I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 24: Mysterious girl, chain of disaster

Tianbian, there was originally a red light that felt like a ping-pong ball flashing in the distance, but now that light is not just a ping-pong ball, it has become a red light at the intersection of the sea and the sky!

   "What\'s going on! It was just a little bit, and now the whole horizon seems to be burning with flames! Huh? What about Chenmo?"

   Yingmeng suddenly finds that Chen Mo is missing!

   "Brother Chenmo!"

   Yingmeng called out on the sea, but there was no response!

   She has no choice but to return to the shore the same way!

"Big brother……"

   Xiaoyuan looked at the horizon worriedly!

   Yingmeng shook the sea water, and then said to Xiao Yuan: "Don\'t worry, he is fine now!"

   She has Chen Mo’s friends. If Chen Mo dies, her level will be lowered, but so far Chen Mo is still at level 8. It proves that he has nothing to do, just don’t know where he is now and what he is doing! Does the redness of the horizon originate from Chen Mo?

   Yingmeng is uncertain.

   And at this moment Chen Mo is indeed in that red light!

   This power surprised Chen Mo. This power is not in the same category as the **** tide! In other words, the **** tide did not originate from this red light!

   Chen Mo kept swimming, and the red light around him wrapped it up. To be precise, this sea area had turned blood red. If there was a smell of blood, Chen Mo really thought he was swimming in a **** prison!

   "Ding...you die if you are immune."

   The system prompt came, and Chen Mo was used to it, because when he tried to touch the red light for the first time, when he entered the sea from gray to blood red for the first time, Chen Mo heard the system prompt!

   is death, which is fatal to anyone, but it is precisely Chen Mo who is immune to this effect! Chen Mo is immune to this most terrible effect, so he can travel here!

   The reason why Chen Mo believes that before and after is not a kind of power is because the previous damage was nearly ten million, but this time the damage was instant death, so I am sure that this is not a power!

  In the distance, Chen Mo suddenly saw a figure!

   That\'s right! If he read it right, there is a figure in the red light in the distance! The figure was floating in the air, as if it didn\'t move!

   There is a figure here?

   Since Chen Mo died after being immunized, he had to go see what happened!

   he showed a surprised expression when he swam past!

   "Small Yuan?"

   That\'s right, the figure wrapped in the red light is Xiao Yuan!

   is exactly the same, but now she is wearing a black and red noble princess dress, her arms are open, her beautiful eyes are tightly closed, she is standing still in the air, motionless!

   Is she Xiaoyuan?

   No, it is Xiao Yuan who is waiting for her on the shore, but why is she exactly the same as Xiao Yuan?


   Chen Mo doesn\'t know!

   But at this time, the little edge above the void landed slowly, and then stepped on the surface of the sea like Lingbo, and never landed again!

   Chen Mo released Detecting Technique.

  【? ? ? ]:? ? ?

   That\'s right, it\'s all question marks, and I can\'t even know who she is!

   The feeling she gave Chen Mo is hard to say. It is unclear whether this blood-red power is evil or what it is, but Chen Mo feels that this power is not released by the Xiaoyuan in front of him! It\'s more like... it\'s more like this power is wrapping her.

   "Dead or alive? What does she have to do with Xiao Yuan? Or she is Xiao Yuan? But she must have an inseparable relationship with Xiao Yuan\'s amnesia, power loss, etc.!"

   Chen Mo pondered.

   Chen Mo then tentatively reached out and tried to hold her hand!

   Hold it, it\'s cold, it\'s as cold as a corpse!


   Chen Mo showed a surprised expression.

   did not trigger the task and did nothing, Chen Mo was completely confused!

   At this moment, all the red light around suddenly disappeared! It was exploded by the shock wave like a bomb, and then the red light disappeared!

   Because it is too far away, Xiaoyuan and Yingmeng in the distance can\'t see Chen Mo\'s tiny figure on the sea.

  At this moment, in Chen Mo\'s sight, the girl slowly opened her eyes!

   At that moment, it was a little scary!

   Before, Chen Mo saw endless darkness in Xiao Yuan’s pupils, just like a black hole, but after she opened her eyes, Chen Mo saw a deep purple!

   She looked at Chen Mo, and Chen Mo looked at her, and she froze for several seconds.


   Then she slowly closed her eyes, and then exhaled a spit of breath. A wave appeared on the surface of the sea, but it disappeared.

   "You have a breath that I hate..."

   She spoke slowly, the tone was exactly the same as Xiaoyuan.

   Chen Mo: "……"


   "But it does not belong to you... It does not come from your breath, but..."

   She looked up to the shore...

   Chen Mo was stupefied throughout! Really stupid!

   He has been playing virtual online games for so long, and he has never seen anything like this before, it is simply too fancy.

   "Are you Xiaoyuan?"

   Chen Mo asked tentatively!

And she did not answer Chen Mo, but looked at him, as if she was talking to herself: "All the sins in the world cannot be erased. As long as there is life, then there is sin. When the sins converge into a little ~www.novelhall.com~ Then you can zoom in infinitely, never zoom out..."

   Chen Mo: "……"


   "However, when life is derived from this point, even if it will never dissipate, there will be the possibility of being purified."

   Then she slowly extended her hand to Chen Mo.

   "Ding... Your memory is being read, and you cannot move it currently."

   Chen Mo frowned! Is she reading her own memory?

   "Blindness, hatred in the heart, and sin, but no matter how kind people are, there must be a sin side in their hearts, right?" She opened her eyes slowly.

   Chen Mo showed a shocked expression! She put herself out of the game, have all the memories in reality read?

  What exactly is this game?

   It’s okay to read the content in the game, because the player is just a piece of data. Of course, it’s okay for the system to read the data, but the actual memory is not data for the game!

   "Cause and effect are predestined, and perhaps you will be able to purify sin. Of course, the premise is that you will not become an accomplice of sin."

   Chen Mo was stupefied the whole time! What has she been talking about? He couldn\'t understand it! And there is no dialogue with him at all, as if two people are on two channels.

   Then she stretched out her hand and took off a silver bracelet from her wrist.

   "Open your hand."

   She said to Chen Mo!

   Chen Mo subconsciously stretched out her hand, and then she handed the necklace to Chen Mo.

   "Ding...you got [Chain of Disaster]."

   Chen Mo frowned.

   "Remember to take this with you. She gave it to you. Remember, there are only three powers in this disaster chain, that is, you only have three opportunities to control her."