I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 278: "Gong Zi Mo" appeared

Moon Shrine?

   Isn’t that one of the two great emperors in the mainland? What kind of existence did Lin Kexin join? As far as Chen Mo knows, it seems that this kind of school has not recruited disciples.

   "Are you sure it is the Moon God Palace?"

Lin Kexin nodded; "Yes, what the master said, what else is the Moon God Palace, which has a total of 108 houses, and is governed by the Moon God Palace, the first house. I belong to one of the 108 houses, called Moon Qing Palace."

Chen Mo also knows the 108th Palace, the Immortal Sect, and the 72nd Sect of the Moon God Palace. That\'s right. Lin Kexin is indeed the Moon God Palace, but it’s not the most impressive one in the Moon God Palace, but Even if it is not the most impressive, it is the Moon God Palace!

  Holy angel, the saint of the two demons, and then a disciple of the Moon God Palace, Lin Kexin has no less chance than him.

"Well, try to improve your level and abilities. The level is actually not too necessary. Those attributes may not be as good as one-tenth of a random piece of high-level equipment. It\'s just that you can wear higher-level equipment, but the skills are stronger. The guarantee of combat power, and the skills of the Moon God Palace will definitely not be weak."

  Chen Mo is of course the most caring about Lin Kexin, and now Chen Mo is much better than before.

   "Hmm, Ke Xin knows, but Brother Chen Mo, is Moon God Palace great?"

  Chen Mo nodded, "Awesome, much stronger than the force I joined. Did you join after experience?"

  Lin Kexin shook his head, "No, I met the master while looking for the sect outside. Kexin was also baffled, and then the master said that he would take me to her sect."

According to what Lin Kexin said, there must be something in her that made the strong man notice! The power of holy angels?

  Chen Mo is not sure.

   "The Moon God Palace seems to be not far from Weiyang Palace. I will look for you when I am done with this time."


  Lin Kexin was very happy to hear what Chen Mo said.

   "Ke Xin will also work hard to improve herself, and will not hinder Brother Chen Mo."

   "You haven\'t dragged."

   "Hehe... By the way, Yingmeng and Brother Chen Mo have joined the same school?" Lin Kexin asked concerned.

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "That Shadow Dream must have become a hot pursuit figure of the martial art."

  Lin Kexin said with a smile, after all, she knows how beautiful Zhao Yingmeng is, really beautiful.

   "She wears a veil." Chen Mo said.

   "Brother Chen Mo has never seen Yingmeng before?"

  Chen Mo nodded.

"Oh, very nice."


  It happened that the door of the room was knocked at this moment.

   "Kexin Kexin, it\'s me, the heroine of the Shadow Dream. I came to have breakfast. I saw you came with breakfast, hee hee."

   Zhao Yingmeng’s voice came from outside.

  Lin Kexin walked over and opened the door.

  "Will the heroine also have breakfast?"

  Lin Ke said with a soft smile.

  "Hehe, of course, woohoo, Kexin, you don’t know, sister Qinghan has been so busy recently that the food at home is terrible, especially when a woman’s cooking is terrible."

  Lin Kexin served Zhao Yingmeng with rice, and said, "So I also prepared an extra for you."

   "It\'s nice, I love you."

   Then Zhao Yingmeng hugged Lin Kexin and took a sip, then she looked at Chen Mo and said quickly, "That... Brother Chen Mo, I have no other meaning, I didn\'t want to take advantage of your Kexin."

  Chen Mo didn\'t say anything.

   "Would you like to help Yingluo prepare a little, there are many more."

  Zhao Yingmeng shook her head, "No need, she is confident of her cooking, and she yells delicious."


"Ke Xin, Brother Chen Mo, come to my house for dinner tonight. Sister Qinghan will prepare a big meal tonight. Hehe, to celebrate the victory of our studio, we don’t have many friends. You are all of us. My friend, you must come, and ah, I’m embarrassed to always rub your food."

  Zhao Yingmeng spit out her pink tongue.

  Lin Kexin looked at Chen Mo.

   "Let Kexin go, I won\'t go."

  Chen Mo said slightly and then got up to put the bowl in the kitchen.

   "Brother Chen Mo, just come to Ke Xin."

   "It\'s okay, you guys chat."

   Then Chen Mo walked to the kitchen to wash the bowl.

  Zhao Yingmeng opened her mouth slightly, and then asked in a low voice, "Ke Xin, Brother Chen Mo is so amazing that he can clean the dishes himself."

  She knows divine consciousness, but divine consciousness is not so good that people who can’t see it know that this is detergent, is it a rag or something?

   "Brother Chen Mo can still cook by himself."

  Zhao Yingmeng showed a surprised expression.

so amazing.

"Oh, yes, you must come tonight, you haven\'t seen sister Qinghan, she is a very beautiful and very good super beauty, brother Chen Mo is also coming, what I want to do Only then can Brother Chen Mo be fooled."

  Zhao Yingmeng groaned straight there.

   "Brother Chen Mo doesn\'t like to be noisy, so... if you really can\'t, please go."

  Lin Kexin said softly.

   "There must be a way, this is not difficult for my Shadow Dream Woman, but I am following Chen Mo!"

  Zhao Yingmeng silently felt that chasing Chenmo with the Great God is happiness!

   "Ah right, Kexin, do you like Gongzi Mo?" Zhao Yingmeng asked suddenly.

   "Like it, Gongzi Mo is Kexin\'s idol."

   Lin Kexin said without hesitation.

   "What about your brother Chen Mo?"

  Lin Kexin\'s face blushed slightly.

   "Brother Chen Mo is Kexin\'s most respected and trusted elder brother."

   "Hehe, let\'s not talk about this, then you should also know that Gongzi Mo is back to Heaven, right?"

  Lin Kexin nodded.

  "Tell you~www.novelhall.com~ Today, Gongzimo is on the news, what happened half an hour ago, but even if it\'s only half an hour, Gongzimo\'s popularity is directly in the top ten of Tianlin Forum."

   "Huh? Really?"

   "Hmm, I will open the video for you to see."

  Chen Mo in the kitchen can hear their conversation.

  Gongzi Mo, did you appear?

  He really wanted to know who this son Mo was.

The two girls stared at the video that was playing without blinking. In the video, a man in black armor and white clothes fluttering, holding a light sword and wearing a mask, with a powerful force of thunder. Killed more than 300 players in seconds!


  The two beautiful girls saw their faces flushed, and they were both excited.

  Although Chen Mo has killed tens of thousands of people in seconds, his idols are idols. Not to mention that the fake salary kills 300 people in seconds. Even if you kill ten in seconds, it is even more powerful in the eyes of Gongzimo\'s fans.

"This is the first time that Gongzimo appeared in everyone\'s sight. For the first time, someone provoked him and said that Gongzimo was not as good as before, and then he was killed in a second. Puff, it really deserves it." Zhao Yingmeng couldn\'t help it. Smiled.

  Chen Mo sat over at this time.