I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1283: law

Upon hearing Chen Mo\'s words, the girl was taken aback.

"There are some spirit weapons, but for the older sister, does Young Master Chen want to use it? I can go to the older sister and ask, but not necessarily."

Chen Mo said: "Then I will go, where is she?"

"It\'s in the back garden."

"Thanks a lot."

Chen Mo then hurried over!

Xue Yaoxin was sitting there, flipping through the ancient books, then raised her head and glanced.


Chen Mo gave a fist.

"Something to say."

Chen Mo said: "I don\'t know if seniors have time-like spirit tools. My time is relatively short, so I want to see if I can, it\'s a good thing to cultivate there."

"Well, one day outside, three months inside, I use more, so I use half a month at most."

Chen Mo\'s eyes lit up.

He also thought that one day outside, three days inside, three months directly.

For half a month, that would be...forty-five months! That is nearly four years!

That\'s great news!

"Then can I use it?" Chen Mo asked.

"Of course you can, use it!"

Then she stretched out her hand, and something similar to the secret disk flew into Chen Mo\'s hand.

"Thank you senior!"

Chen Mo then took things and walked away.

"Sister, why should you be so good to him?"

A girl came over and asked suspiciously.

"It just feels special."

Xue Yao said lightly.

"Is it his power? But doesn\'t the elder sister already know what his power is?"

"Look again, I want to see what kind of strength he will have in the future."


Four years have passed.

To be precise, it is four years for Chen Mo, and half a month for others and the outside world!

Rouxian, Sanxian, Jinxian, Daluo Jinxian, Earthxian, Tianxian, Daluo Tianxian, this is the current level, above Daluo Tianxian, but in the past four years, Chen Mo\'s improvement is really fast ,a lot of!

Because among the spirit tools at that time, Chen Mo also used an unknown number of Tianlin\'s top heaven and earth spirits, and they improved very quickly!

After half a month, Chen Mo came out!


He took a deep breath.

This feeling of strength is really good!

It is really thanks to her, otherwise, Chen Mo really does not know how much he can improve!

Chen Mo is not worried about upgrading, what he is worried about is not enough time!

Now, time should be enough!

"Eldest sister, Master Chen is out."

Xue Yaoxin sat there drinking tea and nodded, Chen Mo came over!

"Thank you senior!"

Chen Mo gave a fist, then handed it over.

"What realm has the cultivation level been upgraded to?"

Xue Yao asked lightly.

"It should have reached Da Luo Jinxian."

Chen Mo said.

She paused slightly when she was drinking tea.

"Release to the deity to see."

Chen Mo then released his aura.

Xue Yaoxin: "..."

Is it really Da Luo Jinxian?

To be honest, he was promoted from Flesh Immortal to Da Luo Jinxian for four years there. This speed is unimaginable! He directly crossed Sanxian and Jinxian?

too fast!


She heard... he didn\'t use any of her resources!

how did you do that?

Could it be that he himself has heaven and earth spiritual things?

Isn\'t it possible? If he has, why is he still in that state? It was the flesh fairy realm that was only advanced by refining and absorbing the powerful demon pill.

Is this the power of Shura?

It\'s scary.

"Daluo Jinxian\'s late stage, the horror will soon be promoted to the earth fairy."

Xue Yao said lightly.

"So I want to ask Senior, what is my level in the God Realm?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Mid-upper, but... there are many people who are higher than your level, so don\'t think your level is too high."

Xue Yao said lightly.

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

He can think of it.

"Where is the shrine that day?"

"Tenjin Temple? Are you going to Tenjin Temple?"

Xue Yao\'s beautiful eyes looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo nodded.

"Then you won\'t be enough if you are a hundred times stronger."

She took a sip of tea and said.

Chen Mo scratched his head: "I didn\'t go to destroy the Tianshen Palace, I just wanted to protect myself."

"Self-protection is not enough, but if you have a free magic stone, self-preservation is still okay! As long as you are not killed by a spike."

"What about saving people?"

"Save people? Are you going to save people?"

Chen Mo nodded.


"I do not know either."

Xue Yao gave Chen Mo a weird look.

"I only know what she seems to be...in the Nine Heaven Hall."

"Nine Heaven Palace..."

Xueyao frowned!

"Xin\'er, that is Yue Qianyao\'s palace, right?"

She asked a woman next to her.

"Yes, eldest sister, that is Yue Qianyao."

Chen Mo frowned.

"Senior knows who is there?"

Xueyao looked at Chen Mo with heart: "Why are you going there to rescue her?"

Chen Mo said: "I don\'t know, someone asked me to go, and I just want to come to God Realm for some things, just as she helped me, I saved people and paid her favor."

"Looking for someone to save people, looking for someone who didn\'t even have a meat immortal cultivation base at that time?"

Xue Yao looked at Chen Mo strangely. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"I don\'t understand, maybe the situation was very urgent at the time, and she couldn\'t find someone casually?"

Chen Mo said.

In fact, Chen Mo remembered what the girl said, even she called her own grandfather, but Chen Mo didn\'t want to say this, because Chen Mo was not sure.

Then Chen Mo asked, "Senior, who is the person in the Temple of Nine Heavens?"

"It\'s Yue Qianyao, who is known as the number one goddess in the God Realm. Although she is not a member of the same clan, the deity has heard of her great name. She became famous when she was young, but later encountered some troubles."

"What\'s the trouble?"

"The specific deity is not too clear. What I know is... She seems to be locked up in the Nine Heaven Hall because of some mistake. It should have been for many years, a thousand years."

"A thousand years..."

Chen Mo frowned.

"But for her, a thousand years is just ten years for an ordinary person. Even if you live in a realm of more than a thousand years, maybe... the days of being locked up are tormenting. If you want to save her, it will be difficult to reach the sky. It\'s the high level of the Tenjin Palace, and even seems to be an order from the deity."

Chen Mo said: "Am I right now in the sky? It\'s nothing difficult."

Xue Yao shook her head gently and took a sip of tea.

"If you are not afraid of death, just do it with you, at least there is an empty magic stone, you can save your life, but it is not so easy to save people, and it is even more difficult to save people after one failure."

Chen Mo nodded; "I understand the truth."


"By the way, senior, do you know that there are laws in the God Realm?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Yes, why? Is it possible that you are here to find the law?"

She glanced at Chen Mo.

At this young age, what he has and what he has done is outrageous.

It\'s really outrageous!

Chen Mo nodded. ()