn\'t humiliate the ID of Gongzimo.

   "I hope you can hide a little longer, otherwise you will step on you too early, and you will lose the meaning!" A **** smile appeared on the corner of Chen Mo\'s mouth.

   He has this confidence! No matter who this son Mo is, he has confidence.

   Then he cleaned up his mind and continued to check the news brought by the two rankings.

   The first place is himself, and the second place, in fact Chen Mo expected, Qingcheng! A woman he only admires!

   Judge whether a person is strong or not? It\'s not that he ranks high in this game, he is famous, and he is strong. He can be a top player in several consecutive virtual online games. If he keeps it, he is strong!

   Qingcheng is one, king, and one too! There is also Tiandi Yijian, Qin Heyu\'s brother, the true helm of the temples!

   On this ranking list, there are thunder and gusts are all famous players! A first thunder magician, a first archer, is also a very prestigious existence, dominates several virtual online games consecutively, the strength is naturally recognized.

  Equipment ranking list, ghost and mysterious weapon...

   Something is hidden!

   As for the Nicholas, it has attracted the attention of many people. The players on the entire ranking list will definitely get everyone\'s attention.

   But, no matter what, it must not be as sensational as the two news of Tianban-level equipment and the appearance of Gongzimo.

   What made Chen Mo frown was that this Shadow Dream was also on the ranking list, including her in the equipment ranking list! As for your own equipment, neither the Chain of Calamity nor the Infinite Ring of the God-Bright rank are on the list.

   "Ding... the player [Mother Generation Woman] asked to talk to you, do you agree?"

   The system prompt came, and Chen Mo pondered slightly.


   "Wow wow wow! Brother Chenmo, have you seen it, son Mo is back!"

   As soon as the other end was connected, Zhao Yingmeng\'s excited voice came.

   "I saw it."

   Chen Mo said lightly.

   "Uuuuu, I\'m going to cry with excitement, and finally I can see the scene of the son of a stranger, so handsome."

   I can see that she is a fan of Gongzimo.

"Any thing else?"


Zhao Yingmeng was stunned for a moment and then nodded: "Yes, I just received the quest reward. I saw Brother Chenmo, you have no career. It happened that there was a [Shadow God] hidden career transfer scroll for the quest reward. It\'s a hidden assassin profession. I just went online and heard the system prompting you to be wanted. Brother Chenmo, where are you now, I\'ll give you the scroll."

   To be honest, Chen Mo\'s heart moved slightly when he heard Zhao Yingmeng\'s words.

   Hidden career is probably the most precious thing in every virtual online game except for the top equipment! Obtaining hidden occupations ~www.novelhall.com~ The attribute improvement that can be obtained is unimaginable, the most powerful thing is that you can obtain exclusive skills for hidden occupations, which are many times stronger than the skills of ordinary occupations! To put it simply, famous players are all hidden professions. If the value of such a scroll is auctioned, it should start with tens of millions of RMB! Maybe the transaction price has to exceed 100 million yuan, she actually wants to give it to herself?


   Generally speaking, if there is a shortage of money, most people will choose to sell it when they get it, but how to say it, very few! Most of the top players who can get hidden professions are basically not short of money, and, normally, they will use it by themselves. The money sold is temporary, but maybe they change jobs and they can get a return in the future. Will far exceed this value!

   "No, you are also an assassin. Use it yourself! I don\'t need a career."

   Actually, even if she gave it to herself, she couldn\'t change her job.


   Zhao Yingmeng was taken aback, but he refused?

   Why would you refuse? The value of this hidden profession is very high! She is not too short of money, but she knows how to repay. If she did not have Chen Mo, she would not necessarily get this, and she also got other things, she felt that Chen Mo had no career, he needed this more, but why not? ? This man is very peculiar, is it because there are days forbidden equipment to look down on this? It shouldn\'t, no conflict.

   "Keep things for yourself, hang up first."

   Then Chen Mo hung up the communicator.

   On the other side, Zhao Yingmeng put the communicator away, showing aggrieved expression.

   "Is it too annoying? Why did you hang up without saying a word."

   Zhao Yingmeng doesn\'t understand, she even thinks he hates herself?