I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 143: Ten Thousand Poison Thunder Dragon

Twenty-level golden monsters are not golden bosses, monsters and bosses. There is a big gap. For example, the twenty-level golden bosses may have 150,000 HP, but they are only golden monsters, but 30,000!

  The dark brown bear that looked very strong and terrifying jumped up, the earth-colored light flickered, just like the feeling of a gorilla leaping up, and then jumped to where Chen Mo was.


  In the next instant, Chen Mo\'s figure disappeared in place, and then appeared under the huge dark brown bear, with his feet aimed at it.

  Nine-day explosion of three pedals!


Isn\'t    jumping very high? Doesn’t it hurt to jump down? Isn\'t it a big range? Sorry for kicking you in the air and interrupted by skills!

   "Ding...you successfully kicked the dark brown bear aorta."


  This kick immediately lost four-fifths of the huge dark brown bear\'s blood volume.


  Second kick, kill directly!

  Although Chen Mo now has an absolute burst rate, this ordinary gold-level monster is destined to not drop gold equipment, so there is no!

   "Big brother is amazing!"

  Whenever Chen Mo fights, there are always two little girls around him who are especially like his little fans. They applaud and applaud, making Chen Mo a little embarrassed.


   Then Chen Mo took them to go deeper!

  A figure appeared where he had been.

   "Twenty thousand?"

  The woman frowned.

   Players at this stage, kick out 23,000 critical damage in one kick? What\'s happening here? Exaggerated, right? She remembered that when Chen Mo was killing her at the Demon Sealing Historic Site, the crit damage was more than two thousand! Why is it now 20,000?

  He is strong, and she also admitted that whether it is because of strong skills, strong fighting ability, or strong attributes, in short, it must be strong!

Others only saw Chen Mo hit two thousand damage in one stroke. Although it was an exaggeration, surpassing ninety-nine percent of players, but looking at the real powerhouse, it was actually not too brilliant. However, now, twenty-three damage, Caused by level 19 players, this is too exaggerated!

  But, she still has things to do! Then she followed!

  In front of Chen Mo, he also encountered a lot of monsters, but they were not bosses. He had killed no less than five and he had never been promoted to level 20!

  Chen Mo picked up the equipment. When he got up, he said faintly, "After so long, come out!"

  The figure of the woman slowly walked out from behind, but she was "paniced" on her face.

   "I...I\'m your fan, so...that\'s why I followed you all the way!"

  The woman has a soft and weak appearance.

  Chen Mo glanced at her.

   is very beautiful, this is the player, and her face is absolutely top-notch on the sky blue star, but...

  Chen Mo just glanced at her, and then continued to walk forward with the two little girls!

   "Hey, Chenmo, wait for me!"

  After saying this, she hurried to catch up!

  If you want to get out of him, you must be close to him!

   "Follow again, don\'t mind letting you die!"

  Chen Mo said coldly!

The woman\'s footsteps stopped for a while, but she deliberately leaked her face. For any man, she is still confident. This face will definitely attract the attention of boys, but she did not expect this Even if Chen Mo saw her so beautiful, he was still indifferent and his tone was cold! The devil?

  Then she continued to follow forward without giving up.

   "Shui Shui!"


   Then a pure white light lit up.


   "Ding...you are blind!"


Then Chen Mo\'s hand appeared a worthless dagger that just exploded, and then threw it back without hesitation. The dagger penetrated her chest. The moment she died, she felt a violent chest The pain, then turned into a light and disappeared in place!

  Chen Mo took the two girls and continued to move forward.


Followed him all the way. It was 20 kilometers from Linfeng City to here. He didn\'t even find this person on the road, which proved that she was deliberately avoiding. If she is a fan, she can follow, but she is too good to hide. , And just when she shouldn\'t show her feet, she deliberately showed her movement, and Chen Mo found her! Therefore, Chen Mo believes that this person is definitely close to his own purpose!

  She and Zhao Yingmeng made the same appearance, but they felt completely different, so Chen Mo directly killed him.

  Resurrection point, the woman was stunned! She touched her chest, she finally understood why the gods would make such a scream when they were attacked by Chen Mo at dusk. This person, his attack really ignored the pain!


  On the other side, Chenmo found the Black Spirit Flower!

  This is the largest swamp Chen Mo has seen so far. In the center of the swamp, several black flowers exuding spiritual power grow.

  Black Spirit Flower Grade Guixuan, a kind of spiritual grass that grows in damp, dark areas. It is slightly poisonous and can be used with medicine.

   "Shui Shui, Xiao Yuan, go to the back!"

  Chen Mo finished talking to them, and rushed directly into the swamp. He didn\'t care where the ghost boss was, so he took the black spirit flower first!

  When Chen Mo\'s speed reached a certain level, he even seemed to run on the ground over the swamp.

  Unlimited jumping!

   Then he came to the black spirit flower.

   "Ding...you successfully collected the black spirit flower."

   "Ding... Collection failed."

   "Ding...you successfully collected the black spirit flowers."

  At this moment, Chen Mo suddenly felt cold behind him~www.novelhall.com~ It was an instinctive feeling of danger!


A huge head rushed out from under the swamp, that is, under Chen Mo\'s body. Chen Mo reacted very quickly, and then there was a scene where Chen Mo\'s figure jumped into the air, under his feet, a snake, and It was a snake that was huge enough to swallow Chen Mo directly, and the huge snake head rushed up under Chen Mo\'s feet, as if Chen Mo only had to slow down a little bit and he would be swallowed!

  In the first moment, Chen Mo glanced down. The outside was scarlet, the black inside was huge, and there was a huge snake letter vomiting. In the second moment, he discovered that this giant python had two heads!

  The infinite jump has cooled down, and in the air, Chen Mo once again disappeared in place, appeared ten meters away, and ran back quickly!


  The giant python bit into the air, fell into the swamp, and then quickly chased Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo turned his head and glanced.

  This must be the ghost boss that the old man said is right! Simply looking at the appearance, it is the figure of a monster that Chen Mo has never seen before. The whole body is dark blue and black. With two huge snake heads, there may be a behemoth close to 20 meters long. The thickness...unimaginable! Can swallow several Chen Mo in one bite! Those blood-red eyes were especially horrible. Compared with Chen Mo\'s figure, those fangs were as big as Chen Mo\'s thigh!

  Ghost and mysterious beast! Ten Thousand Poisonous Thunder Dragon!