I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 316: The power of Shura

Xiao Ruhan didn’t know what to do, anyway, she knew that she must not do it, it would be bad, but... would she stop Chen Mo?

  Want to stop.



  Chen Mo\'s figure disappeared in place, it was teleportation!

   Teleport may not be a rare skill for players, for future high-level assassins, but in Tianlin Continent, in the eyes of these nc, teleport is one of the rarest martial arts types! I have to say that although Lin Tianqi is better than Chen Mo, he envied Chen Mo\'s ability to teleport!

However, no matter how much teleportation is, he can also react. After all, his strength is close to the existence of Shenhuang, but he deliberately did not react, because he just wanted this Chen Mo to act on Lingjian Pavilion, even if It doesn\'t matter if everyone here is killed, this is what he wants to see!

  Chen Mo knew, how could he not know the thoughts of these people?

  It’s true that it is Chen Mo’s best choice to slowly search for evidence and then expose them, but he has done this once, and he doesn’t want to do it again. It’s a trap, what if it’s a conspiracy?

  Can he still be wronged as a player? conspiracy? trap? Why not jump in?

  Sometimes, reasoning is the most irritating behavior, or because he is not strong, since he can’t be reasoned, it’s not reasonable.

Chen Mo teleported to the front of the royal family. This royal family may be more disgusting than Lin Tianqi on the surface, but Lin Tianqi is actually more disgusting, but Chen Mo also knows that Wang Shi can be killed, and this Lin Tianqi , Unless the fire is full, it will be difficult to kill! So Chen Mo chose the best king to kill!

  The wildfire burns endlessly, the spring breeze blows and regenerates. If you don’t kill him, God will know what moths these people will cause.

  The cold light of the sword flashed by, and Wang Shi was just an ordinary disciple who was a little more powerful. Chen Mo\'s teleportation could not be reacted at all. Chen Mo wanted to kill him, but he could not stop it!

Xiao Ruhan was still hesitating and entangled. She knew Chen Mo was angry, but she also knew how serious the consequences would be if he did something impulsive, but she was all thinking about Chen Mo, and she was in a trance for a moment. , Chen Mo\'s teleportation speed and the decisiveness and fierceness of his shots, the cold light of the sword was accompanied by a **** light, Wang Shi\'s eyes widened, his hands could not help holding his crazily **** neck, and he slowly fell to the ground. In an instant, blood sprayed on the faces of the several Lingjian Pavilion disciples nearby, making them completely stunned.

  Before this, all Lingjian Pavilion disciples were disdainful of Chen Mo, thinking that he was pretending to be b, killing someone? He dare! However, at this moment, they all panicked!

  Xiao Ruhan reacted, but it was too late!

   "It\'s over, it\'s over!"

  Xiao Ruhan also showed a worried melancholy, and killed the disciples of Lingjian Pavilion in front of the disciples of Lingjian Pavilion. This is against the super power Lingjian Pavilion. Weiyang Palace will not protect him!

  Lin Tianqi saw this scene, the first reaction was incredible, he really dare? However, in the second moment, he sneered in his heart, this Chen Mo was fooled, he was done!

   Killed Wang Shi, Chen Mo\'s expression was indifferent, as if he had done something trivial!

   "Junior Brother Wang Shi!"

  Lin Tianqi yelled, then rushed over and hugged his body, then stared at Chen Mo angrily.

   "Chen Mo, you really want to die! Kill my disciples in the spirit sword pavilion in front of my spirit sword pavilion, I will report to the elder of the spirit sword pavilion, take you for a trial, take Wang Shi\'s corpse, we go back!"

   Then Lin Tianqi walked away angrily, but his heart was full of joy.

  This is his own death!

   "Did I let you go?"

  Chen Mo’s voice came coldly!

  Lin Tianqi paused, turned his head and looked over.

  Hearing this voice, those Lingjian Pavilion disciples who insulted Chen Mo before trembled inexplicably.

   "I said, leave within a minute, otherwise you will kill you without mercy, now... it\'s too late!"

  A power burst out of Chen Mo\'s body, the meaning of Shura!

  After Xiao Ruhan felt this power, Dai Mei suddenly flicked!

"this is……"

  She was afraid to be sure, and she didn’t want to be sure, but this force...


   Then Chen Mo\'s figure rushed into the disciples of the Lingjian Pavilion, screaming, killing, and desperate.

  Xiao Ruhan was stunned.

   "Stop it!"

  She gave a soft drink, and then rushed towards Chen Mo.

  Shui Shui standing in place received Chen Mo\'s order, and the blue holy light shrouded directly. Xiao Ruhan suddenly realized that he could not release his power!

   "Shui Shui, you!!!"

   "Ding...you got the ultimate Taixu Star Art!"

  Chen Mo jumped and the sky during the day became the starry sky at night!

  The vision of heaven and earth.


  Xiao Ruhan’s beautiful eyes are wide! how can that be? how is this possible? ?


  Meteor falls, the world is dead, and the people fled.


  The terrifying starlight power fell down, and the surroundings were instantly annihilated! The disciples of the Lingjian Pavilion were all turned into nothingness, becoming a little bit of starlight above the starry sky.


  Even if the strong Lin Tianqi couldn\'t release his martial skills, he was somewhat unable to withstand this terrifying force, and blood spurted out, but after all, Chen Mo was not strong, and his martial skills really couldn\'t kill Lin Tianqi!

  Xiao Ruhan was completely stunned in place!

  A lot of weird things happened during this period, she can accept it, but today she can’t accept it.

  The power dissipated~www.novelhall.com~ The Lingjian Pavilion disciples died without pain, and there were no corpses. Lin Tianqi stood there, staggering, with a frightened face.


  After Chen Mo landed, he rushed directly to him!

   "Ding... Shura\'s power exploded, all attributes increased by 10000, and the duration is unknown."

  If you look at Chen Mo now, you will find that his eyes are already red.

  Yes, Chen Mo was angry at first. After he killed this king, he was actually almost there, but an emotion that made him unfamiliar came out inexplicably in his heart. He... was influenced by this emotion!

  Perhaps... Shura\'s power, Shura\'s killings influenced him, and even... Chen Mo\'s consciousness began to become a little unconscious.

  Now, the power erupting around Chen Mo\'s body is...a hundred times the previous one! He never knew that Shura would still have such an effect. Could it be that being controlled by Shura\'s power would have such an effect? Chen Mo didn\'t know, and he had never thought about it! I never thought that such a thing would happen, but...very relieved!

  They are all going to die!

  Although Chen Mo\'s power may not be as strong as Lin Tianqi\'s, the aura, that terrifying aura that makes Lin Tianqi even afraid to fight, makes him tremble from the heart.

  "Xiao Momo, stop!"