I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 161: Empress emperor

Holy Angel...

  The increase in health and magic attack power is actually nothing, but the magic value...


  This is actually okay! Although it is much higher than the bonus of ordinary priests, the latter attributes are a bit more powerful. All the healing effects are increased by 100. No wonder Chen Mo feels that Lin Kexin has added so much blood to him, and then...Ignore all control effects , This is definitely a very abnormal attribute in Tian Lin, completely ignoring control...

  Finally, when facing dark and evil creatures, her damage increased by 800. At the same time, the healing effect she performed, that is, the healing skill will be transformed into a damage effect when facing the monster...

  To put it simply, Lin Kexin’s career is a very powerful nurse, and she will also have a lot of self-protection ability. Moreover, she is the nemesis of all dark, undead and other types of creatures!

   "It turns out that you are the second-ranked occupation in the hidden occupation ranking!"

Chen Mo sighed. Of course he had noticed that now the hidden career rankings are full. That is to say, there are at least ten people with hidden careers. This is also normal. There are hundreds of millions of players in the world. Although hidden careers are rare, they are It’s not so rare that so many billion players don’t have ten of them. The Hidden Profession Ranking is based on a comprehensive assessment of the rarity and toughness of the profession. Shura has always been ranked first, and none of them surpassed Shura and ranked second. He even surpassed the rare profession of "King", which is called the Holy Angel, that is, Lin Kexin\'s profession, enough to see how strong it is.

  Killing the gods, this profession must be very strong to be honest, it seems that the sacred angel is really hard to say! However, the holy angel suppressed the killing of God.

  Possibly, kind girls will be favored by God, and Xinshou Village has obtained this job. The saint of the two monster races who came out of the village...Chen Mo also smiled in his heart. This girl is a bit invincible.

  Lin Kexin blushed and nodded, a little embarrassed.

   "But Brother Chen Mo is still the best. The level has overwhelmed Qingcheng and Gongzi Mo by many levels."

   Lin Kexin said admiringly.

   "But in your heart, Gongzi Mo is still the best."

  Chen Mo said with a slight tick.

  Lin Kexin spit out her tongue cutely.

   "After all, they are fans of Gongzi Mo, but Brother Chen Mo is also great!"

  Chen Mo didn\'t say much.

   "After eating, I will take you to level up."


As for whether there will be any more monsters attacking the city, Chen Mo doesn\'t care too much. Normally, they will not gather again in a short time. After the gathering, the support should have arrived, so the empress should also come. Up! The only pity is that Chen Mo has not yet seen the scene of the peak-level powerhouse fighting, but everything is not as important as bringing his sister up to level.


In the afternoon, Chen Mo took Lin Kexin and two little girls out to fight monsters and upgrade them. In the whole afternoon, Lin Kexin was promoted to a third level. You know, Lin Kexin is only at level 10. The monsters Chen Mo went to find were generally higher than her level. Too much higher, she has gained a lot of experience, and she does not need much experience to upgrade her level, so it is normal for her to increase her level quickly!

  When we were spamming monsters before, there were two little girls clapping behind Chen Mo, just like Chen Mo’s little fans, now there are three...

In the afternoon, I didn’t go to a particularly good place for leveling, and for the time being I couldn’t find a particularly good map, so Chen Mo decided to see if he could find a hidden map with Lin Kexin to level up. In this way, the monster level and rank are all high. Yes, she improved quickly, it was dark, Lin Kexin and Chen Mo also went offline one after another, Chen Mo put the two little girls in Mei Zilin, and Chen Mo actually trusted the old man.

  This Linfeng City, in Chen Mo\'s opinion, there is not much need to stay, but why does Chen Mo still stay here? It was because he didn\'t know where else to go besides leveling when he first came. Secondly, he actually wanted to wait for the Tianji Pantianji skill to cool down, and then take the position of the Twelve Laws to find it.


  In the early morning of the next day, above the void of Linfeng City, a flaming red light stayed above, and everyone\'s eyes fell on the sky. It may be acceptable for nc, but for the players, I rely on it! Isn\'t this handsome?

   "Look at the sky! Is that a phoenix?"

   "I\'m going! It\'s so beautiful and noble. If I can have such a mount, I can wake up with a smile when I fall asleep."

   "There seems to be a person standing above this phoenix, like a woman."

   "By the way...Isn’t it rumored that we will suffer more terrifying blows from monsters today? But today, the empress of the Saint Yao Empire seems to be coming? Is she so noble, is she the empress of the Saint Yao Empire?"


  The players talked a lot.

  Yes, she really is!

Behind   , more than a dozen figures walked in the air, falling behind the empress.

"how is it?"

  The empress did not move her lips, but the irresistible voice came out.

"Return to the female emperor, five hundred kilometers ahead, monsters are gathering in large numbers, and the total number is no less than three million! At the same time, we have been attacked by strong monsters. The strength... is about the super **** level, it should be the temple of flames. So the situation is very clear. This time, Yao Race Flame Temple is sure to take down several cities of our Human Race!"

  An old man said respectfully.

She could have not come, but she heard about the things here and chose to come over~www.novelhall.com~. In her opinion, slaughtering the Great Forest of Ten Thousand Demons is the root cause of angering the Temple of Flame, which is why the Temple of Flame The reason that a large number of monsters suddenly assembled to attack was caused by her, so she decided to come!

  Secondly, here, she was rescued by that person, although she felt that he was indeed dead, but...she always had unrealistic fantasies, what if... met?

  In fact, even if she met her, she couldn’t recognize it.

  "The order goes on, gather the army, take the initiative one day later, the target, the Temple of Flame!"


   Everyone behind him glanced at each other, wondering what happened to the Saint Yao Empress, she was so irritable recently!

  The Temple of Flames, of course they can find it, but they haven\'t done it for so many years, because...not necessarily!

The Flame Temple, the Ten Demon Temple of the Yao Race ranks ninth, but even if it is ranked ninth, it controls hundreds of millions of Monster Races and controls the Monster Race domain... No less than half an empire, this is the Temple of Flame The sphere of influence is actually the same as the human race, the five empires of the human race dominate the territory, and the ten demon temples of the demon race are equivalent to the ten empires of the demon race!

  The power of each demon temple is one of the ten disaster beasts of the demon race, and its strength... no less than the five emperors of the human race! So, it\'s not that it can\'t be found, but it may not be possible to play!

  Now, the female emperor actually pointed directly at the Temple of Flame...Of course they were shocked!