I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1281: Successful integration

The world where Chen Mo lives is the Sky Blue Star. Compared to this, Sky Blue Star is a low-level plane!

This kind of thing is a **** in Chen Mo\'s eyes!

Fortunately, Chen Mo had come into contact with a lot of top-notch things in the game, so he took a sip of this. In fact, Chen Mo was still able to accept it. There was not much shock in his heart!

A warm current poured into his body, and Chen Mo\'s body was very comfortable and comfortable! The pain gradually disappeared.

"Where did it come from?"

The woman asked faintly.

"Sky Blue Star."

She is her own lifesaver, some things Chen Mo will not deliberately conceal, especially this kind of possibly irrelevant thing.

"I ascended? No, your realm is only the flesh fairy who has just been promoted, so you didn\'t ascend."

She was surprised!

Not soaring up? She originally thought he was an aboriginal here, so the realm is not necessarily high!

But it was strange that he said he came from the sky blue star.

"No, it came up through other means."

Chen Mo said.

"That\'s the help of someone from the God Realm?"

Chen Mo nodded: "Almost."

This also surprised her, she was not from the God Realm yet.

But it doesn\'t matter now, because of his particularity.

"Thank you, senior, for saving me, but I may not have anything too repayable now, right."

Chen Mo thought of something, and then took out a little empty magic stone!

"This is an empty magic stone, please accept it."

The woman took it and felt the powerful space power, moving slightly under the veil!

"Empty Magic Stone! Where did you come from?"

"Acquired by accident."

She gave Chen Mo a weird look.

Picked it up accidentally? Why is it so lucky? This thing has been extinct for many years!

"The deity accepted this thing."

This thing is very useful to her, for her future plans, even if it is to protect her own life and the lives of others!

Chen Mo nodded.

"This thing is not worth mentioning compared to the grace of life-saving!"

"Okay, you don\'t need to say anything like saviour, what is your name?"

"Chen Mo."

The woman took a sip of tea and asked faintly: "What do you feel the power in your body has transformed into now?"

"Huh? What do you mean? I just feel that my realm has improved a lot, and the others have no special feelings."

"Do you remember what you did before you passed out?"

Chen Mo thought for a while, and was suddenly startled.

"I\'m absorbing the demon pill."

"The demon pill is fused. This is a very rare phenomenon, and after you absorbed it, you successfully survived. Then, the deity wants to see what kind of situation you are, and see if you can communicate. The power of the demon pill fused in your body, release its power!"

This Chen Mo hasn\'t tried it yet.

"Let me try."

Chen Mo then sat there and closed his eyes and began to meditate.

For a long time, Chen Mo was surrounded by a powerful force.

The woman sat there and watched carefully.

"It seems that he still made it."

The woman groaned slightly.

His situation is the third one, not only has he survived, but he has also gained the special power of fusing the demon pill!

As for what this special power is, it seems to be an increasing power at the moment, but it may only be one of the powers.

Chen Mo\'s aura kept rising, and then he put away his aura, showing a surprised expression.

"how is it?"

The woman asked.

"I feel it, I have gained some strength, and if I force my power, I will get a full attribute increase of about two to five times!"

The woman nodded; "This increase belongs to a very top power, and what else?"

"It seems... there is still a feeling that a hundred poison is not invaded."

"Anything else?"

"I think there is another, absolute defense."

Chen Mo said.

"Absolute defense?"

Chen Mo said: "It\'s just my feeling, as if... no matter how strong I can block it, it won\'t hurt."

The woman looked at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes.


Chen Mo nodded; "Okay!"

Then Chen Mo released the power of absolute defense!

The woman felt it carefully.


In the next instant, she gathered a terrible force and threw it towards Chen Mo.


The terrible power exploded, and Chen Mo had nothing to do!

"It seems that it is really an absolute defense!"

The woman muttered to herself!

Chen Mo felt the power just now...

She... what realm is she? This casual power made him feel a heart-wrenching feeling.

"Your strength should be able to defend against attacks of any level, but it should consume a lot of spiritual power, right?"

Chen Mo nodded: "It\'s a lot."

"Very strong power! It should come from the Titan Great Ape, but... because of the fusion of Demon Pills and your good luck, these effects have undergone several times of powerful changes, causing you to even ignore the realm for absolute defense. !"

The woman said lightly!

What a surprising result! But I have to say ~www.novelhall.com~ as long as he is talented and not bad in understanding, this unimaginable special ability will definitely make him a very high position in the future.

Chen Mo put his aura away, and said: "I don\'t know who the senior is? Where is this place?"


She glanced at Chen Mo.

"You don\'t seem surprised."

Chen Mo said: "I experienced this situation in the Monster Beast domain, so it is reasonable to be rescued by the Monster Clan."

"As for what place it is... the monster beast domain of the eighth heaven."

Chen Mo: "..."

"The eighth heaven?"

Chen Mo opened his mouth.

"Well, what\'s the matter?"

Chen Mo said: "It is said that if the Yaozu wants to go to a higher heaven, they have to pass some special routes, but if you want to reach the eighth heaven, you need a very high realm..."

"Do you want to go back?"

Chen Mo shook his head; "No, no, I just want to go to the ninth horizon, and the seniors have to thank you for taking me to the eighth horizon."

"The ninth heaven? Your realm is so low, what are you going to do there?"

"There is a reason to go."

Chen Mo said.

The woman nodded slightly.

"Then where am I now?"

Chen Mo asked suspiciously.

"You will know later."

Chen Mo nodded, then thought of something, and asked: "I don\'t know why seniors want to save me? Especially I am still a human being."

This is very puzzled by Chen Mo.

Fancy your own body? Isn\'t that pure nonsense? But to save yourself, it must be because there is something she is interested in.

"At first it was because of the fusion of demon pills, and later because of a power in your body. Tell the deity what is going on with that power in your body, where does it come from, and what power is it?"

The woman asked lightly, ()