I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1321: Savior

"I can release the ultimate move infinitely (

Chen Mo is back, and everyone doesn\'t know what he was doing, but everyone just feels that Chen Mo has become very different now!

I can\'t tell where it is different. It seems to be more restrained and calmer, as if... not a mortal.

That\'s right!

Chen Mo is indeed not a mortal!

Now he has become a **** in a sense!

To what extent does it exist?

It is the strongest level in Tianlin, it may be the existence of the Moon God level to the next level or several levels!

She helped herself, and Chen Mo also knew her name, her name was Xiao Xi.

Of course, Chen Mo doesn\'t know the real name, anyway, she said she just called her Xiao Xi.

Now Chen Mo\'s approximate strength is...um...maybe he has become a creation god? Anyway, if Chen Mo had full power, he should be able to destroy Tianlin. He was indeed a **** in a certain sense.

But Xiao Xi told him that his current existence of this kind of power is not particularly powerful among gods. If he adds his Shura power, it should be relatively top, but it is still impossible to compare with her mother. , Although Chen Mo is a god, he is not yet a **** of Shura.

But Xiao Xi said that because he has the sword of disaster, the number one existence in the universe, if this power is added, there are rules, and he can\'t help but give it a try!

And... Xiao Xi also helped Ye and Yingying to upgrade to Chen Mo\'s past!

Once, there was a person who defeated her with Taihuang Yongye, Taiyin Youying and Sunlight. Now, Chen Mo may need to take Taihuang Yongye and Taiyin Youying to try!

History will eventually repeat itself, but no one knows what the final outcome will be.

Now, Chen Mo has no way to find the final law to bring him and the sword of disaster to the final promotion, and he has no time.

This is impossible to find. According to Xiao Xi\'s words, the Twelve Laws and the Law of the Mind are ranked first. Chen Mo is a little unable to understand why the mind is ranked first? Death, killing, soul, these seem to be stronger.

What she said was that because of the laws of the mind, he was once a god.

Then Chen Mo might understand!

She said that if you can find it, you must find it, because the law of mind returns, the power of the sword of disaster will increase thousands of times, but if it can\'t be found, there is really no way! Because once, she said, when that person defeated her mother, the law of mind was not returned! So you can give it a try.

It is said that the law of the mind has never been returned to its place. The sword of disaster was originally created by that person. The twelve laws are also the power created by him. However, it seems that for some reason, he did not return the law of the mind. There are laws of mind, but there is no return, even if there is no battle, as for this reason, no one knows.

Chen Mo stayed with Kexin and the others for a few days, and Chen Mo didn\'t know what to do these days. He wanted to find a rule, but he couldn\'t find it.

Chen Mo, the dwarf suit, is also on! Maybe he can put on this suit for the final battle!

Except for the mind, the law is all in place.

Everyone is still living as before. The battle between Human Race and Demon Race is still going on. It seems that there is nothing wrong. Chen Mo also didn\'t tell anyone what was wrong, including anyone around him.

Shui Shui...Chen Mo sent her back to the Shengguang Tianyihu clan, Long Xiaorou, Chen Mo also sent her back to the Shengyang clan, Linglong followed Yue Qianyao, Feng Xueling, Leng Xi, Mu Yao... ...Chen Mo also went to see them...Lin Xiaoyu, Nangong Yu, Chen Mo just sent them back to the underworld.


Chen Mo looked at an old man in front of him, and he stood there without moving for a long time.

Regarding the master, he also knows his identity, no matter what, he will always be Chen Mo\'s master!

"If I can succeed, I will definitely bring you back, Master."

Chen Mo turned and left.

"What\'s wrong with you?"

Yue Qianyao looked at Chen Mo, who was worried, and slowly walked behind him and hugged him.

Chen Mo gently held her hand.


Yue Qianyao said softly, "Actually, I probably all know it."

Chen Mo turned to look at her, and Yue Qianyao looked up at Chen Mo.

"No matter what, I will support you, no matter the ending, I will accompany you to the end."

Chen Mo nodded and hugged her into his arms.

"But... no matter what, you can\'t make everyone worry, your thoughts are already written on your face."

Chen Mo said: "Um...I know."

"Let’s go out and have a good meal together, let’s have fun..."

"it is good."

"Um... then I\'ll go to inform everyone."

After Yue Qianyao finished speaking, she let go of Chen Mo and then went offline and disappeared in place!

Chen Mo took a deep breath.

"Little Dream?"

His eyes saw the little dream standing not far away.

Xiao Meng came over.


She hugged Chen Mo lightly, and buried her head in Chen Mo\'s arms.

"what happened?"

Chen Mo gently rubbed her little head. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Chen Mo didn’t tell anyone about this, Xiao Meng’s words... Chen Mo thought she didn’t know, because now Chen Mo is no longer a mortal, he has become a divine body, he is already a god, he doesn’t think little Meng can even peep into the heart of God.

"No... just... miss everyone."

Xiao Meng\'s voice was slightly crying, and the hands holding Chen Mo became harder and harder, as if she didn\'t want to let go at all.

"If you miss everyone, then I will take you to find everyone to play."

Chen Mo rubbed her hair.

"no thanks……"

Xiao Meng let go of Chen Mo.

"Don\'t tell my brother, Xiao Meng is offline, didn\'t I mean to go out to play."

Chen Mo smiled and nodded; "Well, wear beautiful clothes off the assembly line. Let\'s go out and have fun."


Then Xiao Meng went offline.

Chen Mo stood there, looking at the mountains and cliffs in the distance.

What can he do these days? Only company.

The war between the human race and the monster race has not ended for a long time, but no matter what the outcome is, these may not matter anymore.


Chen Mo thought of Ye Yuhan.

"Sorry, I couldn\'t do it in the end..."

Chen Mo looked into the distance.

"But don\'t worry, if I can come back, if this world can still exist, then I must have the ability to let you come back, if this world doesn\'t exist anymore... Then... I will look for you too."

Chen Mo finally knew what the so-called predicted cosmic catastrophe that Long Yang said was!

Tianlin, the so-called virtual online game, including the existence of many planets, is to have a better chance to find a savior, and Chen Mo somehow became the so-called savior.