I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 249: Ben Xian... Ben Shao is Chen Mo!

Huangshi is angry, but after all he is more courteous. He is the lord of a city, but his status is compared to the lord of Weiyang Palace, that is!

  Huangshi bowed to Weiyunhai, "Huangshi has seen Sect Master Wei."

  Wei Yunhai smiled, "No need to be polite, Huang Chengzhu, I don’t know what you can do?"

  Wei Yunhai pretended to be there and said without knowing it!

  This Huangshi is not qualified to see Weiyunhai, but Weiyunhai has a guilty conscience, so he came out in person, making Huangshi also flattered, this sovereign is the pinnacle of the mainland! Forbidden-level powerhouse!

   "Sect Master, a disciple of your Weiyang Palace killed my son! I don\'t want to find out about your Weiyang Palace. I only hope that the Sect Master will hand him over and my Huang Family will leave immediately!"

   "Oh? There is still this thing! Fourth Elder, do you know about this matter?"

  Weiyunhai looked at the Fourth Elder, who shook his head, "I haven\'t heard."

   "Look, we have never heard of this. How about waiting for my Weiyang Palace to thoroughly investigate it before giving you an explanation?"

   Huang Shi said angrily, "Then you don’t need to bother with the suzerain. This person is named Chenmo, and the suzerain only needs to hand it over!"

  In fact, Wei Yunhai certainly doesn\'t want to hand in.

"Go, find Chen Mo, and confront it on the spot!" Then Wei Yunhai said to Huang Shi, "City Lord Huang, this matter can\'t just be said by one person, we will not let any sinner go, and we will not frame any innocent. man of!"

   "Huh! Lin\'an City has seen so many eyes, can we not bring my grandson\'s body?"

  The old man said coldly, then walked out and saluted Wei Yunhai.

   "I have seen the unsatisfied in Xiahuang without regret."

   "It turned out to be Venerable Huang, no gift."

Huang Buhui said, "Venerable, I have not been born for thirteen years. I have just been promoted to the Super God level a few days ago. This is a good thing, but I never thought that I heard this bad news. My Huang family did not want to be an enemy of Weiyang Palace. But for my grandson, please give an explanation from the Lord!"

Wei Yunhai nodded, "Naturally, I have sent someone to find Chenmo, but there is a reason for the incident. The dead deity of the son of the Huang family is indeed sad, but can Chenmo be taken away? Is it my Weiyang Palace disciple? You still need to ask about this matter!"

   "Huh! No matter what, it is true that Chenmo killed my grandson! He must be taken away today! If the Venerable does not want to, then I have to find my cousin who is the second elder in Lingjian Pavilion to preside over justice!"

   Huang Bugui said coldly!

  Yes, since he dared to say this, he also has the confidence!

  Weiyunhai is the headache of this, let alone cousin, even if Weiyang Palace is fighting with the two superpowers of Lingjian Pavilion, he is not afraid, but the difficulty is more difficult!

  Chen Mo, three girls hiding in a tree on the side, just happened to be able to see these all the time! He is entangled whether or not to go out. Seeing these people come violently, even if he is reasonable, it is useless!

   "Who is looking for this shao?"

  At this time, a voice came, and then a figure came over wearing a disciple’s suit and a mask!

   "You are Chenmo!"

  The members of the Huang family were furious when they saw him!

   "Yes, Ben Shao is Chen Mo!"

  Chen Mo? ? ?

  What monster?

and many more! This voice seems to be Xiao Ruhan! Although he deliberately thickened his voice, he could still recognize it!


  That Wei Yunhai and other elders naturally recognized who this is!

   "What are you going to do!"

  Weiyunhai transmits to Xiao Ruhan.

   "Go on rolling, dead old man! What do you care about my old lady? Don\'t you say nothing?"

  Xiao Ruhan also passed a note.


  Wei Yunhai sighed, then walked away!

  Never mind it! Let the four elders preside over the overall situation, as long as nothing major happens!

  A few players around are taken aback, this is Chenmo? Isn\'t the mask a good one?

   "What an arrogant and domineering man! He even dared to come out after killing someone!"

   Huang Shi pointed at Xiao Ruhan and said angrily!

  "Are you sick? You let this immortal...Ben Shao come here, Ben Shao is here now, and you say that I am arrogant and domineering, and dare to come out after killing? Are you stupid?"


  Someone around laughed, and Chen Mo couldn\'t help but tick the corner of his mouth.

  However, Chen Mo was slightly moved in his heart, saying that she didn\'t care about him, but she didn\'t expect that she would pretend to be dressed up, secretly trying to push the matter down for herself, without even telling him.

   "Find death! Take him away for me!"

"and many more!"

  At this time, Chen Mo walked over.

   Seeing Chen Mo, Xiao Ruhan was taken aback, rushed to him and whispered bb.

   "Why are you here? Hurry, leave this to me."

   "How can I let Master Fairy stop you from what I do."

   Then Chen Mo looked at them and said, "She is not Chen Mo, I killed your son."

   "Who is it! Don\'t think you can fool us!"

   Huangshi angered!

"It\'s me! It\'s me)."

  Chen Mo and Xiao Ruhan said in unison.

  Chen Mo "……"

   "While playing in the sand, my three younger sisters have not eaten yet, do you care about them?"

  At this time, Qin Hai walked over with a sneer.

"Seven elders, one person is responsible for one\'s work, the other is for one person. If a man is a man, he must take care of himself. The seventh elder Chenmo does not look down upon Chenmo? We must believe in Chenmo! So the seventh elder, you should let Chenmo come by yourself! All of us All believe that Chen Mo is innocent!"

   Qin Hai said to Xiao Ruhan.

  Xiao Ruhan was deliberately dismantled by Qin Hai, and she couldn\'t play anymore, then took off the mask and hat.

   "It turned out to be the seventh elder of Weiyang Palace! Then you are the real Chenmo!"

  The Huang family looked at Chen Mo.

  Qin Hai sneered! He just said it deliberately, deliberately dismantling Xiao Ruhan, maybe he doesn\'t need to make a move, this Chen Mo is about to die!

"You really didn’t succeed and you were more than defeated~www.novelhall.com~ Originally I pretended to be you, they took me away, and it’s okay to run away with my ability. They think you ran away, so there is no reason to look for Weiyang. It’s the palace business, you are fine!"

  Xiao Ruhan angrily passed a note to Chen Mo.

   "You didn\'t say it earlier?"

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

   "Go on rolling! It\'s rare for this fairy to have such a clever time when the plan was ruined by you! I am so mad! Go to hell, I don\'t care about you!"

  Xiao Ruhan then walked away angrily, but stopped after two steps.

  Chen Mo didn\'t want her to bear it, and they all said that she was not strong, but there was a super **** level. Even if she succeeded in acting, how would she run? Can\'t run, maybe they will be killed by mistake!

  Chen Mo will not regret killing someone, and he is not afraid! He had at least two ways to solve this problem. Although he was a little bit reluctant, he couldn\'t let Xiao Ruhan take risks for him.

   "You are affectionate and righteous, so why do you kill my son so much!"

   Huangshi vigorously.

   "Old guy, what makes me hurt the killer, I ask you, I want to kill you now, don\'t you fight back to kill me, and stretch your head over and let me kill? Can your brain?"