I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 259: Are you the descendant of the flower?

Chen Mo shook her head secretly. It was obvious that she just wanted to say something else, but Chen Mo couldn\'t guess anything.

   "Don\'t be naughty after eating, rest early."

  Chen Mo rubbed the hair of the three girls and said.



   Then Chen Mo returned to the room and also chose to go offline.


  The next morning, after eating breakfast made by Lin Kexin, Chen Mo went online, mainly because he couldn\'t do anything except games!

  Now, strengthen yourself! Powerful Fengshen Sect!

After    went online, Chen Mo took out the secret plate in the room!

  The heavenly secret skill of the heavenly secret plate has been cooled for fifteen days, and it has been cooled down now, so he can once again occupy the secret!

  As for the extent to which the function is accounted for on this day, it is not known. For example, how long a person can live and how he will die. This is related to life and death, and if the goal is very strong, the difficulty must be very high! Another example is that Zhanyan is particularly strong, and rare things are also more difficult!

  So, Chen Mo is now hesitating what he wants to occupy.

  The Twelve Rules? This kind of thing is also a very powerful existence, and it is unknown what kind of result it can account for.

  There is also Ye Qingqing’s sister, which can also be accounted for. If her sister is still alive, if it is relatively ordinary, it is easy to lock in! From the entire continent may be reduced to the size of a certain city, it is much easier to find! Ye Qingqing\'s sister is related to the ultimate hidden mission of amnesty of the world, which Chen Mo needs to do.

  But after thinking about it, the Twelve Rules are more important to Chen Mo. Anyway, once every fifteen days, there is no rush to occupy her sister\'s position this time.

  The Twelve Laws, the Law of Life Shui Shui told him that there is an island in the center of Xianhai, where there is the tree of life and the law of life. She is not sure, but she mentioned it! So for the time being, Chen Mo believed that the law of life was in the fairy sea! And he can\'t go to that place for the time being, so he can only put it aside for now.

   Therefore, he has to derive other laws!

  As for the other rules and what else, Chen Mo does not know!

   "Ding... Determine the position of the Twelve Rules of Zhanyan that is closest to you?"

  The system prompt came out.


   "Ding... is currently occupying Yan, please wait."

  Time passed slowly, and this occupation lasted more than ten minutes.

   "Ding... Zhanyan succeeded."

   Then Chen Mo got a message.

  Moon Shrine!

  Yes, just these three words, Moon God Palace!

  Chen Mo fell into a very uncomfortable situation.

Knowing the existence of a certain law, this is good news, but the difference between knowing and not knowing seems to be small, Moon God Palace, Hua Sheng said, it is one of the two strongest forces in the mainland, the two emperors One of the ranks! It might be reasonable for them to have a certain law, but Chen Mo can\'t get it! Is there a way to get it? Chen Mo didn\'t know.

  I can’t even go to the Moon God Palace, so how do I get it?

At present, one of the twelve laws has been obtained. There is also the law of life, the law of space and the location of an unknown law. One is in Xianhai, one is in the hands of the Emperor Shengyao, and one is in the Moon God Palace. Come and get it, Chen Mo feels that the one in Xianhai is the easiest to get!

  Moon Shrine is also in the Shengyao Empire, and may indeed be closer to Chen Mo than Shengyao Tiancheng! But Chen Mo is not qualified to get it, but at least he knows it. He can only wait for the next Occupy Yan, but what miracle might happen?


   "Xiao Momo, got up, and went out to Lin\'an City!"

  The sound of Xiao Ruhan beating the door came from outside.

  Chen Mo walked out.


   suddenly opened the door, only to see Xiao Ruhan\'s ear pressed against the door as if he was eavesdropping there just now.

   "What are you doing?"

  Chen Mo asked lightly.

   "Ah...cough cough."

  Xiao Ruhan looked like a kid who was caught stealing snacks, coughed dryly, and then said, "I hear if you are doing anything shameful in it."

  Chen Mo "……"

  "What can I do to be ashamed?"

   Chen Mo asked slightly.

"Some and some." Xiao Ruhan then put it in Chen Mo\'s ear, and said mysteriously, "I heard that some boys can\'t find a partner. I heard that there is a way to be ashamed, but you know that is. What?"

  Chen Mo "……"

   "I know."

  "Then tell me, what is it?" Xiao Ruhan asked with interest.

   "I won\'t tell you."

  Chen Mo said lightly.

   "Tell me, tell me."

  Xiao Ruhan asked expectantly.

  Chen Mo; "..."

   "Go down the mountain."

  Chen Mo said faintly, and then walked straight over, leading three little girls out of the yard.

   "Hey hey, Xiao Momo, wait for me, tell me what it is!!!"

