I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 297: 1 30,000

Qin Heyu on the other side suddenly frowned!

  This beast!

  Of course he knows what Tianfeiheng is going to do!

  However, the grudge between him and Chen Mo is impossible to go away!

  Chen Mo turned his head and glanced at him, then faintly said, "What? Do you want to do it?"

   To be honest, very angry!

  Yah! How many people don’t look at yourself? Thousands of people, and it\'s still increasing, but this Chenmo doesn\'t look at it at all. Can you have a little bit of fear for the super guild?

  But he has to bear it!

"of course not."

  Tian Feiheng smiled, and then said, "We had a little misunderstanding before, but I think, with Chenmo\'s magnanimity, shouldn\'t it be taken into consideration?"

   "Jumping beam clown, it\'s not enough."

  Chen Mo said lightly.

Zhao Yingmeng next to    smiled, isn\'t this the one who came here to find humiliation?

The three little loli ate the delicious food quietly and happily. For them, they don’t care and don’t understand it. Anyway, they just listen to what the elder brother tells them. Then they do it. What, the eldest brother doesn\'t speak, just do their own thing happily.

  Although he was scolded, Tian Feiheng still had a smile on his face, but he already wanted to kill Chen Mo!

   "Hehe, Great God Chenmo, I can see that you also came for this task."

  Chen Mo did not speak.

"As far as I know, the number of monsters in this task of Wan Spider Chaotian may reach tens of thousands. You see, my Prosperity Dynasty is gathering members quickly. There are not more than 10,000 people who will not enter, and Chenmo, you It is indeed very strong, but in such a place, a large number of monsters are also difficult."

  Tian Feiheng said with a smile.

  Chen Mo pondered slightly.

   "It\'s a bit difficult."

  "Look at that, can we cooperate? Before meeting the boss, we can cooperate together. As for the boss, we will rely on our own ability, how about?"

  Tian Feiheng sneered in his heart. The first kill of this fairy beast must be his, and the equipment must be his. Why?

  Because he has an item in his hand, a scroll, slaying the scroll, you can directly clear the maximum health of the monster below the beast of the sky!

  What is the blood volume of the fairy beast? More than five million, even reaching a level of nearly ten million. Under such circumstances, his scroll is emptied directly, and his blood volume is one million. No matter how strong his dust is, it is impossible to shoot like this in an instant. Therefore, the front cooperation, with the help of Chen Mo\'s strength, and the power of the girls around him, will level some monsters for them, and at the same time, when facing the boss, let them attack frantically. Not to mention, the attributes of this Chenmo are still very high, and the damage he hits alone is more than the number of people they don\'t know adds up! Need this dust!

  At the same time, people from the temples attacked wildly. In this way, he waited for the boss\'s blood to be less than 10, and then he could sit back and enjoy the natural success.

  And Chenmo is an indispensable point!

  Chen Mo was thinking slightly.

Seeing Chen Mo meditating, Tian Feiheng was overjoyed and felt that there was a play. Then he leaned in and said in a low voice, "Great God Chen Mo, I know you are not dealing with the temples of the gods. To be honest, my Prosperity Dynasty and the temples of the gods are certainly not friends. Personally, Qin Heyu and I are not friends, but also rivals. We can cooperate with each other without any harm."

  Chen Mo then nodded and looked at Tian Feiheng.

"You\'re right!"

   Tian Feiheng showed a surprised expression.

   Then Chen Mo looked in the direction of the forest and said, "Cooperation is okay. As you said, when you get to the boss, you have your own skills."

  Tian Feiheng nodded.

   "The air in this forest is very poisonous."

Tian Feiheng hurriedly said, "I have sent someone in here to investigate. After entering, because of poisoning, 50 points of HP were dropped per second. Five seconds is two hundred and fifty points. The advanced life restoration potion cools in five seconds. Back to full.

   "But ah, have you been to the mission map? The map where the spider faces the sky?"

  Tian Feiheng shook his head.

  Chen Mo said, “There may be more blood dropped by poisoning there, what do you think?”

  Tianfei constantly nodded, "There is a great possibility."

"So, if the player\'s blood volume cannot be replenished, it can only be waiting to die. In the face of the fairy beast, the blood volume is likely to reach nearly tens of millions of existence. Once the number of our players is reduced, it is I can\'t beat it."

"what do you mean??"

  Chen Mo took out a jade bottle in his hand.

  "This is a detoxification pill. After the player takes it, it can be immune to the poisoning effect, which can last for several hours! And as long as the poisoning effect is immune, it will be safer here. This is my sincerity."

  Tian Fei Heng showed a surprised expression!

Chen Mo is right. When entering the map, players need to take drugs every five seconds. This requires a lot of drugs. Once the drugs are gone, tens of thousands of people will have to wait to die, although everyone is equipped with a large number of drugs. Drugs, but God knows how long will you stay in it?

  This detoxification pill is needed!

  And this detoxification pill is not a fifth-order detoxification pill. It is only a second-order detoxification pill, which is very good for ordinary people, but for super powers ~www.novelhall.com~ is a spicy chicken, why are there these?

  It was refined by the four elders, and it was refined a lot! Because Shui Shui they always kept stealing "Jelly Beans" to eat, and then he thought about it, this is not a way, so he thought of a way, other medicines stole distressed, but this second order Pills, even if you steal tens of thousands of pills, he can easily refine them, so he refines a lot of second-order detoxification pills, and then Xiaoyuan and the others find them naturally when they go to find "Jelly Beans" at night They don’t understand many, many second-order medicines. They are the same anyway. Although they are only second-order medicines, the effect is good.

   "Thank you Chen Mo for your kindness!"

   Then Tianfeiheng stretched out his hand to pick it up!

   "Don\'t worry, let\'s cooperate in cooperation, but do you still want my detoxification pills for nothing?"

   Tian Feiheng frowned.

  "One 30,000, I have a total of two hundred on my side, which can be taken by the two hundred strongest elites who have come to Shengshi Dynasty."

   Tian Feiheng frowned deeper.

"Why? Reluctant? Do you think I want to give it to you for nothing?" Chen Mo chuckled lightly, and then said, "You are also joining the super powers. You should also understand the preciousness of some pills. The antidote pills are also precious, at least The attribute effect given to the player is one and a half hours of immunity to poisoning, which can increase the survival rate and is extremely suitable for this task. Do you think such a pill is worth 30,000?"