I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 192: Extinguishing Chenmo is just like the son Mo of the past!

The city lord walked to Chen Mo\'s side, overlooking the people of Linfeng City.

  The players feel reasonable after hearing this. Yes, they are players, and they have not done anything to Linfeng City. The grievances between players and players, why should they get involved in nc? If you insist on reasoning, there is no reason for the soldiers of Linfeng City to attack the members of the temples!

  For a while, they don’t know what will happen later! More people feel that they are just defending Chenmo, but in the end they will lose to reason and will not be willing to withdraw their troops!

  When they heard the words of the sand sculptures in the desert, the people scolded.

  "Do our little brother Chenmo, who is our enemy of Linfeng City! Get out of Linfeng City!"

  "Get out of Linfeng City, Linfeng City does not welcome you!"


  However, what these people said will only embarrass everyone in the Temple of Gods, but they will not be a reason for their retreat!

Damo Guyan looked at the city lord and asked again, "My lord, this is the grievance between us adventurers in another world. It has nothing to do with you. We did not harm the city, we did not commit any crimes in the city, and we did not move any of the people in the city. , Soldier, so why are you doing this, please give us an explanation! If not, we can go to the Emperor Shengyao to report on you!"

  For a while, those neutral players don’t know what to do!

   Seems to be a general! Everyone\'s attention is on the city lord!

But the city lord sneered and said, "Yes, what you said is really right. You did not cause trouble in the city, nor did you hurt the people. The soldiers did not affect the city even if they gathered outside the city. There is no reason to attack you!"

   Da Mo Guyan then sneered, "Then the city lord will not withdraw his troops?"

  The city lord smiled and said, "Your Excellency, don’t worry, the city lord just said that there is no reason for the city lord to send troops, but it does not mean that there is no reason!"

  The desert sand sculpture frowned!

Then the city lord said, "Young Master Chenmo, as the main force to stop the monsters from attacking the city, he saved Linfeng City and even several nearby cities. The contribution is indispensable. The female emperor Shengyao came in person and praised Young Master Chenmo. In addition to being an adventurer in another world, Young Master Chenmo is also an important official in Linfeng City. He is an official of the empire. Then ask, you are disrespectful to the important officials of the empire, and even want to kill Is he enough for the city lord to send troops to conquer?"

  The desert sand sculptures and other players were taken aback!


  There is still this thing!

"When encountering an important official in the empire, this crime is punishable. Everyone will be ordered to drive out all troublemakers from the front and back doors of Linfeng City forever. From then on, they will no longer be able to step into Linfeng City for half a step. If there is resistance, Let\'s kill it!"


   "Ding...You have been banned from entering Linfeng City."

  Then, those people in the temples heard this system prompt!

  Linfeng City...Can\'t they get in?


   "Get out! Get out of everything! If you get close to Linfeng City bye, let\'s kill you!"

   has reached this point, the members of the temples just want to leave now, don’t want to be ashamed, kill Chenmo? Can\'t do it!

   "Okay, I remember it!"

  The sand sculptures in the desert do not forget to say anything before they leave!

   "Hey, this is really awesome! I\'m not afraid that the player has the ability, I am afraid that the player has a backing!"

"Yeah, no matter how awesome Chenmo is, he can\'t solve all the members of the temples! He will always be killed when the skills gap is found! However... the entire Linfeng City will send troops for him, and even the people of Linfeng City will help. He, this time, really can\'t stop him! At least near Linfeng City, the members of the Temple of Gods are completely helpless to Chen Mo!"


  Finally, those members of the Temple of Gods were driven out in a desperate manner, and Linfeng City was not allowed to enter! This battle was successful, Chenmo won, and the temples of the gods, a few smelly.


  After receiving this news, Qin Tianyun frantically threw things in the room!

  From his memory, there was no such an angry situation, because no one dared to provoke the temples, and no one dared to provoke him or insult him! However, now, his huge temples can\'t help but this Chenmo, and he even played with him between his palms, losing the temples again and again, losing his own face!

  Things like this will only have a negative effect on the temples of the gods. Even if the temples of the gods form a guild, many people will withdraw from the temples of the gods because of these things! The impact is great.

   "Oh, my favorite elder brother will be angry too."

  A figure walked in, saw the appearance in the room, laughed!

  Qin Tianyun drank the red wine and looked at Qin Heyu.


  He wiped his hands and sat on the sofa.

   "It\'s okay, just want to see what your situation is like now!"

  Qin Heyu walked over with a smile, poured himself a glass of wine, and then sat on the sofa looking at Qin Tianyun.

   "Brother, now you should always experience the feelings of the younger brother?"

  Qin Tianyun did not speak!

"This Chenmo is audacious. Indeed, I admit that he is very strong. These powerful skills are one after another. I don\'t even know why a player can do this at this stage. As a pinnacle player, you should be I can best understand how terrifying this Chen Mo is now!"

   "What do you want to say?"

  Qin Tianyun glanced at Qin Heyu.

   "I want to say, we... can we try to wipe out this Chenmo just like we wiped out Gongzimo a few years ago~www.novelhall.com~?"

  Qin Heyu\'s face turned grim!

  Qin Tianyun also thought, very much!

Then he calmed down, drank the red wine and said, "Impossible. Since the birth of virtual online games, keeping the player’s identity confidential has always been the most critical point. As the largest company of Skyblue Star, the Genesis Group has monopolized virtual online games. Only their company can produce virtual online games. Even if it is our ability, we can never find out the identity of the player. The Creation Group is stronger than our Qin family! The world\'s best! How can it be done?"

  For this younger brother, Qin Tianyun has always looked down upon him. He is ignorant and extremely clueless. He would not usually talk too much with him, but this time, the two brothers really have a common goal!

  Qin Heyu sneered.

  "Brother, why do you always think about finding a person\'s real identity through the Creation Group? Have you forgotten how we found Gongzimo back then?

  Qin Tianyun pondered slightly.

   "Why don\'t I know? But even with my Qin family\'s network, it is difficult to thoroughly investigate... Especially since he has been wearing a mask, as long as he does not show his true face, there is no way."

  Qin Heyu sneered, "As long as he is a human, as long as he is in contact with other people, as long as he is still playing virtual online games, then there must be some flaws, he can, and the people around him can also!"