I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 16: Rejected your friend request

Yingmeng\'s beautiful mouth under the veil couldn\'t help but twitch.

   Is she second in secondary school? really? It seems to be true, and a lot of people around me said she was stunned! But she likes ducks.

   "I just want to become a master, is it wrong?"

   Yingmeng grumbled.

   "You are already a master."

   Chen Mo said it from the heart! At least what she showed just now, in Chen Mo\'s eyes, is definitely among the top 100 players in all servers!

Yingmeng showed a sweet smile: "Thank you, I think so too." Then her face instantly became serious and serious: "But I can still be stronger, and I hope my every move can show the heroine style. This is what I want to learn, what I lack, I think Brother Mo, you have an innate sense of mastery, so I want to mix with you!"

   Chen Mo: "……"

   Chen Mo silently picked up the copper coin exploded by the monster, and then took Xiao Yuan\'s hand and continued walking forward.

  A girl who has a fantasy of becoming a real woman in martial arts drama!

   Chen Mo secretly shook his head!

   However, virtual online games have indeed fulfilled the dream of many people walking the world with swords! This has to be admitted, but the reality and the game still have to be distinguished.

   "Hey, brother Mo, wait for me! I haven\'t promised me to follow you!"

   Yingmeng then caught up!

   "Brother Mo, how old did you learn the sword? I feel that you are definitely very good in reality to be so handsome in virtual online games."

   "Brother Mo, Brother Mo, I have also studied, but I prefer daggers, or let\'s learn from each other! That\'s handsome!"

   "Hey, can you take care of me?"


   Chen Mo has a headache. Fortunately, she is a girl. Fortunately, she doesn\'t have something that makes Chen Mo hate, otherwise she will just start!

   However, this is the first time I saw a girl with this personality, Chen Mo! Talking a lot, secondary two, even a little cute!

   Chen Mo can\'t stand her nagging, then stopped, staring at her with piercing eyes.

   Yingmeng stopped, met Chen Mo\'s eyes, and then she took a step back silently!

   "Either you get away now! Or you don\'t talk!"

Chen Mo certainly didn\'t want to keep her, but she was deeply cursed by Xiaoyuan. Chen Mo didn\'t actually want to lift her curse for her. He just wanted to see if Xiaoyuan had the ability to lift her curse. In other words, Chen Mo wants to treat her as a guinea pig because Chen Mo knows that Xiao Yuan must have this ability, but she will not release it, and even if she finds the fairy grass, she still needs it. A person who understands the power of curses to release the power of curses also needs a small fate, and Chen Mo needs a small fate!

   "How can you say go to the little fairy!"

   Yingmeng pouted her mouth.

   "Then don\'t talk!"

   "I have to lift the curse."

   Yingmeng said aggrieved!

   What is this? One day later, my level was cleared, oh, oh, what a miserable woman!

   Virtual online games, the first batch of people who came in may be a lot behind a few hours later, let alone a waste of more than a day!

   "Xiao Yuan, touch her."

   Chen Mo said to Xiao Yuan.

   Xiao Yuan looked at her little hand timidly, not daring to move.

   "You will lose your life!"

   Yingmeng said quickly!

   Then Chen Mo took Xiaoyuan to go deeper!

   "Then I will always follow you!"

   Yingmeng then squeezed a pink fist and continued to follow Chen Mo.

For one thing, she likes Chen Mo\'s temperament very much. This is the kind of demeanor of a real hero. She wants to learn, not just pretend to be innocent. Moreover, Chen Mo is a master, she thinks it\'s no harm Because she has a mission here, three come, she must follow! The power of the curse is on the body, and only a small fate can be lifted. If you leave now, doesn\'t it mean that you will directly declare the death penalty? There may be hope afterwards.

   "Ding... The player [Mother Generation Woman] requested to add you as a friend, do you agree?"

   A system prompt came in his mind. Chen Mo turned his head and looked at Yingmeng behind him. Yingmeng stepped back weakly, and then spit out her pink tongue! Although Chen Mo couldn\'t see clearly through the veil, she was probably embarrassed and cunning.

   "Ding...The player [Chen Mo] rejected your friend\'s application."

   Yingmeng: "……"

   "Hey, how can you refuse? Don\'t you boys like to contact girls for contact information? I am equivalent to actively giving you the contact information, and you still refuse!"

   Shadow Dream is really stunned!

   Still saying that he is wearing a veil, he doesn\'t know how beautiful he is to refuse? Don\'t know ah.

   On the way, they encountered a lot of monsters, most of them were at level five, not below level five, and the highest level was only level seven, but to Chen Mo, these mobs didn’t look good, he needed a boss!

   About an hour later, Chen Mo took Xiaoyuan and sat on a rock to rest! Then they ate steamed buns to replenish their stamina. Chen Mo also had the player\'s hunger and needed regular replenishment, especially the battle would consume more.

   Watching the two of them eat buns, Yingmeng was extremely envious!

   "My hunger level is about to drop below sixty. I forgot to buy it. Can you give me two?"

   "One silver coin!" Chen Mo said.

   Yingmeng: "……"

   "Hey~www.novelhall.com~ There are four buns in the village, one for each copper coin, and one silver coin for you and me now?"

   Yingmeng pinched Xiaoman\'s waist.

   This person is indeed a master, but he is too bad.

   Chen Mo didn\'t respond, and sat there eating buns intently!

   "Huh!" Yingmeng doesn\'t believe in evil anymore, she can\'t find anything to eat in the forest! Then she walked away.

   About a minute later.


   A scream came from not far away! Then Chen Mo heard a big movement and looked at it!

   Yingmeng\'s figure gallops towards him!

   "There are big bosses, they are very powerful. Can\'t beat them, run!"

   Yingmeng yelled and ran over.

   The corner of Chen Mo\'s mouth twitched.

   can\'t beat it and then you lead it to him? Deliberately?

   But this girl has good luck. Chen Mo hasn\'t encountered a boss after coming in for so long. She has killed one before, and now she can meet another one if she just walks out...

   Chen Mo didn\'t leave, he offered his novice sword and stood up!

   Yingmeng saw that Chen Mo was even going to face off, and ran over and shouted: "This is the silver boss, I can\'t beat it! Run!"

   Bronze BOSS with a not too high level can still be dealt with, but Silver BOSS is much stronger than Bronze BOSS. The defense of that Silver BOSS is so high that her attack is not as big as a dozen points of damage. How can you fight without running?

   Silver BOSS...

   Isn\'t this exactly what Chen Mo wanted? It is the most embarrassing that others cannot break the defense, but he can!

   Yingmeng\'s beautiful eyes widened and saw Chen Mo galloping towards her, then passing by, rushing to the boss behind him.