I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 336: Damn it? What is this little Momo doing?

Lin Kexin personally sent Chen Mo to the outside of Yueling Palace, but it attracted the attention of many Yueling Palace disciples. When they walked over, Huang Minghao and Huang Minghao had not left yet, and happened to see this scene.


  A snow sculpture galloped over and landed beside Chen Mo.

   "Go, go back and learn skills."

  Chen Mo patted Lin Kexin on the shoulder.

   "Hmm, Brother Chen Mo, you have to be careful."

  Chen Mo nodded, jumped onto the back of the snow sculpture, and then looked at Huang Minghao below.

   "Brother Huang, I will leave first, there will be a period later."

  Huang Minghao was also surprised, so he left? So fast? What is he here for? If you look at Lin Kexin, it wouldn\'t be so fast, right? It\'s normal to stay for half a day.

   "Brother Mo is leaving now?"

  Huang Minghao asked.

   "Go, there will be a period later."

  The snow sculpture took Chen Mo and disappeared in place!

  But Xiao Ruhan of Weiyang Palace watched the whole process, she didn’t care about the others...

  "Is this girl Xiao Momo\'s childhood sweetheart? Or a little girlfriend?"

  Xiao Ruhan was surprised to see that Chen Mo, a straight man, could be so tender to a girl!

  Even Han Jiangxue and that Ye Yuhan had been matched, but she hadn\'t seen him show any special emotions. Why did this girl make him so tender? It\'s the same as treating Xiaoyuan and them.

   "Xiao Yuan, do you know that sister?"

  Xiao Ruhan asked.

   "You know, I am a very good sister."

  Xiaoyuan said milkily.

  They watched here for many hours, and none of them felt tired, and even the three little girls didn’t go out to make trouble.

   "Then what is the relationship between her and your brother?" Xiao Ruhan asked curiously.


  The three little loli are all tilting their heads, a little confused expression.

  Relationship? I don’t understand, what does the relationship mean, isn’t it just knowing? They shook their heads.

  Xiao Ruhan then wentssiping, quietly asking, "Have you ever seen them kiss?"

   "What is a kiss?"

   Xiao Yuan blinked her big eyes and asked.

  Xiao Ruhan then hug her and just take a mouthful.

   "This is a kiss."


  They shook their heads.

  In short, what Xiao Ruhan knows is that this little Momo has a difficult relationship with that girl.

  As for the skills Lin Kexin released to Chen Mo, Xiao Ruhan was also curious, she didn\'t really see what skills he was, and she didn\'t know what he was doing.

  A few hours later, it was a little darker, Xiao Ruhan and the others had dinner together.

  In the Lingjian Pavilion at this moment, the elders, the strong, and the people who participated in the abused battle gathered together for a meeting.

   "Ancestor, what do you think we should do now?"

  Sect Master Wei Wunian respectfully looked at Venerable Holy Sword.

  Holy Sword Venerable\'s face is still extremely ugly.

   "Assemble the strong, together with Tianqi Palace and Huoyun Villa, first destroy Weiyang Palace!"

  Holy Sword Venerable said angrily.

  I am afraid that only in this way can he calm his heart.

   "It\'s easy, but...if they threaten that thing..."

   "Even if the deity\'s face is scandalous, he must make this Weiyang Palace disappear from the mainland!"

  Holy Sword Venerable is completely desperate, he doesn\'t care anymore! He wants them all to die!

  The ancestor\'s command is death, and it can only be so.

   "But that Chenmo is really weird!"

  Wei Wunian frowned.

"Huh! It\'s nothing weird, it\'s nothing more than the use of the top spirit weapon. Although the deity doesn\'t know what it is, it can only be explained in this way. After releasing his power once that day, it is already the limit. In a short time It will never be released again, because the deity lacks consideration, just need to delay him for a while, he will definitely die!"

  Holy Sword Venerable’s eyes flashed with killing intent! That is the person he most wants to kill!

   "Yes, there is only this one possibility. I guess where the chance came from."

   "That kid is probably already hiding in the wilderness for fear! But it doesn\'t matter, the deity destroyed Weiyang Palace, just pick him out!"


   Suddenly there was a huge roar outside.

"what happened!"

   "No...it\'s not good, someone attacked Lingjian Pavilion!"



  At the same time, Xiao Ruhan and the others had just finished their dinner, and the three little Lori pulled her to see Chen Mo. Xiao Ruhan was helpless, waved, the mirror image appeared again, and then she... was forced.

  Because this scene is very familiar and familiar! Isn\'t this where the Lingjian Pavilion is? He went to Lingjian Pavilion?

  Passing by passing by passing by...

  Xiao Ruhan kept thinking that he was just passing by. If it is someone else, it must be passing by, but Chen Mo... is a lunatic! He doesn\'t play cards according to normal routines at all, so she is really worried about what he is going to do?

  And then...


  She swallowed, because she saw Chen Mo...

  He raised the weapon in his hand and pointed towards the sky. A particularly bright star appeared above the dim and black starry sky, and then...

   Then it was as if the star was falling down, and it slammed directly at the gate of Lingjian Pavilion, and the huge gate instantly became ruins!

   is not to say that it is unstoppable. The main reason is that the people in Lingjian Pavilion would never think that someone would directly rush to attack them single-handedly!

  Xiao Ruhan is a little messy.

   "Falling stars in the sky? How could he still do this trick?"

  This is Xiao Ruhan\'s first reaction.

  This is Lin Kexin\'s masterpiece Yan Qianqiu\'s big trick that Chen Mo stole. Sure enough, it was quite impressive.

  The second reaction is...

  Fuck! What is this little Momo doing? Go to Lingjian Pavilion alone?

  It’s right that they have grudges, but it’s not too late for a gentleman to get revenge for ten years. It’s wrong, it’s mainly because...you’re alone!

   crazy crazy!

  Xiao Ruhan carried the skirt and ran out~www.novelhall.com~ The three little loli with big eyes to small eyes, and then hurried to catch up.

   Outside the Lingjian Pavilion at this moment, Chen Mo stood there like a **** of war, and the dust in front of him slowly dispersed. When the dust dispersed, a group of disciples and strong men from the Lingjian Pavilion rushed out!

  The first reaction was that Lingjian Pavilion was suddenly attacked and entered the ultimate state of alert. However, when they rushed out, they found that...

What the hell? Just one person?

  They still couldn\'t believe it, and then looked around, fucking? Really alone? Isn\'t that looking for death?

   "Chen Mo! It\'s you!"

The great elder Jian Wunan of the Lingjian Pavilion, and even several other elders all rushed out, including the lord of the Lingjian Pavilion Wei Wunian. This Wei Wunian was also fanned by Chen Mo. After seeing Chen Mo, he revealed Angry expression.

  I don’t know how many years, I have never made him angry from a junior!

  Not far away, Lin Tianqi looked at Chen Mo, with killing intent flashing in his eyes!

  That day was a nightmare he would never forget, but he couldn\'t understand it.

  Holy Sword Venerable\'s complexion is even more ugly. He just said that Chen Mo must have hidden away, but people...the spirit sword pavilion is attacking you alone!