I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 207: It feels good to go through the back door

The extremely condensed ice soul beast that dissipated all its power swayed its little tail and walked towards Zhao Yingmeng, and everyone looked at them.

   "Ding... Ji Ning Ice Soul Beast asks to recognize you as the master, do you agree?"

  Zhao Yingmeng was stunned!

   Extremely Condensed Ice Soul Beast, recognize her as the master?

why? She is the most trash among them, how can she recognize her as the master?

  Zhao Yingmeng quickly became unworthy.

   Then Zhao Yingmeng looked at them at a loss!

  Chen Mo said, "Agree!"

  "But...but, I...I don\'t deserve it. It\'s obviously the task that Brother Chenmo completed."

Chen Mo said, "A monster of this level will have his own choice. He will choose the most suitable partner for him. Obviously you and it are the most suitable, and you can\'t force it. You are an assassin, an extremely condensed ice soul. The beast is an extreme attack type monster, and the combined combat power of the two of you is very exaggerated!"

   "But Big Brother sister is also an assassin, and even more powerful..."

  Zhao Yingmeng looked at Qingcheng.

  Qingcheng walked away.

  Zhao Yingmeng just feels that she has done nothing, and then she has received the biggest task reward, and she always feels something is wrong.

  "If you disagree, maybe we will pass the final reward!" Chen Mo said!

   "That... well! Agree!"

  Zhao Yingmeng bit her lip.

  After that, a ray of light bloomed on the two bodies, and the ice-condensing soul beast\'s tail swayed even more happily, and it jumped into Zhao Yingmeng\'s arms!


  Zhao Yingmeng then threw him out!

  Everyone "..."

  The extremely frozen ice soul beast fell into the snow, and the snow on one side shook his head and walked slowly to Zhao Yingmeng’s feet.

  This may be the real..."pervert".

  Why is Zhao Yingmeng like this? Because the Ji Ning Ice Soul Beast was talking about a man before, but now he jumps into Zhao Yingmeng\'s arms, she will definitely be awkward! If this Extreme Ice Soul Beast had never said a man, she would definitely be willing to hold it, but now...

  A little bit grudge!

  What a miserable "pervert".

  At this moment, a teleportation formation appeared in front of them.

   "Let\'s go, the next mission!"

   Then Chen Mo walked in!

   Then Chen Mo took Shui Shui\'s hand, and several people walked into the teleportation formation.

  Zhao Yingmeng glanced at the extremely condensed ice soul beast beside her feet, and then said, "I will call you Xiao Lu Se from now on."

   Xiao Se Se nodded her head again and again, then followed them in with her little tail shaking!


  The light flashed, and several people appeared outside Linfeng City!

   "Ding...you have completed the mission of the extremely frozen soul beast, the system will issue a system announcement, and your id will be placed first."

  "Ding...all players please pay attention, players Chenmo (stress), Hidden, Mother-of-Age Heroine, and Coco Xinxin have completed the pet dungeon quest, Extreme Ice Soul Beast\'s long-cherished wish. The final reward for this quest will disappear, and the dungeon can still be entered!"



  For a time, those players were all forced to force one by one!

   "I wipe it? Just... it\'s done? How long is this? Is there three hours?"

   "Chen Mo, is this Chen Mo so powerful? How to do the task is so abnormal? Or is it simple?"

"Bah, let’s be simple. I went in and met the mission objective of the Extreme Ice Soul Beast, and they killed all of them in seconds, and I didn’t even know what I would encounter later. I entered it and ended. I... !"

"Look at the number one in the pet list, a ghostly mysterious pet, a very frozen ice soul beast, who owns... the mother-in-law generation? She gave this pet to her? Who is she? Why doesn\'t Chenmo? He has But it is indeed a mount, and his mount is only level nine, no, although it is only level nine, it can be improved, and the combat power is terrifying, does Chenmo look down on ghost-class pets?"


All of a sudden, most of the players who carried out this task, or the players who wanted to do this task first, changed their minds one after another, because this task has no final reward. Some of them are for pets, but more It is for the task, the final reward! Once this final reward is gone, of course choose to do it with the final reward, and at the same time have the opportunity to get a mount, so for a while, the number of players for this task is rapidly reduced!

   "Are you going to replenish or eat offline?"

   "I...I don\'t need it!"

  Zhao Yingmeng said excitedly that she had actually obtained the only ghost-level pet in the whole day! A little excited! It is the first time for her id to occupy the first place in a ranking list!

   "Excuse me, I will answer the call!"

Then Zhao Yingmeng took the communicator and walked to the side, and she could see that there was an excited smile on her face and chatting, and that little color was dangling her tail at her feet all the way, and she didn’t know if she wanted a hug. hold.

   "I don\'t have to go offline, it doesn\'t matter if I go later."

  Lin Kexin said softly.

   Then Chen Mo looked at Qingcheng, Qingcheng did not say much, but she did not go offline or left, which proved her intention! Chen Mo and her have known each other for so long, of course they do.

   "Then go!"

  After that, they stepped into the teleportation array again!

   "Brother Chenmo, wait for me!"

  Zhao Yingmeng hurriedly followed!

  It is the place where the three old men are again, and a crowd of players are lining up, waiting to enter the instance!

  Chen Mo led the team to the blind old man again! There was still no one in front of him! No one is going to do this task! The main reason is that the mission profile is too scary. The recommended level is 100...Who would dare to die?

The skills of these two old men are very leathery, and there is another Chen Mo who has not yet stolen it. He corresponds to the task of Fengwu Qingcheng, so Chen Mo still has the opportunity to steal his ~www.novelhall.com~ Grandpa, we are back again! "Shui Shui said cutely!

  The blind old man heard this sound and recognized Shui Shui.

   "It\'s you, it seems that you have successfully got what you want!"

  The blind old man said with a smile!

   "Hmm, it\'s called Xiaosese! Hee hee."

   "Where are you going now? To the land of phoenix dance?"

   asked the blind old man.

   Shui Shui turned his head and looked at Chen Mo in doubt, and Chen Mo nodded.

   Then Shui Shui made a double "umh".

   "Okay, let me follow the old man!"

  Then the blind old man took them back to the third deaf old man!

  A crowd of players in front of the deaf old man, and then they saw Chen Mo and the others, and of course they all heard of what happened before!

  This t!

   Be a dungeon mission, they can still go through the back door, no one else! Who can stand this?

   But although everyone was upset this time, no one said it again!

   "Ding...you got the ultimate pulse infinitely."