I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 26: Just handsome

I didn\'t think it took much time, but when I turned my head, how did I feel so far from the shore? It takes a long time to go back!

   Chen Mo wanted to see if he could get out of Novice Village further away, so he tentatively swam farther away for a while.

   "Ding...You are currently not eligible to leave Novice Village."

   Chen Mo looked up and saw that a barrier appeared here. It is estimated that it is an enchantment, and the qualification is level ten!

The previous virtual online games were all in the Novice Village. When you reach level ten, there is a teleportation array, and then you choose to teleport to a certain empire or a certain city, but you need to go out by yourself. As for what is outside, whether it will be all Players will gather to a certain point and then slowly go to the major empires, how the major cities are still, no player knows, because no one has left the novice village.

   Then Chen Mo returned. He didn\'t feel that it took long when he came. I\'m afraid it won\'t take less than 20 minutes to go back!

   "Ding... Your current hunger level: 67, please prepare supplementary food."

  It is estimated that it is due to excessive exercise, and the hunger level drops very fast!


   came to the shore, Chen Mo took a long breath, then shook the water mark on his body.

   Xiao Yuan ran over directly and rushed into his arms regardless of the water on Chen Mo\'s body. It could be seen that although she only got along for such a short time, she was very dependent on Chen Mo.

   Chen Mo rubbed her messy hair. It is estimated that after Xiao Yuan is cleaned, she must be as beautiful as she was just now!

   The girl just now is so beautiful that she can amaze Chen Mo. Of course, Chen Mo has never seen many beautiful women.

   "What is this expression?"

   Chen Mo then took a look at Shadow Dream. Although she was still wearing a veil, her big eyes were full of grievances.

   "Just... I want to cry."

   Yingmeng sniffed her small nose, her big eyes watery.

   "I learned to swim but found that I can\'t collect the Flower of Death. The level of the collection technique is too low, Brother Chenmo..."

   Yingmeng looked at Chen Mo aggrievedly.

   She doesn’t think that Chen Mo can collect, because they are all players who come in together. He is powerful, but the way to improve life skills like collection is to keep picking and improve his proficiency!

   But Chen Mo certainly wouldn\'t have a very powerful collection technique. After all, this game has only been available for a long time.

   Chen Mo shook his head secretly, and then took out all the flowers of death in the space ring!


   Yingmeng\'s big eyes glowed with light, showing an excited expression!

   "The flower of death is the flower of death!"

   Yingmeng with big eyes full of small stars.

   It turns out that this person is a knife-mouthed tofu heart. He said he would not help himself, but in fact, he quietly helped her collect the flowers of death.

   This man...is not bad.

   Yingmeng thought happily.

   "Hee hee, he is so handsome."

   Yingmeng put away all the flowers of death and said to Chen Mo with a smile.

   "What about the reward?"

   Chen Mo stretched out his hand.

   "Hee hee, there is nothing I can give you back now. I will give you the reward for the task when that time comes."

"no need."

   The reward for this kind of task, especially the unknown thing, can never be the kind that can be divided equally. Generally speaking, it may be a certain item or equipment. How can this kind of thing be divided?

   "Huh? No, I promised you to divide half of you, then divide you!"

   "It\'s up to you."

   Then Chen Mo looked at Xiao Yuan.

   This girl is too mysterious.

   "It\'s great!"

   Yingmeng put away all the flowers of death and showed a happy expression!

   I felt that I was really lucky. I met Chen Mo and came here safely. The flower of death could not be picked. Chen Mo helped her to finish it...

   is great.

   "It should be dark outside."

   Chen Mo checked the time. It was already six o\'clock in the evening. It was late autumn, and it was getting dark pretty fast.

   "Ah-yes, it\'s getting dark, I have to go offline for dinner!"

   Yingmeng suddenly realized something.

"Let\'s go back."

   Chen Mo turned his head and glanced, there is no longer the red light in the distance, it should be the girl who did it!

After   , the three of them returned to Xinshou Village.

   "Brother Chenmo, I will go offline first! I will hand in the task tomorrow, and you will go offline and rest early. Can I level up with you tomorrow?"

   Yingmeng asked in anticipation.


   Then her small face collapsed. If it was taken, the change of expression before and after that would be a bit of joy.

   "Well, then I will go offline first, Brother Chenmo, bye bye Xiaoyuan."

   After speaking, her figure disappeared in place.

   Chen Mo can\'t go offline yet. He can\'t worry about Xiao Yuan for the time being. He will wait until late at night to send Xiao Yuan to Wang Tiejiang\'s house before going offline.

   Then Chen Mo went to the village to buy some food, and took Xiaoyuan to raise a pile of bonfires outside the dark village and sat there chatting and eating delicious food.


   In a pink room of a super girl, a girl in a pink pajamas opened her eyes and took the virtual ring in her hand and placed it next to her.


   She stretched and sat up.

   "Hee hee..."

   After she sat up, she froze for a while, as if thinking of something and then couldn\'t help laughing.

   Fair skin, small face is exquisite like an elf~www.novelhall.com~ The big eyes are extraordinarily energetic, and the facial features are delicate and perfect inlaid on the small face!

   This is a beautiful girl who is about seventeen years old and must be a beautiful girl in high schools and universities!

   She wore brown bear slippers and walked out of the room.

   The house has three bedrooms and one living room, but it is very large, with one hundred and sixty and seventy square meters. The room is very beautiful. The simple decoration may be at least 700,000 to 800,000 yuan.

   In the kitchen, a figure is cooking, and the fragrance floats far. On the sofa, a young and beautiful girl is playing with her mobile phone with her legs up!

   "Ah, our Shadow Dream Heroine has come out!"

   The beautiful girl smiled, her eyes narrowed into crescent shapes, and she was surprised to find that they were twins.

   "Hey, why don\'t you kneel when you see this heroine!"

   Zhao Yingmeng put a bubble to death.

   "This sister, there is no help."

   The beautiful girl shook her head secretly.

   "The meal is ready, let\'s eat!"

   A voice like a royal sister came from the kitchen!

   "Come on!"

   Three beauties gathered around the table to eat, and they were talking about "Chen Mo".

   "By the way, which novice village are you in Yingmeng?"

   Zhao Yingmeng’s sister Zhao Yingluo asked with her big eyes blinking.

   Zhao Yingmeng showed a smug and sly smile, and then said: "99999 Novice Village."

  The chopsticks in Lin Qinghan\'s hand paused, and said calmly, "Isn\'t that a village with Chenmo."

   "Hehe, Sister Qinghan, do you believe that I know Chenmo? I still have his friend."

   Zhao Yingmeng said with a smile.

  Zhao Yingluo exclaimed: "Yingmeng Woman, are you a friend for sending your ass?"