I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 229: Brother Chen Mo, have you ever been in love?

Chen Mo then said, "Actually, my girlfriend is nothing good."

   "Ah, that\'s not right, your girlfriend can play games with you."

   "But...you can keep playing games without a girlfriend."

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"

   "Um... Brother Chen Mo, have you ever been in a relationship?"

  Chen Mo "……"

"Hehe... I didn\'t talk about it at first glance, but it doesn\'t matter. Shall I introduce you to a big beauty? Although her mouth is a bit "vicious", she has a kind heart, mainly because she looks pretty, but she can\'t stand it for a long time. When it comes to the nourishment of love, I feel hungry."

  If Zhao Yingluo knew that his sister said that to her, she would have rushed over now with her slippers.

   "How beautiful is it?"

   "Hehe, as beautiful as me."

  Zhao Yingmeng said with a shameless smile, but what she said is true, because they are twins, they must be equally beautiful.

   "Forget it."

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"

No, how can there be a sense of sight when facing Big Brother Chenmo in Tianlin, the feeling of chatting is like this, that is, she can\'t take advantage of chatting with him at all, and she is choked by various situations, yes, how do you feel Chatting with this brother Chen Mo also got choked.

   "Actually, I am very beautiful. If you don\'t believe me, ask Kexin."


  Zhao Yingmeng "……"

  Ah! The same feeling! Ahhhhh!

  Could it be true?

  Impossible! What a coincidence!

   "I\'m really beautiful."

   "Yeah." Chen Mo nodded.

  Zhao Yingmeng puffed up her mouth.

   "Hmph, men can only be perfunctory! People are obviously holding the mentality of introducing your girlfriend, you don\'t trust them, hum!" Zhao Yingmeng muttered.

   "I can\'t see it, and you don\'t like me when you introduce them." Chen Mo said silently.

   "No!" Zhao Yingmeng said, "Although it is indeed troublesome, it does not discriminate against you, and she does not value these things. She said her future boyfriend can only be a powerful person."

   "I\'m not good either." Chen Mo said.

   "No, no, no, Brother Chen Mo is a master of internal strength, very powerful."

  Chen Mo suddenly brows, this Zhao Yingmeng even knows this! But he didn\'t have the inner strength.

   "The meal is ready."

  Lin Kexin carried two dishes and ran over.

   "I\'ll help serve the meal!"

Zhao Yingmeng then hurried into the kitchen, and quickly walked out with a meal. She was very familiar with her. She was self-familiar. Chen Mo knew this very well. When they met for the first time, This girl is just a familiarity.

   "Hehe, let me try Kexin\'s craftsmanship!"

  Zhao Yingmeng then couldn’t wait to take a bite of the dish, and then her beautiful eyes lit up.

   "Wow! Kexin, your craftsmanship is good!"

  Zhao Yingmeng exclaimed, Lin Kexin said in embarrassment, "It\'s okay." Then she picked Chen Mo with vegetables.

  "It\'s really delicious, it\'s all mom\'s taste. In contrast, what does the sister in my family cook!" Zhao Yingmeng said aggrieved.

  Lin Kexin smiled, "If it tastes delicious, eat more."

   "Hmm, I have a big appetite."

  Then they chatted and ate dinner. The two girls were talking about topics that Chen Mo could not understand at all and that only girls could understand.

   "Ah, by the way, I just went home and saw the martial arts system on the forum. It is said that it will be online in a few days." Zhao Yingmeng suddenly thought of something and said.

   "What is the sect force system?"

  Lin Kexin asked puzzlingly.

"It is our players and those ncs in the mainland who go to participate in the trials of various sects and sects and become disciples of the sect. If we pass, we can learn the skills of the sect. It is an important and important link. , We not only have to compete with players for places, but also with those nc who also come to participate in the assessment. Anyway, it must be very fierce and cool!" Zhao Yingmeng said expectantly.

  "Has the news been released?" Chen Mo asked.

"Yeah, now all the players\' attention has shifted from the three hidden dungeons to this place, hee hee, because the three dungeon missions have been completed, and I am among them, how about it, awesome?" Zhao Yingmeng said proudly !

  Although she was lying down the whole time, she was also a member of the system announcement. She must be very proud.

  Chen Mo and Lin Kexin nodded.


   "Ah...I\'m full."

  Zhao Yingmeng touched her belly with satisfaction.

   "I\'m going to wash the dishes."

   "I\'m with you."

  You can’t do nothing for nothing.

  After finishing the bowl, Zhao Yingmeng went home happily.

  "Brother Chen Mo, Yingmeng is our friend in the game, right?" Lin Kexin asked quietly while sitting beside Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "Huh, we are really destined." Lin Kexin still felt a little unreal.

   "Yes, it is very predestined, but you can\'t fully trust if predestined, you did a good job." Chen Mo said.

   "Hehe, but Kexin really thinks Shadow Dream is very good."

  Chen Mo nodded.

  This girl is really good, but at least for now, Chen Mo can\'t fully believe her.

   "Ke Xin is going home first, Brother Chen Mo, remember to rest early."

After   , Lin Kexin went back, and Chen Mo also rested.

   Early the next morning, Lin Kexin brought breakfast, and Chen Mo went online after eating.

   "Ding...Welcome to Tianlin."

  In the morning, Chen Mo brought Shui Shui, Xiao Yuan, Long Xiaorou, and Zhao Yingmeng to complete the level. As for "cooperation", it is still the case.


Long Xiaorou didn’t look weak, she was really fierce in the fight. She rushed over and suddenly caught the claws of the holy dragon. The huge black tiger in front of her was directly torn apart by Long Xiaorou. Then she returned unscathed and continued. She looks soft and weak. Her weakness is not a pretense, it\'s really weak~www.novelhall.com~ She was also weak when fighting, but... very fierce! The contrast between the front and the back was so great that Zhao Yingmeng was shocked when she watched.

  Look at your own little colors again.

   "Small color, go!"

   Zhao Yingmeng shouted domineeringly!


   Xiao Se Se rushed up, and then suddenly roared by the monster in front of him, and the whole body of more than 30 centimeters flew back directly.

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"

   "Can you do it?" Zhao Yingmeng sniffed.

   "You let the level 6 pet attack the level 20 golden boss?"

   "Uh-sorry." Zhao Yingmeng spit out her pink tongue.

   "Ah, Brother Chenmo, sister Qinghan transferred the money here!" Zhao Yingmeng checked his balance and the news he received, and then said excitedly, "Big Brother Chenmo, do you guess how much the Jianbang token auctioned?"


   "1.9 billion!"

  Chen Mo also showed a surprised expression! He expected it to be one billion, but he almost doubled it unexpectedly!

   "By the way, Sister Qinghan said that she would like to add you as a friend. Can I discuss with you about future cooperation?" Zhao Yingmeng asked.