I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 165: Guardian angel

Latest website: Chen Mo actually didn\'t have anything to prepare. Xiaoyuan and Shui Shui definitely didn\'t bring them. They were too dangerous, and he didn\'t need to do anything in the past. He just needs to roughly investigate how many masters there are.

After talking to Xiaoyuan and the others, Chen Mo was ready to complete this task.

"Senior Hua, I will not eat this lunch, so I will trouble you to take care of these two girls."

The old man nodded slightly.

"Okay, places like the Flame Temple are still dangerous. Pay attention to yourself, but the magic stone is safer if you have time."

"By the way, Senior Hua, who is that woman? She feels very powerful."

Chen Mo asked.

Hearing Chen Mo\'s words, the old man\'s mouth twitched.


"Hahaha, in this world, if she is not good, then there is no good. She didn\'t tell you, I won\'t tell you that old man, but you should know soon, go, not only for one day Time, pay attention to safety!"

"Boy farewell!"

Then Shui Shui sent Chen Mo away from Meizilin to Linfeng City!

"Ding... the player [Coco Xinxin] requested to talk to you."

After switching on the communicator, Lin Kexin\'s happy voice came.

"Brother Chen Mo, where are we going to play today?"

In Lin Kexin\'s eyes, she followed Chen Mo, no matter what she was doing, she seemed to be playing, anyway, she was very happy.

Originally, where she worked, she had four days off in a month, but because she had a good time with Chen Mo yesterday, she took another day off today, so she wanted to stay with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo said, "I have something to go to, so I can\'t accompany you today."


Of course Lin Kexin was very disappointed, but he couldn\'t entangle Chen Mo.

"Brother Chen Mo is going to a dangerous place?"

"Well, it\'s dangerous."

"Then... Then Kexin will find you, and Kexin can give Brother Chen Mo a little attribute bonus."

Chen Mo didn\'t want to disappoint Lin Kexin\'s kindness, and said, "I\'m at the gate of the city."

"Ke Xin will come right away!"

Two minutes later, Lin Kexin, wearing a veil and a little sweat on her forehead, ran to Chen Mo.

"Brother Chen Mo!"

Lin Kexin shouted happily.

Then she didn\'t want to waste Chen Mo\'s time and said, "Brother Chen Mo, wait."

Lin Kexin took out the staff, and the golden light burst out from her body. It was particularly holy and beautiful, and it immediately attracted the attention of many people!

"Ding...You have been blessed by [Angel’s Holy Light], immune to all negative effects, movement speed increased by 300%, damage to darkness, undead and other creatures increased by 500%, and your maximum health restored by 1% per second. Duration: three hours."

Then came the second light. At that instant, everyone saw Lin Kexin\'s phantom with angel wings spread out behind Lin Kexin, which was very beautiful.

"Ding...You have been guarded by a holy angel, and Coco Xinxin will become your guardian angel. If Coco Xinxin does not die, he will be resurrected forever, and will be in full bloom after resurrection. Duration: one day."

Chen Mo: "..."

To be fair, this first body advertisement blessing is okay. It’s okay for Chen Mo. It’s immune to negative effects, speed increases, damage increases, HP recovery per second, and a BUFF lasting three hours, which is already very good. One of Tian’s skills, but when Chen Mo heard the second guardian angel skill, he... was completely messed up!

Lin Kexin guarded him and became his guardian angel for one day. On this day, as long as Lin Kexin does not die, this BUFF will always exist, and the effect...unlimited resurrection! After the resurrection, it is still in full condition, this...

This should be the strongest skill Chen Mo has ever seen among players!

"All right!"

Lin Kexin smiled sweetly at Chen Mo.


"Hehe... Brother Chen Mo wants to come on."

Chen Mo nodded.

At this time, a little loli in the city, wearing a fire-red princess dress, licked the candied haws with a cute look, and jumped out.

"Big brother, I found you!"

She ran over and jumped and patted Chen Mo on the shoulder.

Chen Mo glanced at her, Huang Huang.

"If you are ready, Huang Huang will take you to the Flame God Temple."

Huang Huang Qiao said freshly.

"You take me?"

Chen Mo was slightly surprised.

"Hmm, yeah."

"How to bring it?"

"Just...riding Huanghuang is fine!"

Having said that, she bit the last bit of candied haws into her mouth and jumped.


A loud and high-pitched roar hit the sky, and the flame flickered and rushed to the sky. When the flame disappeared, a particularly beautiful, luxurious, and noble phoenix was flapping its wings.

"I\'m going! Phoenix?"

"Is this the one we saw in the sky before?"

"It turned out to be a little girl, NPC!"


The players watched this sudden scene in a daze.

Chen Mo: "..."

This little girl turned out to be a monster, and a noble Phoenix tribe. Is that woman\'s mount?

"so beautiful."

Lin Kexin\'s big eyes are full of small stars.

Following that, Chen Mo\'s body was wrapped in a flame, and then disappeared in place, and the next moment he stood on that Huanghuang\'s back.

To be honest, the feeling of flying...it\'s pretty good.

"Rely? Chenmo?"

"This... shouldn\'t this be Chenmo\'s mount? Doesn\'t he have the Nine-Colored Holy Light Skywing Tiger? Phoenix? There is a total of Nine-Colored Holy Light Skywing Tiger pet on the pet list. There is no pet copy yet. When it’s turned on, the player has no way to get pets and mounts, and there is no second one."

"But Chen Mo... can ride her!"

"It\'s fine if you ride one. She can become a beautiful little loli. I will bear it. Now you have a double heart for Sister Shui, go to ride other people\'s phoenix, and also a beautiful little loli, I can\'t bear it. Ahhhhh! Scumbag!"


You said, it’s okay to ride a very beautiful white tiger. Everyone will only be jealous of Chen Mo\'s mount. Later, when everyone sees the power of the water, the mount is a little bit powerful!

But now, riding a phoenix... this jealousy is a bit bigger!

A lot of people took this scene, and it will definitely become popular on the real network later, and it will be all kinds of speculations.

Then the sweet voice of Huang Huang came from Chen Mo\'s mind~www.novelhall.com~ Are you ready? It will be soon later. "

"Are you fast?"

Chen Mo said.

"Um... I was already fast! Let\'s go!"


"I go!"

In the next instant, everyone really yelled out subconsciously, this speed...is it fast?

In that moment, a red light flashed, and then they could no longer see the figure of the phoenix in their sight, nor could they see the horizon...

This speed... is the rocket accelerator turned on? Super member?

(End of this chapter)