I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 303: Faerie Beast

Chen Mo shook his head secretly, a bit miserable, but quite cool.

   "Brother Chenmo, he must hate you to death. He can scold you in his dreams."

  Zhao Yingmeng said with a smile.

   "It\'s an honor to be missed by the big bosses of the Magnificent Dynasty."

  Chen Mo finished speaking and continued on the passage behind him.

   "What a miserable man."

  Zhao Yingmeng shook her head secretly, and then quickly followed Chen Mo.

The deeper you go, the more you can feel the more toxic effects in the air, but fortunately, the effect of this fifth-order detoxification pill is quite powerful. They are all fine. As for Chen Mo, he is immune to poisoning even if he does not take the detoxification pill. of.

In front of   , Shui Shui, Xiaoyuan and Long Xiaorou are jumping hand in hand, where does it feel like they are on a dangerous map?

   Suddenly, Long Xiaorou and Shui Shui\'s movements suddenly stopped, and then quickly pulled Xiao Yuan back.

   "Big brother, there is a monster in front of him."

  Long Xiaorou said softly.

  Chen Mo stood in front of them with the sword of disaster in his hand.

  This is a passage, not very big, the light is dim, there is a 90-degree turn in front, it is not clear what is going on there, but it seems that the danger Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou feel is in that direction.

   "I\'ll take a look." Zhao Yingmeng offered himself, and then disappeared in place.

  Chen Mo\'s eyes lit up slightly.


Yes, this girl actually has invisibility skills. You must know that she is not a hidden assassin class. Her hidden assassin class has been sold to others. An ordinary assassin class now has invisibility skills, which must come from Skill scroll, or learned from the three elders, the assassin profession without teleportation and invisibility is soulless, but ordinary professions can only have such skills after at least two turns, that is, 50th level. Now Just possess, that is strong.

   Ten seconds later, Zhao Yingmeng appeared next to Chen Mo, took a breath, and swallowed.

"how about it?"

  Chen Mo asked.

   "Big Spider! I\'m going! It\'s terrible!" Zhao Yingmeng looked scared.

Girls are scared of these terrible monsters. Zhao Yingmeng is pretty good. So many giant spiders don’t appear to be too scared. Some girls don’t even talk about fighting, it’s hard to stand, even though they know it’s a game. , But it\'s too real, just scared, what can we do?

   "How old?"

   "It\'s dozens of meters, and the lowest is 20 meters."

  Chen Mo "……"

  So exaggerated?

  What is the concept of 20 meters? Six floors! That\'s right, six stories tall! This is a giant monster!

  The biggest one Chen Mo had ever seen was the Titan Great Ape. It was forty to fifty meters, and the lowest God-huang level. This small place encountered a 20-meter monster, which is still very exaggerated.

   "It should be the mission goal!"

  After that, Chen Mo held the sword of disaster and walked over. Zhao Yingmeng weakly followed Chen Mo.

  Don’t even talk about the kind of monster fighting, it’s scary to watch.

  Walking over, Chen Mo also saw the giant spider Zhao Yingmeng said!

  The space is very large. I did not expect that there is a huge space under the ground where there are even plants, let alone plants, and even water! The water seems to have penetrated from the land, forming a small stream here, surrounded by huge cobwebs, even Chen Mo also saw dozens of huge Hell Demon spiders whose bodies were bound by the cobwebs. The corpse had turned into an empty shell and was sucked clean, and the giant spider was hanging overhead.

It\'s really as big as Zhao Yingmeng said. It\'s more than 20 meters. The whole body is black, with eight eyes that don\'t emit light, and they seem to be closed. Even the green poisonous gas is wrapped around the monster\'s body, and it doesn\'t even touch. Touching it will be touched by the poisonous gas, and then poisoned!

Hell Demon Spider King grade fairy, level 30, life value 80000o0, the king of the Hell Demon Spider family, has a huge size and very exaggerated fighting ability, its strongest is that highly poisonous ability, can poison Pour all things, it is a very scary existence, if you want to die, you can try to provoke the Hell Demon Spider King.

  Skills infinite stab rush to a target, and then use the sharp front ao for infinite stab. Each stab causes great damage and has a poisoning effect. Generally speaking, it is enough to kill the target directly. Cooling time is twenty seconds.

  Hellfire releases a hellfire that stretches for 50 meters, burning everything for 20 seconds, causing unimaginable damage to all units in it every second. The cooling time is five minutes.

  Hell Summon summons up to fifteen **** spiders with 30-level golden boss strength to participate in the battle. The cooling time is ten minutes.

A terrifying poisonous mist is released from the highly poisonous area, which permeates the surrounding area of ​​300 meters. All units within this range are in a poisoned state. At the same time, all the attributes of the Hell Demon Spider King (except the health value) are increased by 100 for the duration. , The duration of the poisoning is uncertain, and the poisonous area lasts for 30 seconds. The cooling time is fifteen minutes.

  The Poison of Instant Kill locks a target, the target will not be able to move, and then the Hell Demon Spider King will sprint at an unimaginable speed, slashing the target, and hitting the target, 100 triggers the death effect. The cooling time is one hour.

  Chen Mo was surprised when he saw the attributes of this fairy beast!

  Is this a fairy?

   is very strong!

  In addition to skills, the HP of only 8 million is very exaggerated!


  A lot of blood volume is amazing?

  He has a girl like Long Xiaorou!

  It’s true ~www.novelhall.com~ Long Xiaorou faces this Hell Demon Spider King, and his 5 maximum health burns must not last for a long time, but one more second, this boss will have to drop 400,000 health! This is where Long Xiaorou is terrible. The damage is calculated in percentage.

  This Hell Demon Spider King is sleeping, and I can’t think of someone attacking it anyway. That’s a great opportunity.

   "Xiao Yuan, go to the passage and hide, don\'t come out."

  Chen Mo said to Xiao Yuan.

  Xiao Yuan was very obedient and knew that she could not help much, so she nodded and ran over, revealing a timid little head, looking at the situation here.

   "Yingmeng, protect Xiaoyuan."

  Chen Modao.

  Zhao Yingmeng blinked her eyes.

  Although she can\'t break the defense, she really wants to do something!

   "I... I want to do something."

  Zhao Yingmeng said weakly.

   "Then play in the sand."

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"

  Okay, Okay, Hunzi is about to have Hunzi\'s consciousness, and then Zhao Ying ran to Xiaoyuan in a dream.