I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 175: This left hand became the golden left hand

The wind chime-like laughter of the three little loli, Shui Shui, Xiao Yuan, who is the other one...Naturally don\'t have to think too much!

Chen Mo walked over. In the yard, the Empress Saint Yao was sitting in the middle, looking at a few little loli. To be honest, looking from Chen Mo\'s direction, this woman was even with the world and integrated with the world. , This is probably an effect that can be achieved by an exaggerated level! This may have nothing to do with strength. This kind of thing can only be achieved when you have reached a special state. It is like the unity of human and sword. It does not mean that you must be at a high level to achieve it. When you understand At a certain level, the realm is not important.

  However, it is really beautiful.

Feeling the movement, the Empress Shengyao turned her head. To be honest, she may not have taken Huanghuang to sit in someone’s yard a few times in ten years, watching her play with other girls happily. Too much to do!

   "Oh, here it is, and I brought a lot of wine to the old man. Not bad, not bad. It saves me running errands by myself."

  The old man walked over with a smile, and unceremoniously took what was in Chen Mo\'s hand.

  The Empress Shengyao stood up and stretched out her hand, a ring that looked ordinary appeared in her hand, then threw it to Chen Mo, and Chen Mo reached out and took it.

   "Ding...you have obtained the magic ring of flower picking."

The flower-picking phantom ring is said to be one of the famous magical weapons of the flower saint who was once a strong mainland China. One is the face, the second is the wind, the third is the ring, the fourth is the chain, the five is the ring, and the five spiritual tools make the top flower saint ! The flower-picking phantom gives the flower saint the ability to change his body, and the flower-picking cloak gives the ultimate concealment. As for the flower-picking phantom ring, it has a huge space storage capacity and will give the flower saint the most fundamental and special power! Flower-picking magic ring is the core of the flower-picking suit...the current state is damaged, no attribute bonuses, and items can be stored. (Can be with other ring equipment)

   Skill Magic Ring Heart Flower Collection Magic Ring is the core equipment of the Flower Collection Set. After the Flower Collection Magic Ring is equipped, the remaining four flower collection suits will achieve a qualitative leap. Flower-picking illusion can release the same clone, which has the same attributes, but will not participate in the battle. The clone lasts up to three minutes and has a cooling time of one hour. After the flower-picking cloak is equipped with the flower-picking magic ring, the flower-picking cloak can give the user the ability to fly, lack of power, the maximum flying height is 10 meters, and the flight time lasts up to 30 seconds. The cooling time is one hour.

  When he saw the effect of this flower-picking magic ring, he was very surprised!

  Like the flower-picking cloak and the flower-picking phantom, the flower-picking magic ring also loses its power, so there is no attribute improvement, but it also has skills, which surprises Chen Mo!

  This flower-picking magic ring is the core of the five-piece flower-picking suit. After being equipped, the other four pieces will change. The mask brings a clone, and the cloak brings a flying effect! The effect is not strong, because they have lost their power, but whether it is a clone or flying, it is very practical!

  And this flower-picking magic ring can coexist with other ring equipment!

   "Thank you!"

  Chen Mo gave a fist to the Empress Shengyao, and then silently put the Flower-picking Magic Ring on his left hand.

   "Ding...you are equipped with a magic ring of flower picking."


Seeing this scene, the Empress Shengyao raised her hand subconsciously, half a step forward as if to stop, or to remind Chen Mo something, but...it was too late, Chen Mo had put it on, and then Empress Shengyao\'s eyes looked There is a slight difference.

   "What\'s wrong? Senior?"

  Chen Mo looked at her suspiciously.

  Emperor Shengyao looked at his hand...

"good luck."

  After pressing down this sentence in silence, she walked out of the yard and walked into the bamboo forest to enjoy the rare beauty here.

  Chen Mo was puzzled, what did she mean?

   "Ding...you have acquired the skill Spring Heart Drifting Hand."

  The sudden system prompt filled Chen Mo with question marks.

  The old man came out with two bottles of wine from the house with a kind smile, and then saw Chen Mo\'s hand, his eyes widened... Then he ran over and grabbed Chen Mo\'s hand.

   "Did you wear it?"

  The old man was half shouting, with a strange expression!

  Chen Mo nodded in a daze.


  The old man then let go of Chen Mo and coughed dryly.

   "Then what... the weather is pretty good today."

  Chen Mo scratched his head suspiciously, weird, the woman and the old man were weird when they saw that they were wearing the ring! But what skill effect did you just get, and what is it called Drifting Hand? Chen Mo was still a little confused, why did he suddenly acquire a skill?

   Then he took a look, and then... he was messy!

The Passive Skill of Spring Heart Drifting Hand, the ability brought by the Flower Picking Magic Ring. When you put on the Flower Picking Magic Ring, you will have this ability forever. Even if you take the Flower Picking Ring off again, it won’t help. One hand possesses a special ability. If you touch any part of the body of the opposite sex, regardless of grade or level, it will cause it to enter a state of spring heart rippling, blurring, and release the state.

  Chen Mo "……"

  Chen Mo has seen several damage and abnormal effects skills, but this is the first pure...abnormal skills he has ever seen!

   is very simple. He has the magic ring of flower picking in his left hand, and he has obtained this power. Now he touches a girl with his left hand, and the girl will immediately...what.

  At this moment, Chen Mo understood why this flower-picking magic ring is called the core of the flower-picking suit. The real point of its core is not to cause qualitative changes to the remaining four pieces, but...this effect!

  No wonder, no wonder the woman just said...Good luck.

   To tell the truth, for a pervert and flower picker, this skill is invincible! But... he\'s done! Starting today ~www.novelhall.com~ his left hand can\'t touch the girl, that is to say, when Xiaoyuan and the water level are alone occupying his hand, now, there is a hand, he can\'t hold them.

  I...Why did you equip it directly?

  Mainly, why is there still such a situation where equipment is installed for skills?


  The old man saw Chen Mo\'s eyes looking at him and coughed dryly.

   "Very good, good."

  The old man patted Chen Mo on the shoulder and said.

   "Isn\'t...can you give up this power?"

   Chen Mo asked.

  The old man shook his head "No."

do not know what to do……


  Chen Mo took a deep breath! Somehow, a little melancholy.

  Chen Mo slowly raised his hand and took a look.

  The most exaggerated thing is that this spring heart rippling hands, regardless of grade, ignoring grade is effective...


  Chen Mo looked up at the old man.

   "Senior, you are the saint of flowers, right?"