I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 178: Sister Shui kills, Sister Yuan Zhuxin

It is not the people who are rioting, but the players! The number of players in Linfeng City may not be as good as that of all the people, but at a glance, there are more players on the street than nc!

   "It\'s messy and clean!"

   "Damn! It turned out to be chaotic and dust-free! I was so lucky to see chaotic and dust-free, he passed in front of me, my mother!"

   "Unexpectedly, Luan Wuchen was in our area, and I was drunk too!"

   "Ah-no dust, no dust!"

   "Wuchen, we are all your fans! We are all members of Chenai!"


  What is even more exaggerated is the screams of some female players! Then came the jealousy of those male players.

   "Grass! What\'s the show of t? Isn\'t it just a little more handsome? Handsome can eat?"

   "That is, I still like Chenmo more than this chaos and Wuchen. Although Chenmo is arrogant, they are really good, and they are really amazing!"

"Yes, handsome masters will never be ours, and we will never fan him. Only the ugly ones will we fan him. For example, Chen Mo, hiding under a mask all day, it must be ugly. Only such a master is worthy of our fans."


  Chen Mo "……"

  I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, or whether the person who said this is hurting him or fanning him.

Behind the crowd, a player wearing a white gown walked over. Even his sword was worn around his waist. He looked fair and had perfect height and figure. He was very handsome, with the feeling of a cream nanny, and a modern nympho. Like the type, let alone, there is such a feeling of a happy hero!

  However, there are some sorrows. He enjoys the screams of the female fans around him and the jealous eyes of the men.

  This mess and dust... Chen Mo knows!

  He is an old player, otherwise he won’t be so famous, and even his popularity, this id, may be even higher than the top ten! why?

Since the creation of virtual online games, each virtual online game has ten top players. These players often change hands, but the top five basically do not. Later, the top ten also stabilized a bit, with one million Eleven in the year, that\'s right, it\'s this mess!

Each virtual online game will re-rank the players. The top five have basically not moved, except for "Gongzimo" who have been in, and no one will be there anymore, but the last five will change back and forth, and even the top ten. Being squeezed by others has happened many times, but there is always one person who can always squeeze the other top ten. This chaotic and clean, almost every time, every time is eleventh. The eleventh place in Wannian is also because of this gimmick, which makes him even more famous. Everyone will discuss this chaos every year, and will discuss whether he can make the top ten this time.

  But, this person has the strength, otherwise he can\'t get to the eleventh place every time!

  This person, to be honest, most of the people who like him are brain-can women, but there are really many brain-can women! The most disgusting thing is his ability to talk and talk, all sorts of talking about who is in the top ten is a rubbish, if it is not because of how, the top number is his position! Once dissatisfied with Chen Mo and went heads-up with him, he was beaten by a move, and for a while, he didn\'t dare to scream.

  Chaos and Wuchen walked towards Chen Mo amidst the screams of female players.

  "Are you Chenmo?"

  Looking at Chen Mo in a chaotic manner.

   "I\'m going! Did this chaos find Chenmo\'s fault?"

"Get used to it, this shameless pen is like this. It has been humiliated, but it can\'t be beaten. Then there will be all kinds of post-mortems, all kinds of excuses, disgusting people, and there are so many girls who love him, like him, and now people have eyes Is it blind?"

"The eyes are not blind, but the heart is lacking. I don\'t care about other people when they see that the parents are handsome! He even said that he is challenging himself to challenge the strong, is a good quality, can beat, humiliate others, this group of brains The can woman said he was domineering, domineering, and unable to fight. She just found an excuse to say that he knows how to reflect on himself and is really disgusting! It is not just him that is offensive, but also his eight million fans.

   "But there is one thing to say, he still has the strength, just one step behind the top ten every time, but is he looking for Chen Mo today? I really want to see Chen Mo abuse him!"

"Are you sure that Chen Mo abused him? To be fair, if there is no such powerful skills, Chen Mo is not necessarily a chaotic and Wuchen opponent. This chaotic and Wuchen is close to the top ten players, and his combat power is obvious to all. Although Chenmo\'s ability to remove the skill has not been weak in the past two days, it is still incomparable to players of this level, right? Moreover, chaos is a hidden job! He must have a lot of powerful skills. , Chen Mo\'s skill advantage may be gone!"

"But if they really fight, even though they are not the top ten players, Luan Wuchen can almost treat him as the top ten peak player. How strong is Chenmo and fight Luan Wuchen, let\'s I can see it!"


Everyone talked about it. After all, these two players are highly topical players. The main reason is that the players want to know how Chen Mo\'s real combat power is. The easiest way is to let him do a heads-up against the famous powerhouse, k, If you win, then Chenmo is probably in this position, if you lose, then you can\'t reach it!

   "Big brother... why do people always ask you this way?"

   Xiao Yuan raised her head and asked with her big confused eyes.

  Yes, someone always walks in front of Chen Mo, then arrogantly asks that you are Chen Mo? However, they all knew that he was, and they just liked to ask such a question, feeling very hungry.

  Xiao Yuan is going to be drunk.

  This Chaos Wuchen is here specifically to find Chenmo, killing all kinds of bosses for the first time, very sad? He didn\'t think that after watching those fighting videos of Chen Mo, he felt that it was very ordinary. If he stepped on him~www.novelhall.com~ he would be chaotic and clean!

  Chen Mo rubbed Xiaoyuan’s small head with his right hand, and said, “Because they are all shameless pens.”

   "Um...what is a shabi?"


  Many people couldn\'t help but laugh out loud, so cute.

  The milk is milky, she blinked her big cute eyes with a bewildered look, and asked this seriously, really...makes people laugh.

   "Xiao Yuan doesn\'t need to know the meaning, as long as Xiao Yuan sees him clearly, he can call out a big pen."

  I don’t know if she will be struck by thunder if she teaches little Lori to speak bad words.

  Chaos and dust-free face is a bit sullen! This Chenmo despises him?


  Xiao Yuan blinked his big eyes, then turned around, looked up at the chaos in front of him, pointed his cute little finger at him, and said with a grinning voice, "Big evil pen."

  Everyone "..."


  "Nima! I am so ridiculous! Talent! This Chenmo is a talent! This little fate is also a talent!"

   "Sister Shui has superior combat power. She is a murderer. This fate is soft and weak, but Zhu Xin is weak. When the two people are combined, the murder is invincible! Hahaha!"