I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 268: Witty

Everyone is forced!

  Isn\'t this Lingjian Pavilion here looking for trouble? Isn\'t it aggressive? Why was it thrown out?

  There are many people, just to be reasonable! However, it is useless! Even if they came to ask for something, the royal family was indeed disrespectful to Xiao Ruhan, and Xiao Ruhan was an elder. He was thrown out without any tolerance for those people to say no. Even in the presence of the Lord Sword, he could not stop him. , He can\'t say anything!

"One yard goes to one yard. After this matter goes back to Lingjian Pavilion, I will punish this disciple myself, but it is true that you Chenmo killed my Lingjian Pavilion disciple. Sect Master, this matter is beyond your Weiyang Palace\'s control. In addition, you still have to give me an explanation from Lingjian Pavilion in Weiyang Palace."

   "What does it mean to be authentic? Your people in Lingjian Pavilion said that Xiao Momo killed Xiao Momo? What about the evidence?"

Senior Brother Lingjian Pavilion stood up and said, "Seventh Elder, this evidence is of course there. Yesterday, I went to the thief’s cottage and asked them about it. Under threat, they also admitted that Chenmo did indeed. They are their accomplices, and they have maintained long-term cooperation in this area."


  Xiao Ruhan couldn\'t help laughing.

  Chen Mo frowned.

  This big brother seems to give him a feeling that he also wants to frame him.

   "Seven elders, what are you laughing at? The thieves are afraid that my spirit sword pavilion is normal, so if you threaten them a little, they will naturally admit it." Said the Sword Master.

  Xiao Ruhan then smiled and said, "I said Lord Sword, you are also a famous and powerful man, can you just listen to a few words to make a conclusion?"

   Then Xiao Ruhan looked at Lin Tianqi, the big brother of Lingjian Pavilion, and asked, "This little handsome guy, what you said just now is true?"

  Lin Tianqi took a fist and said, "If there is a lie, five thunders will blow."

   "Okay, then let\'s talk about it!"

  Xiao Ruhan paced slowly and stretched out his finger.

  "First, you all listened to only a few words from beginning to end and jumped to conclusions, saying that my dear Xiao Momo was the real culprit who killed you 23 disciples of Weiyang Palace with thieves and snatched cultivation resources, right?"

  "It’s not just a few words. My younger brother Wang Shi saw it with my own eyes. I also rushed over and saw them fighting, so the possibility is very high, and there is a confession from the group of thieves."

   Lin Tianqi said.

   "That\'s the second point. You would rather believe what a group of thieves said than ours, right?"

  Lin Tianqi said, “Under the threat of death, they presumably dare not tell lies.”

   "Okay, that\'s the third point I want to say. You just said that Xiao Momo has a long-term cooperation with them, right?"

  Lin Tianqi nodded.

"But, my family Xiao Momo only rushed from Linfeng City on the border a few days ago. This Linfeng City is thousands of kilometers away from here. This is easy to prove. According to my family, Xiao Momo said he was in Linfeng. The city is integrated with the people there, and you can send someone to ask questions, and you said, Xiao Momo has been working with them for a long time, then I would like to ask, how did Xiao Momo, who came only a few days ago, interact with the group of children here? The thieves maintain long-term cooperation?"

  This question stopped them directly.

  "Apocalypse, what\'s the situation?"

   Venerable Sword asked.

  Lin Tianqi hurriedly said, "Maybe I remembered it wrong, there is no long-term limit."

  "Tsk tusk, I said little handsome guy, you can remember such an important thing wrong, that fairy wants to say, why should we believe you?"

  Lin Tianqi said, "Easy, just go to the thief again and ask again."

   "That\'s interesting, what if someone colludes with the thieves to confess?"

   "Seven elders, what do you mean?"

  Sword Venerable\'s face suddenly looked bad.

"Why? You can doubt my little Momo, the elder cannot doubt you? The little handsome guy also said, under the threat of death, they dare not talk nonsense, if they use death threats to distort the facts, is it also Easy to do?"

  Chen Mo secretly admires this cheap fairy master, she is clever and has something!

   just mixed with her.

  Everyone whispered secretly.

   "These four points."

Xiao Ruhan clicked the corner of his mouth and pointed at them and said, "The thieves belong to the existence that our superpower should eradicate. They endanger the people, the caravans passing by, and the warriors. The direction of Nanshan is the area controlled by your Lingjian Pavilion. I want to ask. , Why are there still thieves? They even set up camp, and are arrogant enough to attack the disciples of Lingjian Pavilion?"

  Sword Venerable looked at Lin Tianqi.

  This kind of thing is not in the care of their elders, and these elder disciples can solve it!

   "This... I also learned that there was a group of thieves there."

  Lin Tianqi lowered his head, his eyes gleamed fiercely.

   "That\'s your problem. Could anyone know that there are thieves there, but didn\'t tell Lingjian Pavilion when they were investigating, and that place was neglected?"

  "Apocalypse, who did the investigation in Nanshan?"

   Venerable Sword asked.

   "Several disciples have gone to investigate before and after, and the disciples have also gone to investigate, but it may be negligence and did not find out, please master to punish him." Lin Tianqi said with a salute.

  "This matter will be discussed later."

  Xiao Ruhan tick the corner of his mouth.

"Such as above, why don\'t you in Lingjian Pavilion doubt your own people? The route of Lingjian Pavilion escorting cultivation resources is led by the leader~www.novelhall.com~ and the leader on that day is the king, and there is one more thing. If it is true, knowing that he has been discovered by the Lingjian Pavilion, Xiao Momo went to my Weiyang Palace instead of hiding. Is this reasonable for a person with a guilty conscience and a person who was discovered his behavior? "

  Xiao Ruhan has said clearly enough.

  Sword Venerable stood in place with his eyebrows frowned, thinking.

  Of course he would prefer to believe in his disciple of Lingjian Pavilion, but he has to say that all this Xiao Ruhan said before and after made him a little shaken.

  The purpose of coming before was to take Chenmo away. Take him to try, but now he is thinking whether he will be the king, or whether there is a traitor in his Spirit Sword Pavilion?

"So, Lord Sword, it’s not that I said you. We have to show some substantive evidence for some things, right? For example, what Xiao Momo told me is completely contrary to what you said. They just passed by. , I even wanted to go to your Lingjian Pavilion to participate in the appraisal of the disciples, otherwise he would not pass by the place of Nanshan, right? That was not the place where I came to my Weiyang Palace to drop by, but when I encountered this incident, I was framed and I saw it with my own eyes. It was that Wang Shi and the thieves killed 23 disciples of Lingjian Pavilion. In order to kill his mouth, he and the thieves attacked Xiao Momo, but his strength was not good. In addition, your master Lingjian Pavilion came and killed everyone. , He came to my Weiyang Palace out of anger!"


  Venerable Sword showed anger!