  Xiao Ruhan shouted and hurriedly chased after him.

   "Hey, I\'ll ask you something."

  In Weiyang\'s palace, Xiao Ruhan stopped a male disciple.

   "The Seven Elders."

  The male disciple was not too embarrassed to look at Xiao Ruhan, after all, although he was not reliable, he was indeed beautiful.

   "How can boys not be lonely without a partner?"


  The male disciple was taken aback, and then couldn\'t help but cough.

  "Do you know? Just say if you know! Give you a reward."

  Speaking, Xiao Ruhan took out a pill!

  Fifth-order pill!

  The disciple’s eyes lit up!

  The fifth-order pill, he can be chic for ten years after selling it!


  The male disciple whispered in Xiao Ruhan\'s ear, which made him feel uncomfortable.

  Xiao Ruhan frowned slightly, as if thinking about something.

   "What do you mean?"

   "That\'s what you mean by the Seventh Elder."

  Xiao Ruhan rubbed his delicate chin, suddenly his beautiful eyes lit up, and then ran over to Chen Mo\'s back, pointing to the front.

   "Wow! Xiao Momo, you are so evil! You inconsistent hypocrite, stinky rascal! How could I be your master!"

  Chen Mo? ? ?

  What did he do? With a dazed look.


  Under the Weiyang Palace, Chen Mo, Xiao Ruhan, Shui Shui, Long Xiao and Xiao Yuan five people walked towards Lin\'an City.

   "One behind the stone on the right, one on the tree, and one lying in the grass on the left."

  Xiao Ruhan said to Chen Mo without even looking at it.

  Chen Mo nodded. As expected, the Huang family was hiding people nearby, but with Xiao Ruhan, what would they dare to do? Now they can only get rid of Chen Mo secretly, and they must never let others know, unless they get rid of them together! Otherwise it would be a devastating blow to their Huang Family!


   "Chen Mo has gone down the mountain, right!"

  In Huang\'s house, Huang Buhui\'s face was gloomy.

   "Yes, in addition to Chen Mo, there are three disciples with talents who have passed down before, and the seventh elder of Weiyang Palace."

  Yellowstone looks distressed.

   "Father, although the Seventh Elder is not strong, she is beside her. It is difficult for us to attack Chen Mo!"

   Huang Bugui said coldly, "Who said no?"

  The surrounding Huang family showed shocked expressions.

   "Father, if we openly act, then Weiyang Palace will have a reason to punish my Huang Family. We can\'t stand the anger of Weiyang Palace!"

   Huangshi quickly reminded.

  Huang Bugui said coldly, "Who said to openly do it?"

   "Then what do you mean??"

  "Find an opportunity to bring that Chenmo and the seventh elder of Weiyang Palace together..."

  Huang Buhui made a motion to wipe his neck.

  Huangshi was shocked!

   "Father... Father, this..."

Huang Buhui said grimly, "As long as the seventh elder of Weiyang Palace is dead, as long as Chenmo is dead, and all of them are dead, no one knows that we did it, even if they can guess what? The seven elders are not strong, they are as good as you, and they are only heavenly, but the deity has reached the super **** level, and they can be turned into ashes with every gesture. Just find a chance! Kill me, the son of the Huang family, even if you are The seventh elder of Weiyang Palace will die too!"


  In Lin\'an city at this moment, there used to be three little loli with big eyes flickering at the roadside delicious food, now it is...a small girl with three little loli.

  "Boss, ten meat buns!"

  "Boss, this roast duck leg comes...five!"

  "Boss boss, this wine is very good, let\'s two catties."


  The three little Lori just saw what they wanted to eat. Before they said anything, Xiao Ruhan ran with them first.

  So, the world of foodies is the same.

  "Xiao Momo, go and pay!"

  "Xiao Momo, pay here."

   "There is also this side!"


  Chen Mo; "..."

I go! Buying things so handsomely, and then backhanding him to pay?


  I have the feeling of being dragged out by my girlfriend to go shopping. Although Chen Mo has never talked about a girlfriend, it seems like this.

  A bit miserable! Never talked about a girlfriend! Twenty-four years!

In the end, Chen Mo reluctantly paid her. The money was of course not much, just a little bit. It doesn\'t matter to Chen Mo, who is now worth nearly 2 billion, and he thinks it is not bad. At least this cheap master is quite interesting, although It looks unreliable, but it is still very good to him, and it seems a little mysterious. With her realm, she can create the magical skill of reincarnation and light moon, which is quite impressive! At least in Chen Mo\'s eyes, this cheap fairy master is better than those in Wei Yunhai.

  I kept saying that he was a rogue and perverted.

