I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 251: Ten Thousand Thunder Tribulation

A second, they were all full of confidence, and suddenly Chen Mo\'s posture showed them panic!

  At least this level of shenanigans surprised them!

  Huang Yun\'s face sank.

   "Thunder Sword Array!"

He jumped and danced his sword skills wildly. The blue thunder was a masterpiece. The thunder formed a phantom of several swords in the air, entwining the thunder, and then suddenly fell on the field, surrounding the entire circle. Entangled in the array!

   "Are you fast? That book covers the entire competition venue with thunder, I will make you fast!"

  Huang Yun was surrounded by thunder, and said grimly!


  At this moment, the same scene appeared on Chen Mo\'s side!

   "Thunder Sword Array!"


  Everyone\'s eyes widened!

   "What? Isn\'t this the ancestral sword formation of the Huang family? How did this Chenmo come into being?"

   "Are you sure this is the Huang family\'s ancestral sword formation and not the rotten street move?"


  Everyone was stunned.

  The most surprising is the Huang family!


  The Huang Family\'s eyes widened!

  Is this the thundering sword formation of their Huang family, of course they know it, obviously it is! But this was passed down from their ancestors, and only the direct blood of the Huang family could cultivate. How could this Chenmo do?

Many people also know these things. The Huang family is well-known in the mainland for a set of Thunder\'s sword moves, especially Huang Buhui\'s second elder cousin in Lingjian Pavilion. His thunder-thunder swordsmanship has made quite a reputation throughout the continent. , The most destructive swordsmanship! But how could this Chenmo know their family\'s practice?


  Impossible! There are not many people in Huang Jiahui\'s exercises. They are all directly related. How can they be taught to him by the most trusted person?

  There is only one reason...

  This kid is a genius!

   "Could this kid just watch that Huang Yun release it once and then learn it?"

  Xiao Ruhan\'s mouth opened wide.

  Be good, it’s amazing.

  But after all, it was too unbelievable, she was still more inclined to some other impossible reason.

  The power of two thunder constantly collide! Nobody can do nothing!

  "Do you think that you can win Ben Shao by stealing my Huang Family exercises with despicable means? This Thunder Sword Array is just an introduction, let you see the real power of Thunder Sword Art! Drink!"

  Although he said that, he didn’t believe anyone could learn it secretly. This martial skill is the top martial skill passed down by their Huang family! It is also because of this martial skill that the Huang Family was able to give birth to the Super God Rank, and even the Second Elder of the Lingjian Pavilion Heaven Forbidden Rank! Dare to say not strong?

  The blue thunder turns to red. The change in thunder color proves the change in strength. The blue thunder is the weakest thunder, and the purple is the strongest!

   "Five Thunder and Extreme Celestial Phenomenon!"

  Huang Yun shouted angrily, the thunder exploded, the whole ground was shattered, and the rubble flew up, and then was wiped out by thunder into nothingness!

   "At a young age, with such a powerful force bursting out of this realm, this Huang Family\'s thunder-thundering sword technique is really powerful! This Chen Mo, if there is no martial art of the same level, I don\'t know how to fight it!"

  Weiyunhai sighed in the distance.

  It’s okay if he practiced in Weiyang Palace for a while, and he can still learn powerful martial arts, but he hasn’t!

  Chen Mo clicked the corner of his mouth!

  Thunder is the most terrifying force, no matter how strong you are, you are afraid of thunder! Thunder is the nemesis of everything! When facing Thunder, the warrior will be subconsciously afraid!

   "Ding...you got the ultimate move, which will lead you to the thunder."

  Chen Mo stole a big move against Huang Buhui who was not far away.

   Then Chen Mo pointed the sword of disaster in the hands of the sky!


  Everyone was dumbfounded! Because the sky and the earth are... bleak!

   Above the head, a cloud of thunder cloud blocked the sun!

  "Heaven and earth vision? How is it possible!"

  Everyone showed unbelievable expressions!

   "It\'s also such a weak realm to reach the level of a heaven and earth vision, this trick..."


   Above the void, thunder poured into the sword of calamity, and the momentum surged, and the powerful martial arts momentum released by Huang Yun was instantly suppressed!

"Wan Yin Heavenly Thunder Tribulation! It turned out to be Wan Yin Heavenly Thunder Tribulation! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Even the deity can not be sure that the 100 successful release of Wan Yin Heaven Thunder Tribulation, how did he do it? Absolutely impossible! It\'s my Huang family\'s martial arts! He can\'t cultivate to this level!"

  All the Huang family were stunned in place!

  That Huang Yun was stunned. He was full of self-confidence, but now, he felt the absolute crush of aura, he... panicked.

   Also shocked are those people in Weiyang Palace!

   "What the **** is this kid?"

  Xiao Ruhan’s beautiful eyes were shining brightly, and the high wind blew her hair and dress dancing wildly.

"This should be the Ten Thousand Thunder Tribulation. Three hundred years ago, the spirit sword pavilion was in the realm of the super **** level. He used this trick to kill three strong people of the same realm and became famous in one battle. The thundering sword technique is also famous on the mainland. , Even if this kid might learn the front moves of the Thunder Sword Technique, this is impossible to acquire in the end! Or is he really a peerless genius who is so enchanting that he cannot imagine?"

  Xiao Ruhan frowned slightly, apparently in thought.


  The surrounding disciples felt this terrifying power and fled in all directions.

   "Cut me!"

  Chen Mo shouted angrily, the martial arts of the shocking thunder crushing Huang Yun, like the gap between an elephant and an ant!

   "Boy dare!"

  Huang Buhui yelled angrily. With this move, his grandson would also be killed by Huangquan!

  Chen Mo\'s killing intent emerged!

  Will you kill him? All go to death!

   "The Might of the Holy Dragon!"

  Sacred Dragon’s Might The Sacred Yang clan belongs to the dragon clan, and the dragon clan is the head of all things, possessing extremely strong majesty and power, releasing the sacred dragon’s power and frightening creatures. The effect makes a dragon roar, stuns all units around 50 meters ~www.novelhall.com~ for three seconds. Consumes 1000 mana and has a cooling time of ten minutes.

  A sudden dragon roar stunned everyone around. Although it was not ignoring the level and ignoring the grade, it was possible to stun Huang Buhui in a flash. It only took this instant, Chen Mo was enough to kill!


  The power of terror burst out! The whole ground is shaking!

  Use their proud martial arts to kill the people of their family, a cool batch!

  When Huang Buhui recovered from that momentary shock, the dust was already in front of him, and he couldn\'t see what was going on inside!


   Huangshi shouted!

  Everyone around is dumbfounded!

  This Chenmo... is too rigid, right?

  In the distance, Han Jiangxue\'s eyes lit up slightly.

  A new disciple can do this, which is rare in the world!

  It\'s just that... in front of the Huang family, he cut another person, can he... be alive? ? It would be a pity if such a heavenly prodigy had fallen.

  The dust dispersed, Chen Mo stood there, and Huang Yun...has been reduced to a charred corpse.
