I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 271: The conspiracy of the Qin brothers

Just ask, a very possessive person, will he be angry when he sees a girl he likes holding hands with other men?

of course!

  Qin Hai knew this, so he didn\'t hesitate to find his brother, and then just say something to stimulate him!

  Obviously this is true!

  Even if he does not come to Qin Hao, Qin Hao wants to attack Chen Mo, but he lacks a particularly firm reason, a little shaken, now he has!

   "What you said is true?"

  Qin Hao asked.

Qin Hai said, "I\'m not sure, but you have to know that Senior Sister Han Jiangxue is a disciple, but she is a sister to the Seventh Elder. You must know this better than me? And Chen Mo is the Seventh Elder\'s apprentice. Under normal circumstances, their relationship will be good, and as good friends, the seventh elders will definitely have many opportunities to exchange some truthful words with Senior Sister Han Jiangxue. If you really want to match them, whether they succeed or not, then Chenmo\'s advantage There are so many more than you, big brother!"

  Qin Hai has been paying attention to Qin Hao’s expression, and then said again, “Big Brother, although you and Senior Sister Han Jiangxue often go on missions together, you can’t beat the fanfare of a good friend, right?”

  The cup in Qin Hao\'s hand was directly crushed into powder by him!

"Also, although this Chenmo is not at a high level now, he was able to unleash such a heaven-defying martial arts before, with outstanding combat power and talent. It may not be long before he has the hope of reaching the top ten in the top ten. ."

  In fact, the deeper meaning of this is...It may not be long before Chen Mo will surpass him Qin Hao! Although it is difficult, he has this potential!

"Huh! Do you think that everyone can be on the Sky List? There are billions of young talents in the entire continent. The Sky List, the Earth List and the Spirit List add up to more than 1,000, especially the Sky List. The top ten on the list proves that you have been recognized by the top ten list. Your talent and ability are ranked in the top ten among the young talents of the whole continent! Although I am tenth, it proves that I stand in the top ten among the young talents of the whole continent. What kind of thing is Chenmo?"

   "That\'s right! Chen Mo counts, and you dare to grab Senior Sister Han Jiangxue with your elder brother without seeing what you are."

  Qin Hai repeatedly said.

   "Just leave this to me."

  Qin Hao\'s eyes flashed with killing intent!

  Although he said so, he felt a crisis! Moreover, the three talented and enchanting girls are all sisters of Chen Mo. Perhaps from the faces of these three girls, Weiyang Palace also wants to cultivate Chen Mo! It will be late then!

   "Big brother, what do you want to do?"

  Qin Hai asked expectantly.

Qin Hao sneered, "Every new disciple, Weiyang Palace will organize a disciple experience and go to the Xinghai Forest. Each experience may cause the disciple to fall into it. Then I will let Chenmo die in the Xinghai Forest. in!"


  At this moment, the sky outside was already dark. Chen Mo and a few people were sitting on Xueying\'s back, feeling the speed of the wind. Although the speed was very fast, it was really far from the previous Huanghuang.

   "Xiao Momo, how about introducing Han Jiangxue to you as a partner for your teacher?"

  Xiao Ruhan didn’t know which of the tendons was wrong, he kept chatting with Chen Mo about it on the way.

"Not interested in."

Chen Mo said lightly, and then lying there, the three little girls ran over happily when they saw it, and then put two of Chen Mo\'s arms, one lying on Chen Mo\'s belly, and "chuckled" and laughed. .

  Chen Mo "……"

Xiao Ruhan also lay next to him and said with a smile, "That\'s Han Jiangxue, the eighth in the sky list, and also recognized as a peerless beauty in the Saint Yao empire ranking and the top three suitors, although you don\'t know if you are wearing a veil. How beautiful she is, but my teacher tells you that she deserves this title."

  Xiao Ruhan continued to be puzzled there.

  "Tianban? What is this daily ranking?"

  It\'s not the first time Chen Mo has heard of this.

"Oh, the sky list, a list in the mainland, one hundred in the sky list, 500 in the earth list, and 1,000 in the spirit list. It is controlled by a special force and has a strong credibility. It reflects the young talents of the whole continent. Jun’s talent potential ranking!"

  "How can I get on?"

  Chen Mo asked curiously.

"When your strength, potential and talent reach the top 1,600 of all young talents on this continent, you will be able to get in. More often, you will be classified according to a certain age and a certain level, such as 12. The strength of Sui Guixuan should be able to reach the top fifty in the sky list, and the 20-year-old Guixuan is probably in the top five hundred on the list. As for you... naturally you are not on the top now."

  Xiao Ruhan explained.

   "Then how to improve?"

"Cultivation, reaching a higher level at a lower age can hit a higher ranking. Of course, there is another way to defeat the existence above you on the list. For example, now you beat the first on the list. If it’s done, that’s the top of the list! The opposite is also true."

  Chen Mo was secretly shocked, and there are other things.

   "Hey hey hey, don\'t talk about this, but talk about business, what do you think of Han Jiangxue? I will help you match it up?"

  Xiao Ruhan smiled.

   "People look down on me, no need."

  Chen Mo naturally has no such thoughts.

   "That\'s not necessarily."

   "Stop talking, I will sleep for a while."

Then Chen Mo closed his eyes. The three little girls saw Chen Mo closed their eyes, and the two with his arms silently nestled in his arms and closed their eyes. The most comfortable one was the little fate on Chen Mo. Up.

   Seeing this warm scene, Xiao Ruhan\'s mouth couldn\'t help but raised a curve.

  "It’s really three funny little girls. I don’t know where you lied to. Forget it, I will take a nap~www.novelhall.com~ and Xiao Ruhan lay next to her.


  About half an hour later, they felt a sense of shock, and then opened their eyes one after another, and Xueying landed.

  Chen Mo patted a few girls and then stood up, then looked at Xiao Ruhan next to her, she was still asleep.

"Woke up!"

  Chen Mo reluctantly used that method to wake up Xiao Ruhan.

  Xiao Ruhan sat and rubbed his eyes.

   "Here, let\'s go!"


   Then they jumped down.

  In front of you is Yonglaicheng, but...this Yonglaicheng is lifeless.

  An ordinary city, there are probably more than 200,000 people, but Yonglai City is a small city, or a small town, with tens of thousands of people, enough to see that this city is small!

Now this point is around eight o’clock in the evening. It stands to reason that Tianlin is the same as Skyblue Star. It will be lively at night. Linfeng City and Lin’an City are both like this. But it’s only eight o’clock in the evening for Yonglai City. The city is almost dark, no one can be seen in the streets and alleys, and the sky is dark, and when the wind blows, the whole city looks like a dead city. It would be really scary if it weren’t for a few of them with illuminated halls. .