I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 285: Treasure Map of the Law

The auction continued, and one lot was sold one after another, and every one of them seemed to Chen Mo to be very powerful, but he didn’t want it. Even if it was a magical artifact, Chen Mo was not willing to spend a lot of money on it. Fighting, because in his opinion, he can get even high-level equipment, which is too bad. Instead, he values ​​some props and special effects.

  "The twenty-second lot is below."

  The red cloth opened by Yunqi, with a roll of parchment inside.

  This kind of thing is most able to attract Chen Mo\'s attention.

   "Oh, it seems like a good thing."

  Xiao Ruhan said with interest while eating an apple.

   is of course a good thing. You must know that the twenty-first lot is an artifact of sacred destruction, and this parchment scroll is actually placed behind the super artifact, which is somewhat intriguing.

Yun Qi said, "This is a parchment scroll. We have studied it for a long time, and we have probably researched some eyebrows. You may all be wondering why we put this parchment scroll in the second to last auction. , Of course there is a reason, because the parchment scroll depicts the location of one of the twelve laws!"


   One stone stirred up waves! Everyone is horrified!

  They only heard news that there was a very mysterious parchment scroll, but did not release what it was, so they were still looking forward to it, but they didn’t expect it to be a treasure map of the Twelve Laws?

  They knew exactly what the Twelve Laws were. It was something they all had illusioned but didn\'t dare to think about!

  Don\'t talk about other people, the four powerhouses with imperial strength are all gearing up!

The Twelve Laws, that is an existence that both Moon God Palace and Xianzong attach great importance to. In these years, many powerhouses of Moon God Palace and Xianzong spend a lot of energy on finding the Twelve Laws, because there is not much in the world. They can be improved, only the twelve rules!

  But this kind of thing is difficult to derive even if it is proficient in the art of Tianyan! This treasure map is enough to show how much attention it has.

  Chen Mo\'s eyes lit up!

  Although he has a secret disk, it seems that the secret disk cannot be derived too accurately. Anyway, if there is one more rule for nothing, that is a good thing!

   "This is interesting, the Twelve Rules...but there must be something tricky. If it is true, Miao Mengfeng would have searched for it by himself, let alone auction it."

  Xiao Ruhan was also interested and said.

  Yes, if it is true, then even the Pure Sun Sky Crystal will have to go forward, and this treasure map should be the last to be auctioned.

   Then Yun Qi\'s words also made them realize.

   Yunqi said, “Why should it be auctioned? Of course, everyone must have doubts. It’s actually very simple, because this is only half a treasure map.”

  Everyone suddenly realized!

  A treasure map with hidden laws and half of it is a huge difference! The former cannot be judged exactly what value it has, and the latter...maybe worthless at all!

  The world is so big, who knows where the other half of the parchment roll is? If you can\'t find it, then this is a waste picture!

Yun Qi continued, "This treasure map has been on My Misty Peak for a year, but the other half has not been found. It may be in someone\'s hands, or it may not be born yet. It exists in a corner between heaven and earth. Years will never appear again. Therefore, this is a very test of the chance of the martial artist. Whether there is a chance and whether you can get the other half of the treasure map is up to the will of God. Therefore, this treasure map will be auctioned off. I also hope that if someone is lucky enough to get this treasure map, if they can’t get another one, I hope they can take it out and find other people with destiny. Well, let’s not say much, the starting price of the treasure map is 1,000 Amethyst Coins , There is no cap on the price increase, start now!"

  There are only one thousand amethyst coins, but... if Tianxiao can get the other half, they also know the possibility, almost zero.

  For a while, there was silence around.

   "Two thousand amethyst coins."

  Someone finally spoke. It was the big disciple of Qi Gong that day. Of course, he did not want to get this treasure map in the name of Tian Qi Gong.

  Yes, if you get it, it may be possible to get another piece. Although the chance is very small, some people just want to try it.

  Two thousand amethyst coins is not a small amount for individuals, but it is nothing for martial art.

  Admittedly, it may not be of much use to Chen Mo, but he wants it!

   "Three Thousand Amethyst Coins."

  Chen Mo made his first bid.

   "Hey, you\'re so burnt with money, aren\'t you? Give me too much."

  Xiao Ruhan gave Chen Mo a blank look.

   "If you don\'t get this piece, you will never get a complete treasure map, but if you get it, there is a glimmer of hope." Chen Mo said.

   "The truth is the truth, but getting it is the same as not getting it."

  Xiao Ruhan said.

   "Watch fate."

   "Okay, your money, I don\'t care about you."

  Xiao Ruhan was sitting on the sofa eating fruit, and "mocking" with three little loli.

Qin Changqing frowned and looked up at the box. The other three boxes were basically determined to be the other three imperial strengths at the previous auction, and this box that grabbed the treasure map from him took away his position in the Apocalypse Palace. Are you fighting for the treasure map with him now?

If it\'s an individual, he can try to fight for it. If it\'s a representative power, then he is absolutely not qualified, because let alone the imperial power, other super powers are hesitant to want this treasure map, because the meaning is...not very Big!

  His idea is also a try and got better.

   "Four Thousand Amethyst Coins!"

  Chen Mo did not hesitate to "five thousand."

   "Six thousand!"

   "Ten Thousand Amethyst Coins!"

  Chen Mo directly increased the price to 10,000~www.novelhall.com~ It seems that this attitude is very tough.

  Qin Changqing took a long breath, it seems that this does not belong to him.

   "Since your Excellency wants so, then someone Qin won\'t compete with your Excellency."

  Chen Mo said, "Thank you very much."

Yun Qi glanced at it. If he really wanted it, he would have sold it to him alone if he knew it, but it would be better to auction. This also pays attention to chance and faces more people. In a sense, It is the deepest chance to follow the half treasure map.

  "This is the first time for 10,000 Amethyst Coins, is anyone bidding?"

  "Ten Thousand Amethyst Coins for the second time..."

  No one else bid, Chen Mo even thought it was his own, but...

   "Fifty thousand."

  A voice suddenly came from the corner. It was a cold voice without much emotion, but it was very nice.

  Everyone looked over, and no one even noticed her. It was a woman wearing a blue skirt and a veil, and she didn\'t seem to hear loudly.

  Chen Mo also looked over, frowning slightly.

  Unexpectedly, a person who was more willing to pay for his blood was suddenly killed halfway through! Directly increase the price of 40,000.

anything else?