  Three little loli, one big beauty, four people walking on the road, eating delicious food, the three girls kept handing over food to Chen Mo, Chen Mo always bent down, they had to feed Chen Mo by themselves.

   "Here, misty auction floor!"

  Xiao Ruhan stopped in front of a huge building and looked up.

   "The scale is indeed quite large."

  Chen Mo was shocked when he saw this big building. He has never seen such a big building in Linfeng City, and this is just an auction site.

While eating, Xiao Ruhan took Chen Mo and the others into it. By the way, he said, "This Lingyun auction house is the industry of the eight super-strength ethereal peaks, and the status is still very high. The ethereal peak has not joined other stronger forces. 1. The auction houses of the eight major powers also have capital auctions. Just auctioning a pure sun celestial crystal is estimated to be able to return a lot of blood to Miyong Peak. It is a pity that Weiyang Palace does not have an auction house, otherwise it is in Weiyang Palace auction house. Auction is the best choice."

   "Just auctioning Pure Sun Sky Crystal can help the superpowers a lot?" Chen Mo asked in surprise.

"How do you say it? I told you before that the development of forces that did not join the four emperor ranks was pulled down. Maybe you don\'t understand the value of Chunyang Tianjing and what kind of sensation it will cause. So far, no one has ever brought out this kind of spar for auction. You are the first one. With this news, the Misty Summit takes advantage of this to publicize or attract more people’s attention and participation, which is not a small benefit. of."

  Xiao Ruhan explained to Chen Mo.

   "It turned out to be like this."

   "I\'ll see how this fairy bargained for you later!"

  Bargaining Chen Mo understands that auctioning things on other people’s sites will eventually give them a handling fee of what percentage of the transaction price, and they have to make money! Can this be cut too?

   "Everyone, there is no auction at the misty auction site today, and there will be a large auction tomorrow, so please come back tomorrow."

  A beautiful young lady politely smiled and declined them.

   "I am the fairy Xiao Ruhan, the seventh elder of Weiyang Palace."

  The woman hurriedly saluted "It turned out to be the Seventh Elder, disrespectful."

   "Well, call you guys in charge, I have very important things to talk to her about."

   "Yes, please take a seat first, and I will notify you."

  Xiao Ruhan then smiled to Chen Mo and said, "Have you seen it? It\'s not wrong to be a teacher, do you see the prestige of being a teacher? So, the elders of this superpower still have a good reputation."

  Chen Mo faintly said, "So this is the reason why you are still sitting in the seventh elder position against the world\'s verbal abuse, ridicule and despise?"

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

  "How do you talk to your fairy master?"

  Xiao Ruhan then pinched the two pieces of meat under Chen Mo\'s mask and tugged at the two pieces of meat on his chin. Because he was wearing the mask, he couldn\'t pinch both cheeks.

  Chen Mo took her hand down, and in the next moment he saw Xiao Ruhan\'s strangeness.

not good!

  Subconsciously used his left hand!

   Then Chen Mo quickly released Xiao Ruhan.

   "Spring heart rippling hands!"

  Xiao Ruhan looked at Chen Mo and then took two steps subconsciously, her pretty face flushed, but she was shocked.

  That feeling just now...Oh my god! Is that similar to the feeling of a boy thug chong? So ashamed!


  Dead abnormal Chenmo! How could she hire a beast as an apprentice! If it\'s no good, don\'t help her run errands and cause her trouble.

  No more!

  Be good, it’s amazing! If this little **** has a passion for her, she will be swaying with her heart. Not only will she not refuse, she will cater to him. It is dangerous, too dangerous~www.novelhall.com~ Sorry, I didn\'t pay attention. "

   Chen Mo said.

  "Are you a descendant of the flower saint?"

  Xiao Ruhan looked at Chen Mo with a little fear.

  What are you afraid of for their existence? Don\'t be afraid of the strong, just be afraid of this spring heart rippling! It\'s a girl\'s nemesis.

  Chen Mo said, “Heirs are not counted as heirs, but they have inherited a bit of cheating ability!”

   "I remember, your mask is really familiar, let me just say, this looks like the mask of the Flower Saint!"

  Chen Mo nodded.

  "Stay away from me in the future, dislike it, and don’t touch me!"

  Xiao Ruhan gave Chen Mo a blank look.

   "I said, since the first day we met, you have been actively touching me, right?"


  Xiao Ruhan was embarrassed.

   "Hee hee, it\'s also ha, so you can be regarded as a gentleman, let me just say, this fairy will not have a bad vision!"

  Xiao Ruhan put his arm on Chen Mo\'s shoulder and said with a grin.

  At this time, a woman with a veil and a graceful figure came over.