I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 345: beg me!

At this moment, Chen Mo felt that he should have been underground, walking in a very large underground space, and his spiritual power was getting stronger and stronger.

  "Ding...the player\'s mother-in-law woman asked to talk to you, do you agree?"


  As soon as this communicator was connected, Zhao Yingmeng\'s screams came from it.

   "Ah-Brother Chenmo, you are so handsome!! You are so handsome!"

  Chen Mo; "..."


"No...just...just to express the emotions of this heroine, what\'s the situation in Lingjian Pavilion now? I\'m outside with the Seventh Elder, Xiaoyuan and the others, but the guardian formation is blocked and I can\'t see the situation inside. ."

  Zhao Yingmeng asked.

   "It\'s almost gone."

  Zhao Yingmeng? ? ?

  What is it?

"Although I don\'t quite understand, this is the picture I dream of, Brother Chenmo, when can you teach me? I also want to cross the world, I also want to be invincible, and I want to break into other people\'s sects and do whatever I want what."

  Zhao Yingmeng has become a super fan of Chen Mo, my God! This is what she dreams of doing! Ahhhhh! It\'s not working, my **** is itchy!


  Then the communicator was hung up.

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"

  I got used to it, but... also feels so exciting.

  Xiao Ruhan also didn\'t know anything outside the Lingjian Pavilion. Fortunately, there was a feeling between Shui Shui and Long Xiaoruan Chen Mo. They said Chen Mo was fine, and Xiao Ruhan was relieved for the time being.

  She really took it.

  Anyway, she knew that if this incident were to spread, this little Momo didn\'t know how to get the attention of the mainland. Anyway, it would stir the situation.

   "Yingmeng, you are a friend of Xiao Momo. Did you know that he had such an ability to guard against the sky before?"

  Xiao Ruhan saw Zhao Yingmeng approaching, and then asked in confusion.

   "I don\'t know." Zhao Yingmeng also shook his head.

  The two biggest problems, one is, what exactly does he use to achieve this degree of immune damage?

  Secondly, where did he come from so many defying abilities, and where did he release his spiritual power?

   is a mysterious little Momo.

  At this moment, Chen Mo has seen that huge spiritual vein!

  The whole body of this spiritual vein is colored, no, it is not that the spiritual vein is colored, but the spiritual vein is wrapped with colorful light, which is particularly beautiful and dazzling.

The entire spiritual vein is tens of meters wide and stretches to both sides like a giant dragon. This is the existence bred from heaven and earth, and it releases the spiritual power of heaven and earth all the time. It is also something that Chen Mo really wants Feng Shenzong to possess. If this kind of thing can\'t be moved, it will be destroyed.

  Chen Mo didn\'t say a word, hesitated without hesitation, the powerful martial arts stolen directly flocked to the spirit veins.


  The terrifying force burst out, and after colliding with the spirit vein, the shock wave of the backlash directly smashed Chen Mo into the air.

   "Ding...you are dead."

   "Ding...you are resurrected."

  The dust dissipated slightly, and Chen Mo saw that the spirit vein... part of it was destroyed, but not really destroyed.

   "No way, this stealing ultimate is not strong enough."

  Chen Mo rubbed his chin.

It’s not that the ultimate move is not strong enough, but that Chen Mo’s release is not enough to destroy it. Chen Mo has stolen the other powerful ultimatums, so this is just a group of super god-level powerhouses. The super **** level or holy death level big move is a lot worse than the sky forbidden level.

   Therefore, I am afraid that the ultimate move of the Forbidden Rank can destroy this spiritual vein.

   "Stop it!"

   At this moment, an angry shout came, and a terrifying sword rushed directly to Chen Mo, unable to hide, then he died again and resurrected.

  Lingjian Pavilion led by the three ancestors of the Holy Sword Venerable finally arrived here.

  Holy Sword Venerable and others glared at Chen Mo.

  "Stop for the deity!"

  Chen Mo clicked the corner of his mouth.

  Forbidden level powerhouses are here this day, and the ones who send big moves are here.

   Then Chen Mo directly stole the three ancestors of the Holy Sword Venerable Spirit Sword Pavilion.


  Lou Xiaoqian hid from the side to broadcast the content here to unknown people in the live broadcast room, the barrage was frantically brushing the dust!

  Obviously, this matter so far, compared to anything that Chen Mo did before, or even the sensation that smashed tens of thousands of people, it attracted more fans and received recognition and worship from more players.

You know, killing 10,000 people in a second is something that several people have done, and the skills are awesome, anyone can do it, but one person rushed into the super power, smashed all the super powers, and slapped the top power. , Now he wants to destroy the spirit veins and destroy the spirit sword pavilion. No one has ever done this kind of thing.

   "Chen Mo, have something to say! Don\'t destroy my spirit veins in Lingjian Pavilion!"

  The Holy Sword Venerable pointed at Chen Mo and drank loudly.

  He...he was subdued, he has something to say...


"beg me."

  Chen Mo said with a tick.

   "You...you don\'t want to get into it! Do you think our strong men really can\'t deal with you? Do you think how long you can live? It\'s best to stop the deity!"

  Holy Sword Venerable gritted his teeth and glared at Chen Mo.

   "If you have it, you can do it, if you don\'t, you can watch it!"

  Chen Mo said lightly.

  Nima! If so, can this dust come here?


  A terrifying power erupted from Chen Mo.

   "One thought is eternal!"


  Another ancestor-level powerhouse of the Spirit Sword Pavilion saw Chen Mo’s release of the big move and he was bewildered!

  How can this kid know his ultimate martial arts?

  Chen Mo turned into a sharp light, slashing towards that huge spiritual vein with the terrifying power!

   "Stop it!"

  Holy Sword Venerable shouted angrily, his figure disappeared directly in place, appeared in front of Chen Mo, with the help of terrifying power to block the sword! The explosive momentum directly rushed many people out.

  This Holy Sword Venerable has a lingering heart~www.novelhall.com~ Fortunately, in time, otherwise this spiritual vein will be gone, and a group of strong men surrounded Chen Mo, and the corner of Chen Mo\'s mouth rose slightly.

"beg me."

  How heart-wrenching is when a junior says this to a group of strong people!

   "Looking for death!"

  An ancestor-level powerhouse who has not seen how Chen Mo is against the sky instantly appeared in front of Chen Mo, and a terrifying force bombarded Chen Mo.

   "Ding...you are dead."

   "Ding...you are resurrected."


   When he saw Chen Mo rushing towards him directly from the distance he was bombarded, he was shocked.

  Why didn’t he die? No, no one told him this.

   Then when he was stunned, Chen Mo teleported to him and slapped him.



  The barrage is frantically brushing "sour and cool".

This is so exciting. I really hope to be on the scene. I really hope to be lucky enough to have such a shocking act with the Great God Chen Mo. It\'s a pity that they are others, and they are an existence they will never reach. It\'s the same truth as the parents say, the children of other families.