I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 138: Task reward, Tiandi 2 Yiyu (Tianyu)

Ye Qingqing is really excited and excited!

It was really the Demon Flame Flower. When she placed the Demon Flame Flower next to Ye Yu, she could find that a slight black aura was pulled out of his body by the Demon Flame Flower, but it took only ten minutes. , Ye Yu opened her eyes, she knew that Ye Yu was saved!

  At that moment, she was relieved, feeling that everything was brighter and better!

  She couldn\'t help holding Ye Yu and crying for a long time. All the fear in her heart over the past two years came out at that time.

  When she calmed down, she looked at herself in the mirror. She felt that she should no longer hide anything from Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo looked at Ye Qingqing, at that moment, he was taken aback.

The soft jade arms like snow lotus root, the beautifully rounded slender jade legs, the thin and smooth calves, the delicate, smooth, and delicate jade bones, these are what Chen Mo could see before, and he was not too surprised. What surprised Chen Mo was Ye Qingqing\'s face!

  She is Ye Qingqing, because the clothes are still the same, but her face is completely changed!

  If the full score is 100 points, if Shui Shui and Xiaoyuan are so beautiful as a monster at a young age as the standard of ninety points, Ye Qingqing only had sixty points before, and now...she has reached ninety points!

Shui Shui and Xiao Yuan are so small that they are beautiful enough to be enchanted. They will definitely be more beautiful when they grow up. Now that Ye Qingqing’s face may not reach the level of what they grew up, look at Chen Weihuo’s Sky Blue Star, those things Star beauties and the like are totally incomparable!

The faint glamorous and thin lips are slightly pursed, the delicate melon seed face, the long thick eyelashes are slightly curled like mimosa leaves, and the features are delicate, as beautiful as the beautiful vast stars inlaid on the sky, especially her eye.

  Chen Mo said, such beautiful eyes are only right on top of a masterful face, not on a normal face.

  So, Ye Qingqing has always been disguised!

  Chen Mo can also understand why she has to disguise!

  Such a beautiful girl, even in coarse clothes, can hardly conceal her delicate appearance. In such a chaotic place, she has no money, no power, and nothing. If she shows her true appearance to outsiders, isn’t she looking for death? Even if she is disfigured, she can be regarded by the young master of the Lin family. What if she is not disfigured?

   Ye Qingqing\'s eyes were still red, and then he saluted Chen Mo.

  "Big brother...Big sister is so beautiful."

  Xiaoyuan said pretty lively.

  Ye Qingqing gave a salute, and then whispered to Chen Mo, "Master Chen Mo, it was not Qingqing deliberately concealing his appearance from you before, but..."

  Chen Mo nodded slightly, "I know."

Ye Qingqing said apologetically, "Qingqing feels that Mr. Chen Mo has helped so much. It is really not allowed to face Mr. Chen Mo anymore. That is meaningless, I... I just don\'t want to mess with myself. Trouble is easy."

   Ye Qingqing explained to Chen Mo.


  Chen Mo nodded.

   "How is your brother?"

  Chen Mo asked.

"He is already awake, and it should be fine in a few days. Demon Flame Flower is absorbing the magic energy in his body. Xiaoyu wants to personally thank Master Chenmo, but I didn\'t let him get out of bed, so... so Qingqing replaced Xiaoyu first. Thank you."

  Chen Mo didn\'t say much.

   "Well, you guys rest first, I will leave first!"

   Chen Mo said.

   "Young Master Chenmo and so on."

   Ye Qingqing quickly called to Chen Mo.


   "Wait to clear it up!"

   Then Ye Qingqing ran inside and quickly ran out. She held a piece in her hand... No, half a piece of jade pendant, but even if it was half a piece, it felt like a piece.

  The whole body is pure white, even white enough to be transparent, half of the palm is as big as a semicircle, with incomprehensible patterns engraved on it, and the other half is put together to make a full circle.

Ye Qingqing looked a little bit reluctant, rubbed the jade pendant with his hand, and then handed it to Chen Mo, saying, "This has been with me since I have a memory. I heard from the family that this half piece of jade pendant was passed down from the family, but also Other very important functions, but I don’t know what they are. This is my most precious thing. Maybe it’s not very useful to you, Mr. Chen Mo, but this is the only thing Qingqing can think of. I\'ve returned Mr. Chen Mo\'s things."

   "Forget it...Since it is something very important to you, I don\'t want it!"

"No... I don\'t know what it is for, or even what jade it is, or what its name is. Maybe it can be more useful in Master Chenmo\'s hands. I beg Master Chenmo to receive it. Go!"

  Chen Mo hesitated for a moment and then took it.

  "Ding...Congratulations on completing the five ultimate hidden missions to rescue Ye Yu. The mission rewards the heaven and earth Liangyiyu (Tianyu)."

  Chen Mo raised his brows.

  The jade of heaven and earth? It sounds like quite powerful.

The Heaven and Earth Liangyi Jade (Sky Jade) is of the Heaven Forbidden level. Many years ago, a strong man brought countless heaven and earth spiritual objects, and invited the whole family of dwarves and several heavenly strong men. It took three years to create Two jade pendants, one is heaven jade, and the other is earth jade, which represents the sky and the earth, and has the power to reach the sky. The two jade pendants are connected with each other. When the two jade of the day and the earth are combined, the strength is increased by 100 billion times. It can rewrite the heaven and the earth, and at the same time, the heaven and earth Liangyi jade seems to be the key to a miracle, but it is not known what miracle it represents~www.novelhall.com~ When the Tiandi Liangyi jade merges, it stimulates all its power.

The skill celestial phenomena, Tianyu, has the power to rewrite the sky, releasing all the power of heaven and earth absorbed by Tianyu, rewriting the celestial phenomena, thunderous, heavy rain, heavy snow, scorching sun... It can control the intensity, quantity, range, and highest range of the celestial phenomena. The sky is on the mainland. The current day energy is 1100, the maximum range that can be created is 20 kilometers.

  Chen Mo "……"

  After Chen Mo found out the attributes of this jade, he almost lost it!

  The existence of Heavenly Forbidden Level!

  Actually, Chen Mo was not too surprised with the secret disk, but when Chen Mo saw the introduction, he was completely shocked!

  Heaven jade and earth jade, after the merger, it becomes the two jade of heaven and earth. When the two jade pendants are merged, their power will increase hundreds of billions of times, rewriting heaven and earth!

  Chen Mo didn’t know what it meant to rewrite Tiandi, what it meant, and what he could do. Then after he saw the sky, he knew it!

  Don’t say it is the jade of heaven and earth, even if it is only one hundred billionth of the power of the jade of heaven and earth, it can rewrite the astronomical phenomenon and the weather! Chen Mo wants a thunderstorm or a sunny day or a cloudy day, and even this jade pendant is enough!

  Be reasonable, can all the most powerful skills change nature? Man will conquer man, but will he prevail?