I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 247: Goodbye, my old lady loves you.

It’s too late to buy this meal, but there are still a lot of delicious foods in his infinite ring. I heard that there is a superb power, Chen Mo should go for a while, go to his cheap master for protection. !

  Chen Mo can\'t be afraid of Shenhuang, because he has confidence! But if he can\'t release it, he still doesn\'t want to release these powers! After all, it is Shura\'s power, so you have to think twice if you release it.

  The whole Lin\'an city was in turmoil. Then Huang Simiao saw his son\'s body and was furious!

  Although he has several sons, this Huang Simiao’s youngest son is the least effective, and he even makes trouble everywhere, wiping his buttocks every day, but this is his own flesh and blood, after all, his own flesh and blood has been killed! It was just killed by a new disciple of Weiyang Palace! How could he not be angry! Even the elder disciple of Weiyang Palace is useless! No one can protect him!


Chen Mo came to Xiao Ruhan’s yard. At this moment, in the yard, she sent a wooden sword to the three little loli. The three little loli danced the sword jerky. They didn’t know how to use the sword. Their fighting method was simple. Their physical battles are much stronger than their swords! But Weiyang Palace mostly uses swords, so they must be taught to use swords. It can be concluded that the three girls are wronged and don\'t want to learn. They still play games and eat for them.

"Big brother."

   Seeing Chen Mo\'s return, the three girls ran towards Chen Mo with the sword in their hands, and one of them hugged him at an angle.

  Chen Mo rubbed their hair one by one with his right hand, and then led them to Xiao Ruhan.

  Xiao Ruhan, this girl is sitting on that tree trunk and drinking wine.

   "The fairy is drunk!"

  Chen Mo threw Two Pot Fairy Drunk to her.

  Xiao Ruhan’s beautiful eyes lit up, and after taking the fairy drunk, he was "gulugulu" and poured several mouthfuls!

   "Ah-cool! Is there anything more satisfying than this in the world."

  Xiao Ruhan said contentedly, his face flushed slightly after drinking.


  Chen Mo said that he set up a table of delicious food, and then continued, "That means eating and drinking."

  Xiao Ruhan jumped down and patted Chen Mo on the shoulder, "Well... I like you more and more as a teacher!"

   Then she took the three little Lori and started eating and drinking.

  Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose, walked over, and sat next to him.

   "Brother, here it is."

  Long Xiaorou handed Chen Mo a big chicken leg.

"Big brother."

  Shui Shui and Xiao Yuan were not to be outdone, and one of them also handed him one.

  Chen Mo took it, took two bites, and looked at Xiao Ruhan, not knowing how to speak.

   "There is something I don’t know to say or not to say."

  Chen Mo looked at Xiao Ruhan.

   "Let’s say, I am your master, what’s wrong with it? I’ll help you settle if there are any difficulties!"

  Hearing this, Chen Mo was very moved! This cheap master is still quite loving.

   "That\'s it, a little thing happened when I went to Lin\'an to buy a fairy drunk."

   "Fight with someone?"

  Xiao Ruhan took a bite of a big chicken leg, then took a sip of wine, and said drunkly.

   "Hmm... almost, kill someone."


  The next second Xiao Ruhan sprayed out directly.

   "What? Killing?" Xiao Ruhan couldn\'t help calling out.

  Chen Mo nodded, "But he was going to kill me first."

  Xiao Ruhan breathed a sigh of relief, then wiped his mouth.

"That\'s okay, then it doesn\'t matter. Killing, it\'s normal. If you don\'t kill him, you will be killed. It\'s okay. It\'s a trivial matter. It\'s just for the teacher to remind you that our Weiyang Palace is to kill demons and eliminate demons. We care about the people. We are a super force that protects one side. We should try to kill people as little as possible, but we can\'t let others bully. After all, they are my Xiao Ruhan\'s disciple. If they are bullied, tell me that my mother will have his home destroyed! "

  Chen Mo is so moved!

  "Little fairy, drink! After two days I will go to another city to help you bring two pots of fairies drunk."

   Chen Mo said.

  "Not bad, not bad, you are a good apprentice! My old lady is very pleased!"

  Xiao Ruhan nodded in satisfaction, then said

   "Remember, as long as you stand on the right side, you don\'t have to be afraid! A teacher can help you block it!"

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "By the way, who did you kill?"

  Xiao Ruhandao.

   "Son of the Huang Family."


   Another sip of wine came out.

   "What! You killed the son of the Huang family?"

  Xiao Ruhan roared out.

  Chen Mo silently wiped a drop of drink on his left cheek.

  "Didn\'t you say that I was carrying everything for me?"

"you you you you!"

  Xiao Ruhan pointed at Chen Mo!

   "On the first day when you came to Weiyang Palace, you killed me the son of the city lord, Xiao Momo, Xiao Momo, you want to go to heaven!"

   "It\'s a little fairy, you teach well."

  Chen Mo grinned.

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

"Did I teach you to kill? No, when did I teach you? Don\'t buckle the **** on my head. I have nothing to do with you. Goodbye! I love you! Goodbye!" She slipped away in a rush, walked two steps and ran back again, took the fairy drunk, and took a big drumstick by the way.

  "Goodbye, goodbye, remember, my old lady loves you, ua!"

  After speaking, she just slipped away without a person.

  Chen Mo? ? ?

  Love you numb!

  No...just righteously saying that she is his master, and she will help him no matter what, then...can you run slower?

  It\'s really unreliable!

   "I guess it won\'t be long before the Huang family will come?" Chen Mo took out the emperor\'s order.

  The emperor\'s order given to him by the Saint Yao female emperor can come in handy, and Chen Mo is not afraid! This unreliable Xiao Ruhan... Let\'s rely on himself! Fortunately, he called her little fairy!

   "After eating, you will play in Weiyang Palace. Don\'t be naughty or cause trouble."

  Chen Mo reminded the three little girls.

   "Hmm~www.novelhall.com~ Then Chen Mo chose to go offline!

  Out of the room, Chen Mo went to the kitchen, Lin Kexin really left him a meal, although it was cold, it didn’t matter to Chen Mo!

  Clean the pots and bowls after eating, and Chen Mo went to sleep. As for the situation in the game, he doesn\'t care! Can you delay him from sleeping?


  At this moment in the Weiyang Palace, Xiao Ruhan carried his skirt and ran to the suzerain Weiyunhai.

  "If you don\'t teach them, what are you doing here?"

  Wei Yunhai glanced at Xiao Ruhan.

  Xiao Ruhan walked over with a grin, then pinched Wei Yunhai\'s shoulders.

   "Then what, handsome pot, is strength okay?"

  This sudden change of normal Xiao Ruhan made Wei Yunhai tremble.

   "Speaking of people! Did you make a mistake again?"

  Xiao Ruhan looks aggrieved.

   "Well... I made a little mistake, but my dear Sect Master, that\'s not a problem for you, right?"

  Xiao Ruhan said sweetly.

   "Go ahead, what did you commit again?"