I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1296: Mentality exploded

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The barrier is shattered!

The corner of Di Tian\'s mouth slightly tick!


It must be great tonight!

"Yue Qianyao, don\'t you come out yet? Do you think hiding is useful? The barrier is not broken, you should have seen it?"

Di Tian walked in directly, and the other people completely sealed off the surroundings!

"Yue Qianyao! Come out!"

Ditian walked in and shouted!

a long time……


Di Tian rushed out!

"where is the guy!?"

He shouted!


Seeing this scene, the people looked at each other.

"God, the man is gone?"

"No! No one is gone!"

Di Tian is a little confused!

"Impossible! It\'s impossible that people are gone! How could they run out? This is absolutely impossible!"

"Yeah, if she can run out, why should she be trapped here for so many years? And we really haven\'t seen anything wrong!"

"Tianjin, would they still be hiding in there? They just didn\'t find it, waiting for the opportunity to run out?"

Ditian\'s eyes condensed, and said: "Everyone, go in and find me, take out all the spirit tools! Come and look for the enchantment!"


Then they looked around, and they really didn\'t find it!


Di Tian clenched his fists.

His mentality exploded!

What\'s happening here? How is this going? People? Why are people missing? Why is the person missing this time? Why?

What happened when he came out from there, but when he thought he was going to get Yue Qianyao, something happened?

Ran! She definitely ran away! I can\'t find all kinds of methods. This is absolutely impossible. As long as they are here, they will definitely be found. Now they are really not found!

"Could it be that it ran away at the moment when the barrier was broken?"

Ditian\'s eyes condensed!

"That\'s impossible! She definitely doesn\'t have this ability, and we have so many people around, it is impossible for her to run away silently!"

Ditian clenched his fists!

"That\'s impossible, they ran away while the barrier was still there?"

Yeah, Ditian couldn\'t understand it, it couldn\'t be so, right?

"Nothing really happened these days?"

There is a possibility that the barrier was closed, they ran away, and these people didn\'t find it!

However, this is impossible! How could they not find out? Unless these people outside collude with them? This is also impossible!

grass! what is going on!

His mentality exploded!

After so many people died, he also experienced this kind of danger. In exchange, Yue Qianyao didn\'t know how to run away?

Damn it! !

The mentality completely exploded.

"Find! Find me!!"

"Yes Yes!"

Ditian clenched his fists tightly!


He roared angrily!

He is really uncomfortable now!

After so many years, he waited for this day, waited for this day, and then...



"Yue Qianyao! Yue Qianyao! I won\'t let you go! You can\'t run away, you absolutely can\'t run away!"

Di Tian clenched his fists.

But he never thought that Yue Qianyao was in the Yaozu. 52 Novels

He couldn\'t find them even if he searched through the human race.


And Chen Mo and the others have been with Xue Yao\'s heart this week!

It\'s also alive and happy.

That night, when Di Tian was mad, Chen Mo stood there in a daze.

It\'s not a daze, he is thinking about something, he is thinking about what to do later!

He knows what to do. Go to the Temple of Heaven, find Di Tian, ​​and get his Heaven Sword, but...how to do it?

Yue Qianyao\'s figure came over and stood beside Chen Mo.

"What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking, how can I get the other half of the law."

Chen Mo turned to look at her and said.

Yue Qianyao looked at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes.

"I believe you."

Chen Mo smiled and said, "But, I don\'t know what to do at all."

Yue Qianyao looked into the distance and said, "Actually I don\'t want you to go."


Yue Qianyao said: "That is their territory, and there are countless strong people, and there are many methods. Moreover, what you are looking for is the Heavenly God Sword, the most difficult thing to obtain, and it was brought by him personally. In other words, if you want to get the Heavenly God Sword, you need to face the real characters in the Heavenly God Temple."

Chen Mo said, "I know, but I also have an advantage."

Yue Qianyao is very smart, of course she knows what Chen Mo\'s advantage is.

"Your advantage is that they will never expect that you will pass."

Chen Mo nodded; "Yes! And I have a very strong ability to disguise, I think...I have a way."

Chen Mo\'s eyes lit up!

The most important thing now is how he should approach that Emperor Heaven, and how should he do it after approaching the Emperor Heaven...

But now, the key is to get close to Ditian and know where he lives!

Then, Chen Mo knew what to do.

"Qianyao, you draw me some of the main topography and location of the Tianshen Temple."

Yue Qianyao nodded: "But I can\'t be sure about one thing, because after all, many years have passed, whether there will be some changes in the Tianshen Temple."

"Even if there is, it is only a small amount of change. I only need the general terrain."


Yue Qianyao then drew a picture for Chen Mo.

Yue Qianyao is definitely not a simple character, her intelligence, her talents are absolutely against the sky, for so long, although she has never memorized these things, but for her, it is simply too simple Thing.

Chen Mo studied carefully.

"What do you want to do?"



Yue Qianyao pondered slightly.

It was not impossible, and she believed Chen Mo, as long as he did it, he would be able to succeed, at least... he had the confidence.

"Don\'t worry, at least I have free magic stone. Even if something goes wrong, at least I can retreat with my whole body, and they should not expect me to have free magic stone."

Chen Mo said.

Yue Qianyao nodded; "Be careful."

She arranged clothes for Chen Mo.

"Well, then I\'m going now..."

"Go now?"

Chen Mo nodded.

"Be careful."


Chen Mo then left ~www.novelhall.com~ Yue Qianyao put her hands on her chest and looked worriedly.

Although she believed in Chen Mo, she was really worried. After all, she knew where he was going and who he had to face.

Xue Yaoxin walked over, stood beside her, looked into the distance, and said, "Just choose to believe it."

"Well, I have always believed in him."

"Go back, wait for him to come back, he will be able to guarantee safety if he has free magic stone."


On the other side, Chen Mo directly used the empty magic stone to come to a place not far from the Jiutian Temple, saving a lot of time!

Next is the key!

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