I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 231: Distressed Flower Saint

Chen Mo said, "Well, it\'s almost a hurry, and it will take a lot of time to hurry."

  Although I don’t know which sect to go to at the moment, there must be no great sect nearby, so I need to go deep into the Saint Yao Empire.

The three little girls just finished the fight, sitting together you feed me, I feed you, there are delicious foods, it’s so loving, the brass bell-like laughter makes people feel good Up.

  Now Chen Mo also has a lot of money, at least he can start building Fengshen Sect first.

"Big brother."

  Xiao Yuan ran over at this time, holding a token in his hand. It was the equipment exploded by a golden boss that Chen Mo had just killed. Chen Mo had time to pick it up in the future!

"I go!"

  Zhao Yingmeng opened her mouth wide when she saw it!

  The third block to build a help token!

  Chen Mo took it, and then Xiaoyuan happily ran back to eat delicious food with them.

  Chen Mo handed the Jianbang order to Zhao Yingmeng, and said, "Let your friends help the auction again."

  Zhao Yingmeng took the gang building token and nodded.

  This is too exaggerated. Up to now, it\'s only three yuan, and it\'s all for Chen Mo!

   "The price of this piece may not be too high." Zhao Yingmeng said.

  Chen Mo nodded.

  He doesn\'t charge them extra money, just ask them to help the auction, they are naturally very happy!

   "There are more than a hundred pieces of gold that have been exploded these days. I will trade them all to you. Let\'s sell them together."

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"

  To be reasonable, their studio relies on these building tokens, and the auction of golden artifacts is enough to build an amazing reputation! Because of such a big sky, so many guilds and studios, for now, their studio must be the most brilliant, and it must be the only one who can come up with so many top-quality equipment! They don\'t need anything, relying on the invisible value that Chen Mo has played with so many equipments is unimaginable! Equal to their super high!

  They are grateful to Chen Mo, and Chen Mo is also asking them to help themselves at no cost! Be regarded as mutual benefit! But obviously it was Chen Mo who benefited them more.

   "Then... Let\'s go back now, I\'ll send Fengshun Express."

  Chen Mo nodded, "Meet at the gate of Linfeng City this afternoon, hurry!"


After   , Chen Mo took the three little girls to the Saint of Flowers.

"Got to go?"

  Hua Sheng took a sip of wine, and he was really reluctant to bear these little girls.

Although these little girls are a little tired and noisy, they have to say that their appearance has made him monotonous. I don’t know how many years of life has appeared. Someone can accompany him to fish and chat. It had to be children\'s stuff, but he was really happy to listen.

  Chen Mo nodded, "Well, I just said something to senior."

  "Go, remember the Fengshen Sect. If you have time, you can take them to find the old man to play with me, or if the Fengshen Sect is built, I can use it as a place for retirement."

   "Senior farewell!"

   "Goodbye grandpa."

  The three little girls waved their hands one after another.

"and many more."

  Hua Sheng called them, then took out a piece of cloth from his pocket, and slowly opened it, with a few silver coins inside.

   "Old man, I have not saved much in these years. I am self-sufficient. Fishing and eating fish, drinking this clear water, and eating this plum. These four silver coins are also a bit of entanglement for fishing. Take it with you."

   Although the Flower Saint seemed to give Chen Mo money, in fact, the meaning in the words was to let Chen Mo give him money, but he didn\'t say it directly.

  Chen Mo\'s mouth twitched.

  Four cents? Four coins are converted into rb for four cents! Although in the game may not be as simple as four cents, but rb is a simple four cents!

"This... it\'s not easy for you to be too old." Chen Mo took out a gold coin and threw it to Saint Flower, and said, "I don\'t need these four coins. Seniors save them to buy wine and drink, and this gold coin will be treated as it is. Seniors have taken care of the labor costs of a few girls these days! Goodbye!"

  Flower Saint "……"

He will not talk about the labor costs of taking care of these girls. These days, he buys food, clothes and clothes for them, and takes them to play. The money he spends is more than that, I don’t know how many times it has been. All the money from the fishing sale was thrown into them. It was all girls who wanted to be rich. He did it. Then you gave him a gold coin? ?

   "Boy, don\'t let me run into you again! When I run into you again, I must take your left hand to the **** of Empress Shengyao!"

  Hua Sheng exclaimed!

   Still want to pit him money? Although this old man did help himself a lot, Chen Mo did respect him by respecting him and thanking him, but this is how tacky is measured by money, right? So just give a gold coin meaning!

   "Big brother, will Grandpa starve to death?"

  On the way, Xiao Yuan asked quietly.

   "No, if he could starve to death, then it would be unreasonable."


  Suddenly Long Xiaorou remembered something, and then stopped quickly.

   "What\'s wrong?" Chen Mo looked at Long Xiaorou.

  Long Xiaorou blinked her big simple eyes and said, "Before...before...I played with Little Bear and Little Bell in the yard, and buried a fire in the ground."

  Chen Mo said, "It\'s a fire, it must be extinguished when buried in the soil."

   "No...it\'s not." Long Xiaorou shook her head, and said softly, "Yes... it\'s holy flame."

"What\'s the difference?"

   "I know I know!" Shui Shui said repeatedly, "If you step on it, it will explode with a "bang"~www.novelhall.com~ Shui Shui also opened his arms.

  Chen Mo "……"



  There was a loud noise from behind, accompanied by fire, and there was also an old man\'s cry.

  Chen Mo "……"

  The three little girls showed embarrassed expressions, and spit out pink tongues cutely, as if they knew they had done something wrong.

  Chen Mo looked at the burning plum forest in the back, secretly mourning for the flower saint.

  This strong man will definitely be fine, just... silently a little distressed.

  It is estimated that he will live here in the future, and he has to be careful about whether there are other saint flames buried while walking.

After   , Chen Mo took them to Linfeng City, bought a lot of food on the way to spare, and then went to Ye Qingqing.

   "Master Chen Mo is leaving?"

   Ye Qingqing bit his lip. Although he knew that this day would definitely come, he was still not willing.

   "Well, you and Xiao Yu will live here first. If you are worried about the danger, go to another city, wait until I settle down and build the Fengshen Sect and come back to pick you up." Chen Mo said.